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Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus



the emergence

Alumni dialogue

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Cotnpendium U N I V E R S I T Y C A L E N D A R

Apr. 21-22. Meeting of Ad­visory Councils of Colleges of Business Administration, Science, Engineering and the Library. May 2. Senior Class Din­ner sponsored by the Alumni Association. May 3-7. Meeting of Alum­ni Board and Senate. May 5-S, Meeting of Ad­visory Councils of the Col­lege of Arts and Letters and Law School. May S-S, Meeting of Board of Lay Trustees. May S, Old-Timers Game. May 17, Presidential Re­view—Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC. May 19-20, Low Assn. Di­rectors Meeting. May 23, Last Class Day. May 24-31, Final Exams. June 2-3, Senior Class Day Exercises. June 4. Commencement. June 9-11. Class Reunions.

THE ARTS Apr. 4-15, First Annual Fes­tival of Contemporary Arts, sponsored by the ND Cul­tural C o m m i s s i o n a n d South Bend businessmen, the event will feature poetry, music, dance, the­ater and films. University Band, Concert, Stepon Center, Apr. 7. Northern European Art, the Permanent Collection, East Gallery, O ' S h a u g h n e s s y Hall, Apr. 9-May 2. Folk Festival, Stepon Cen­ter, Apr. 14-16. Irwin Dmer, Viola Concert, Library Audit., Apr. 19. Hans-Martin Linde, Record­er Concert, Library Audit., Apr. 28. "How To Succeed in Busi­ness Without Beally Try­ing," N D - S M C Theatre, O'Loughlin Audit, May 4-7 and 11-13. Student Show, DepL of Art,

East Gallery, O'Shaugh­nessy Hall, May 9-Iune 9.

BOOKS Baymond C. Gutschidc proL of geology, "Bedrock Geology," in Indiana Ses-quicentennial Volume of "Natural Features of In­diana, 1966." Frederick Gusherst '46, ed., "The Quotable Fulton J. Sheen," a collection of over 1,000 of Bishop Sheen's quotations, Droke House, $4.95. John W. Houck '54. asst. prof, of bus. and A. Ed­ward Manier '53, a s s t prof, of phiL, ed., "Academic Freedom and the Catholic University," a collection of papers given at the ND symposivmi on academic freedom held last April, Fides Publishers. William T. l iu , proL of soc., ed., "Chinese Society Un­der Communism: A Read­er," a comprehensive treat­ment of social patterns in modern China, Jan., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Bev. Thomas T. McAvoy CSC '25, University archi­vist, "Father C H a r a of Notre Dame," a compre­hensive biography of the late Cardinal - Archbishop of Philadelphia, UND Press. Bev. Timothy McCarthy OP (John Joseph McCarthy '58), "The Postconciliar Chris­tian," a full-length treat­ment of the priesthood of the laity, April, P. J. Ken­edy & Sons.


Apr. 1, River Bend National Secretaries Assn. Conf. Apr. 7-9, Indiana Chapter American College of Sur­geons. Apr. 9-10, Bishops Liturgi­cal Commission, a meeting of US Bishops sponsored

by the Dept of Theology's Grad. Prog, in Liturgical Studies. Apr. 11, South Bend Junior League Seminar. Apr. 15. Adult Education Assn. Indiana ConL Apr. 27-29. Ohio Valley Conf. sponsored by the Dept of Soc. May 2-4, Professioncd Edu­cators as Supervisors ConL May 4, Priests in Contem­porary Society, a national meeting to examine priest­ly vocations, education and counselling, sponsored by Theo. Dept and College Seminary Dept May 8-10, Human Sdences & the Church Conf., a na­tional meeting of Protestant ministers. May 11, South Bend Estate Planning Council ConL May 12, Frontiers of US R e g i o n a l Development Planning Conf. May Zl, Indiana Civil Rights Commission Conf. Moy 22-24. National Coun­cil of Catholic Women Re­gional Training Inst

F A C U L T Y John T. Canty, instr. Gen­eral Program, awarded a National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Fel­lowship to study at Oxford U., England during 1968. ProL Vincent P. DeSontis, history dept head, award­ed a Fulbright Fellowship to lecture in American po­litical history in Italy. Dr. Bobert "E. (Sordon. proL of bio. and dep t head, elected chairman of the board of directors of the Council on Biologiccd Sd­ences Information. Thomas J. Jemielty, a s s t prof, of English, awarded a fellowship by the Na­tional Foundation on the Arts and Humanities for work on a book dealing with Samuel Johnson. Nicholas Lobkowics, a s -

soc. prof, of phil., awarded a senior fellowship by the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities for work on his book "Theory and Practice from Marx to Contemporary So­viet Philosophy."

G R A N T S Aerospace E n g i n e e r i n g , $15,000 from Naval V/eap-ons Lab for research in basic dynamics and fluid mechanics of free flight under the direction of Dr. Jolm Nicolaides, prof, of aerospace engr. Center for the Study of Man in Contemporary So­ciety. $125,000 from AID for study of family and fer­tility changes in Latin America under the direc­tion of Donald N. Barrett ass t prof, of soc. Chemistry Department . $72,430 from NSF for sum­mer institute for chemistry teachers under the direc­tion of Dr. Emil T. Hofman, assoc. prot of chem. Chemistry D e p a r t m e n t . $35,000 from NSF for chem­istry equipment under the direction of Dr. Ernest Eliel, dept head.

Chemistry D e p a r t m e n t , $40,000 from NASA for re­search on polymers under the direction of Dr. G. Frank D'Alelio, research prof, of chem. Badiation Lab, $1,055,830 from the AEC for continued research on the effects of radiation on matter under the direction of Dr. Milton Burton, prof, of chem. Badiation L a b o r a t o r y . $4,500 from AEC for work on the fifth international conference on the current of radiation chemistry of water under the direction of Dr. Milton Burton, prof, of chem.

Economics D e p a r t m e n t , $7,819 from US Office of Education for a conference

annixal alumni seminar

Notre name^s Second Annual Alumni Seminar will be launched at noon on June 8, exploring in depth recent changes in today's Church. Open to all Alumni, the 24-hour seminar will be held in the Center for Continuing Education. Details of the program appear on page 20 of this issue.

on financial accounting for local and state school sys­tems under the direction of Rev. Ernest I. Bartell CSC, asst. prof, of econ. Education Department, four fellowships from the Office oi Education for graduate study in secondary educa­tion during the next two academic years. Education D e p a r t m e n t . $44,800 from Office of Edu­cation f o r prospective teacher fellov/ships under the direction of Dr. Donald Wehmeyer, ass t prof, of ed. Electrical Engineering De­partment, $10,000 f r o m NASA for computer-aided design and analysis of cir­cuits and systems under the direction of Dr. Eugene Henry, assoc. prof, of elec. engr. Geology D e p a r t m e n t , $38,270 from NSF for sum­mer institute for general science teachers under the direction of Rev. Michael Murphy CSC, assoc. prof, of geol. History Depariment$154,000 from Office of Education for experienced teacher fel­lowship program in the his­tory of world civilization under the direction of Dr. Robert Bums, assoc. prot of history. History Department. $7,500 from Office of Education for summer institute for ad­vanced study in history under the direction of Dr. Samuel Shapiro, assoc. prof, of hist. Law School Legal Aid and Defender Assn., $3,675 from the Council on Professional Responsibility of the Assn. of American Law Schools to cover travel, investiga­tive and office expenses of volunteer law students. Mathematics Department. $171,900 from NSF for in­stitute for secondary teach­ers of math under the di­rection of Dr. Abraham Goetz, assoc. prof, of math. Mechanical Engineering. $5,000 from E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co. for advancing the teaching of mech. engr., under the direction of Dr. Edward Jerger, proi of mech. engr.

Mechanical Engineering Department $1,050 from Trane Co. for research equipment under the direc­tion of Dr. Edward Jerger, prof, of mech. engr. Mechanical E n g i n e e r i n g Department $6,000 from the CTS Corp. for research equipment under the direc­tion of Dr. Jerome Novotny. asst. prof, of mech. engr. Metallurgical Engineering. $1,000 grant-in-aid from

Welding Research Council of Engineering Foundation under the direction of Dr. Nicholas Fiore, ass t prof, of me t engr. Microbiology Department. $14,226 from NIH for study of flora and specific im­munization in dental caries under the direction of Dr. Morris Wagner, assoc. prof, of microbio. Microbiology Department $25,413 from NIH for factor affecting germfree choles­terol metabolism under the direction of Dr. Bernard Wostmann, prof, of mi­crobio. Microbiology Department $19,760 from NIH for study of intestinal transport in axenic animals under the direction of Dr. TomooH Asano, ass t proL of mi­crobio. SGcrobiology Department $12,156 for study of oxida­tive metabolism in inor­ganic compounds under the direction of Dr. Ronald Downey, a s s t prof, of microbio. Modem Language Depart­ment $7,500 from Office of Education for summer lan­guage institute for French teachers under the direc­tion of Dr. Charles E. Par-nell, assoc. prof, of mod. long. Physics Department $41,490 for summer institute for physics teachers under the direction of Dr. Robert An­thony, prof, of physics.

L E C T U R E S Academic Commission Lec­ture. Rt Rev. James Pike, Episcopal bishop. Library Audit, Apr. 10. Challenges in Sdence Lec­ture. Dr. Frederick D. Ros­sini, Dean, College of Science, CCE, Apr. 17. Conference on S t u d e n t Stress, Student Govern­ment Library Audit, Apr. 21-23. Academic Commission Lec­ture. Drew Pearson, Libra­ry Audit, Apr. 25. Cardinal CHara Memorial Lecture. Prof. Manning Nash, Library Audit, Apr. 25. Academic Commission Lec­ture. Newton B. Minow, Library Audit, May 4. Seminar on American Edu­cation. Dr. Robert Has-senger, ass t prot of soc . Law Audit, Apr. 23 and 30 and May 7 and 14. Senior Class Academic Commission. Albert C. Cut­ler, Library Audit, May 8. Collegiate Seminar Lecture. Dr. Donald Costello, ass t prot of English, "La Dolce Vita," Library Audit, May 16.

Atuntni Ask Bevive "Xost Imog*'' TO THE EDITOR: I was particularly delighted to read again "The Lost Image" by Bud Dudley. I have heard Bud's mes­sage several times, and it still reads as well as it did when I first saw it in print back in the early 1960s. I can assure you that this has struck sparks from every audience to whom it has been directed and has reflected great credit on Bud as a father, as an American and as a Christian gentleman — all of which add up to an essential description of a real Notre Dame Man. John P. Dempsey '49

Philadelphia, Pa.

TO THE EDITOR: Congratulations on the wonderful piece of satire in the current issue of the ALUMNUS. I'm referring of course to "The Lost Image" by one Ambrose F. Dudley. The message is perfect: an alien philosophy has crept into the curriculum (Eden's serpent) driving young athletes from their preternatural roles as campus leaders and cor­rupting those lesser creatures (sissy intellectuals) who secretly want to b e athletes themselves but who, under the evil influence of unpatriotic professors, refuse to pray in the snow or revere their Founding Fathers. Now the answer to this crisis is to hove all the Bill Bradleys of the world unite; they must turn out those unwashed, un-Ameri-cans (faculty, too?) who defile American womanhood with dirty words and dare question our country's divine mandate to right the wrongs of the world. It all reads like a spooL

Kenneth L. Woodward '57 Ossining, N.Y.

TO THE EDITOR: I want to thank you for giving the new president of the Alumni Assn. a forum in which to present his diagnoses of higher education and collegiate atUetics. The spectacle is so appalling and will give such aid and comfort to those who deride the University for sacrificing academic quality to big-time athletic competition that I must urge the editor of the ALUMNUS, acting as a spokes­man for all responsible and concerned Alumni, to repudiate this article as representative of the sentiments of Associa­tion members. It should b e made explicit that it is the opinion of a single individual who speaks solely for himself.

Howard J. Dooley '66 Pittsburgh, Pa.

TO THE EDITOR: Three rousing, sustained cheers for Mr. Bud Dudley's article in the January-February ALUMNUS. I am genuinely proud that the University I attend produces individuals of his caUber. I also beUeve that, despite the tiny, noisy and powerful minority of placarding protestors at Notre Dame and elsewhere, most college students have a deep and abiding love for their country. The leaders of tomorrow are those who are thinking today, not those who, in the infinite wisdom they have acquired in the 20 or so years they hove lived on this earth, get up on a soapboz and tell the world why it is all wrong. . . . For my part, I hope I develop in my years as a student, and afterwards, the moving sincerity and sound good sense which Mr. Dudley displayed in his article. Joel Connelly '69

237 Farley HaU

TO THE EDITOR: Let us indeed preserve what we hove at our university and in our coimtry. But let us not b e afraid of accusations of disloyalty in facing new ideas and different currents of thought—even of facing "new type" students, possibly unshaven, who might bring them forth. One of the fimctions of a university, such a s Notre Dame, is the dispassionate examination of new ideas, not the hysterical condemnation of those who might hold them. . . . It just might be that we are doing better "in the game" a t Notre Dame and at other campuses these days than Mr. Dudley's scoreboard would indicate. And I trust this might also b e the view of Father Hesburgh, the Board of Trustees, the faculty and, hopefully, even of the Alunuii Association.

J. Albert Bailey '51 Walpole, Mass.

ED. NOTE: For more reaction to "The Lost Image" see p . 47.


A Speclacular or an Excgeralion? TO THE EDITOR: Recently, with pleasure and pride, I read about the changes taking place within the administrative echelons of the University. On the other hand, it -was with shock and disbelief that I listened to Walter Cronkite's CBS-TV news account of the recent relaxation of disciplinary rules on campus. Perhaps the interpretation of events by those students who were interviewed was exaggerated (e.g., girls in the dorms, late hours, alleged heavy drinking). At any rale, the TV news story marked (and somewhat caused) a very black day in Notre Dame's history. I would like to go on record with hopes that the "old lime" and customary and traditional Notre Dame order and discipline %v-ill be restored on campus. Francis J. Walter Jr. '54,

Major USA Falls Church, Va.

No Strings Attached TO THE EDITOR: What happened to Gregory J. Hobbs Jr. who wrote in the January-February issue of the ALUMNUS that he could not continue to contribute to Notre Dame "until football ceases to corrupt Notre Dame"? 'Tis sad indeed. There was no corruption when I worked my way through the University and there is none now. The athletic program has aided not only in education, spirit and co­operation, but also has been some financial odd to the school in several ways. It has brought thousands to the campus during the years — these people have come to love and respect ND. If God has given us the means to help others, let us not put strings that cry of corruption on them. James D. McQuaid '31

Vincennes, Ind.

Debate Still Lingers TO THE EDITOR: I completely disagree with the comments of F. C. Hochreiter on "Concepts of Academe" and feel I must reply. I am a teacher and an independent research worker. I consider that I do both reasonably well and I do not believe that I am exceptional by any means. I con­tend that my participation in research contributes sig­nificantly to my teaching of medical and graduate students in formal lectures, in student laboratories and in informal conferences. I also teach individual graduate and medical students in my own research laboratory. It is not possible to separate my research activities from this teaching. Both go on simultaneously and are too intimately interrelated to be divided. Most faculty research workers in universities throughout the country are involved in this type of teaching.

I agree that there are good teachers who do no research and many research workers who are miserable teachers but in my experience the best teachers are also research workers. I love both the "hats" I wear. I would not accept a position which required that I wear one to the exclusion of the other. Larry Sullivan '53

Kansas City, Kansas

Worse than a Wedding Date TO THE EDITOR: I read the press coverage of the twenty-year anniversary of student radio station WNDU with great interest. Both the SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE and ALUMNUS articles stated that the first station was started in 1944.

To correct the record, and give you the opportunity to have a silver anniversary in 1958, I refer you to the February 5, 1943 issue of the Scholastic. The cover and feature story in this issue shows WND in full operation from Alumni Hall and states that it operated from Walsh Hcdl during the previous year. Dan Tomcik '44

Buchanan, Mich.

Useful Item TO THE EDITOR: Yesterday, I received my copy of the fine calendar you sent to the Alumni. This I think is one of the best pieces of promotion sent out by the University. For years I have been buying a similar calendar for family use, because of the space where I can mark on each day the important reminders. As the parent of a student, I like the dates concerning classes, vacations, etc. I hope such a calendar is sent out every year.

Bernard A. Garber '28 Bedford Hills, N.Y.

from the manaffing

gfgMi-fg^w* Insti tutional anniversaries for the most par t concern tliem-

selves wi th the past. Obviously, it is an appropr ia te t ime to pay tribute to tlie principles and to recall fond memories. And, yet, it also is an oppor tune t ime to take stock of tha t same institution's present circ*mstance. I t is the lat ter concern which we t reat in our cont inuing stoiy of the University's 125th anniversary.

Originally, I intended to introduce in this issue a lead article featuring No t re Dame ' s presidents, 16 in all from Fa the r Edward Sorin to Fa the r Hesburgh. H o w ­ever, in the short t ime between editions of the A L U J I N U S , an even more pressing issue forced the presidental feature from pr ime feature space to a one-page spread opposite tliis column. Hopefully, Not re Dame ' s presidents also would agree tliat the rear range­m e n t was warran ted .

T h e reprint of Bud Dudley's " T h e Lost I m a g e " in the Januar>'-February issue stirred a response from Alumni tliat surprised even tlie most optimistic. O n previous occasions, o ther potentially explosive issues— the "Yellow Sheet," d ie change in d ie University's governance structure and odiers—drew little if any reaction. Significantly, a stand regarding the youtii of our t ime provided the fuel to inspire (or incite) m a n y Alumni to immerse themselves in dialogue wid i tlie University and each other.

Certainly, this is no t the first manifestation of Alumni involvement in the affairs of No t re D a m e . I n this issue alone, the A L U M N U S reports a record-giving year by Alumni ; participation greater t h a n ever before by Alumni in N D clubs around the globe; and an ever increasing interest in the Association's program of con­tinuing education. But now, paralleled in n o other program. Alumni also a re projecting their own thinking, their own experience, and their own image of w h a t N o t r e D a m e is today and wha t it should be tomorrow. I n reality, the emergence of Alumni dialogue opens a whole new dimension in alumni-universit) ' relations.

1967 a t No t re D a m e in p a r t will be known for tlie celebration of the University's 125th anniversary. But more impor tan t i t may be remembered longer for the unprecedented and still growing Alumni involvement in a university tha t yearns to grow even more in the ne.xt century a n d a quar ter .

I N D E X Cover Story 47

Alumni Ask I Law School 41 Classes Clubs Compendium Editorials

16 . . . . . . . . 42 Inside Cover


Photoany 60 Potpourri 6 Sports 56 Topside Briefs 14

The ALUMNUS is published bimonthly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dome, Ind. A65S6. Entered os second-class motter Oct. 1, 1939, at the post office, Notre Dame, Ind., under the act of Aug. 24, 1912.



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Mar. 1967 Apr. Vol. 45, No. 2

Open Window Poiiey For most of the years of its existence, the ALUMNUS, by conviction and by persuasion, avoided controversial material in a magazine which represents thousands of people with widely divergent views. I t stressed the unity and the progress that prevailed in their one great com­mon denominator — Notre Dame.

The age of change caught up w t h us. I n an era of articulation, with a great need for involvement and concern, it seemed that the requests to open the windows of the magazine were valid. With updated format, pro and con debates, and the reasonable reservation that the opinions expressed in the magazine (other than editorially identified or officially promulgated) are not necessarily those of the University, the Alumni Associa­tion or tile Alumni Office, we moved belatedly into the ideological mainstream. The move arose from change. I t reflects change. I t should be accepted with changed attitudes.

The personal vie\vpoints expressed by Association President Ambrose F. Dudley — not addressed to Notre Dame in fact — have brought out the existence of a concern, and the articulation of an involvement, that we had not actually gauged. I t is not essential to our point to treat the agreement or disagreement, the rights of the vwiters or any of the many relationships implicit in the particular dialogue.

What we are pleased with, and encouraged by, is the obviously strong and thoughtful attention which Alumni of different convictions are giving to Notre Dame and the Alumni Association through their magazine. Kept wthin the dignity and the maturity which can be presupposed in an alumni constituency, this new expression can be of great value to all con­cerned. The old Administration-Faculty-Student tri­angle has given \vay to the new Administration-Faculty-Student-Alumni quadrangle, which has made the whole world the Notre Dame campus in fact.

Few schools have had this physical change in struc­ture so dramatically correlated as has Notre Dame. Here, Father Hesburgh has defined a new dimension for higher education: the old Depository-Disseminator-Discoverer concept of knowledge and function has been expanded to the Depository-Discoverer-Disseminator-Mediator concept and function.

I t is in this new dimension of mediation that the new dimension of alumni achieves its most logical parallel. Alumni are already in the active channels of their society, where the process of mediation must move from the campus. They are the logical links bet\veen the world that knows and the world that does. Being content with being is no longer an in-thing.

Against this definition of our changes we hope to continue to move, more aggressively, more challengingly, more effectively, from a no longer tolerable academic apathy into the ferment of mediation.

James E. Armstrong '25 Alumni Association Executive Secretary


Appiaud Dialogue In January, the ALUMNUS reprinted "The Lost inage" which I wrote in May, 1965. This article was a com­posite of many talks that I have given at high school and college athletic banquets across the country. I am not naive enough to think that "athletes" are the only ones on campus capable of leadership but I am con­vinced that they represent a tremendous potentiaL I addressed my exhortation to them.

My opinion along these lines was recently strength­ened by the results of a three-year study of the 1,221 men who played football at Yale since the day it started. It was uncovered that 97 percent graduated against an average of 85 percent. Their grades were higher than the average of their class. Their enlistment in two World Wars was far higher, their success in business, the professions, in education also notably higher. Finally, their contributions to the Yale Alumni Fund were 100 percent higher. This does not disparage nonathletes, but it does add a dimension to the athlete.

Apparently the article has triggered the imagination of many of our Alumni and the result has been an im-usual flow of dialogue in the form of letters, telephone calls and telegrams. Many were quite complimentary — many shocked by such an "outdated" attitude. I fully realize that there are tvio sides to every question and can understand how some would disagree with my premise. A campus never remains long in one condition, and change is inevitable. But I, personally, am still con­vinced that freedom and rights also mean duties and responsibilities and that liberty and justice are not pos­sible without law and order.

The important thing is that it has led to a healthy discussion and, I hope, to a continued dialogue among our Alumni which %vill carry over to the activities of our Local Clubs. The ALUMNUS, the Reunions, Con­tinuing Education, more frequent faculty contact all contribute to a better exchange of ideas. The end result will not only be greater understanding between the campus and the Alumni but, more important, greater Alumni involvement in the affairs of the University.

Needless to say, the Alumni Board would appreciate hearing from any Alunmus and would welcome inter­esting and enlightening observations. Only in this way can our program possess current and universal vitality.

Ambrose F. Dudley Jr. '43 Alumni Association President


Senate Convemes Just about a year ago in the President's Letter, the following statement was made: "One of our objectives will be to try to devise programs that will allow the Alumni to become more familiar with campus activities, more understanding of them and even more .participants in these activities. We believe that a group of 37,000 men whose backgrounds span every field < activity should be able to contribute more ihan money to die progress of Notre Dame."

Regardless of our ambitions and desires in an or­ganization the size and complexity of the Alumni As­sociation, every increment of progress takes time. Com­pared to oiu- forward progress, sometimes I think that the mills of the gods grind with blinding speed. Now, however, we have reached the stage where we can report real progress in one of oiv programs.

No one has ever served on the Alumni Board without having developed the tremendous sense of satisfacticHi that close contact with the University brings. At the same time there develops a sense approaching frustra­tion when it is realized that cmly four fortunate Alimmi are chosen each year to be {tartidpants in this activity. For some time, the Board has been discusang ways by which this active participation and close association might be extended to more Alumni. This m(mth the Alumni Association is announcing the creation of the Alumni Senate as a first step in expanding individual contact with campus activities.

The present concept of the Senate evolved naturally from the original idea that, since the local Clubs are the focal points of activity in the organization, if we could bring at least one or two members of each Club into closer association ^vith the Board, we -would be making progress. For the present, the president of each Club will be designated as its representative to the Senate. The first Senate meeting will be held on the campus in early May in conjunction with the Board meeting. At that time^ plans will be laid for further and permanent constitution of a Senate and for a better definition of its activities.

Originally, the concept of the Senate was that it should be a direct extension of the Alumni Board. The Senate would have one meeting on the campus each year in order to allow Senate members to have personal contact with the University administration, the faculty and the students, and to obtain a better understanding of and appreciation for University programs and prob­lems by finthand contact with them. In addition. Clubs would be grouped according to geographical areas, with each area to be presided over by one of the senior members of the Board of Directors. The geographical subunits would meet at least once a year for further discussion of problems.

We believe that the establishment of the Senate is a very significant step forward in bringing information more directly to the Alumni, in bringing understanding of problems to the Alumni and in enlisting the aid of the Alumni in solving the problems of the University. As we said, we believe the Aliunni should be able to contribute more than money to Notre Dame.

Thomas P. Carney '37 Alumni Association Honorary President



MERGER: Yes or No? For many years Notre Dame and neighboring St Mary's Ciollege de­scribed their relationship in the pleasant, but nebulous phrase, "broth­er-sister" schools. Now the College and University are engaged in an in-depth exploration of their relation­ship. The avowed purpose of the study is to develop for the future extended areas of cooperation between the institutions.

The question arises as to whether this probe portends a possible merger betweeen the two schools. Representa­tives for both administrations imply that it does. But they are quick to caution that the term "merger" does not equate with consolidation and the possible loss of autonomy on the paut of either institution.

Dr. George N. Shuster, assistant to Notre Dame's president, says, "No one is thinking of absorption, coed­ucation, or second-class citizenship oa either campus. We have in mind, rather, a condition of cooperation into which both institutions can grow, imdertaking joindy the education and administrative tasks which t h ^ can­not do as well separately."

Finances and sexual s^r^ation are, in Dr. Shuster's beliefs, the major stumbling blocks to the schools* pro­ceeding along independent paths.

Rising costs of higher education have made it increasingly difficult for schools without the support of govern­ment aid to raise funds necessary for providing quality education. The

competition in hiring outstanding faculty dranands a solid salary scale. The complexities of administering a growing university strain salary and equipment budgets. And construction toads become more scarce in propor-ticm to soaring costs. Schools like Notre Dame and St. Mary's, depend­ent on contributions from alumni and foundation grants, can no longer bear the burden of duplication costs.

By consolidating some aspects of adnoinistration, such as promotion, public relations and purchasing, the two schools can cut running costs considerably. Cooperative use of facilities such as the computors and libraries can avoid the cost of duplica­tion while at the same time providing increased facilities to the individual institution.

While merging of these services would alleviate a great deal of the operating costs, it would at die same time raise the questions of retaining identity and autonomy and establish­ing standards which would compen­sate neither institution's values. The problem is not insurmountable as the prototype co-ex program demon­strates.

Under this plan students from ND and SMC are able to enroll in courses which are not offered at their re­spective schools. While enrolled in a course, the student is measured by the academic standards at the insti­tution and is subject to the regula­tions, schedule and calendar of the school. Grades and credits are trans­ferred to the student's transcript at his or her home school. A student is also able to declare a major at the neighboring school provided it is not offered at his own school. Thus an ND student might study education at SMC or a St Mary's girl computing science at ND.

However, a large scale interchange on the academic level would call for the establishment of relative equality in terms of faculty qualifications and salaries. At present, such conditions do not exist Although it ranks high among the nation's Catholic women's collies, St Mary's can not be ex­pected to compare favorably in this area vdth Notre Dame.

Some faculty members are adverse to large scale interrelation between the two schools for fear that their academic status would suffer. Dr. Shuster admits that establishing equality presents an intricate but soluble problem: "I believe that thinking about faculty parity is not unrealistic, though admittedly the goal


U N I V E R S I T Y cannot be reached overnight."

The second major reason behind the merger talks, that of sexual segre­gation, poses a problem which evokes the entire tradition of the "ND-SMC-Dixie Highway mystique." Conceived and maintained for well over a hundred yeais as a women's college and a men's university, St. Mary's and Notre Dame administrations, faculty, student bodies and alumni are reluctant to sacrifice their identity.

Sentiment alone does not oppose coeducation at the two institutions. As Dr. Shuster says, "I am persuaded that colleges for women have a wholly warranted role in contemporary life provided they develop in addition to the program in the liberal arts forms of preprofessional education suited to the special needs of women."

Why then, is there such emphasis on extending the interrelation between the sexes at the two schools? The administrations have come to believe that sexual segregation tends to project secondary school backgrounds into the collegiate experience, an oc­currence definitely not in tune with the concepts of modem education. Another important factor is the present emphasis on graduate educa­tion which increasingly necessitates coeducation.

Notre Dame this year admitted 108 laywomen to its classes. St. Mary's has a valuable contribution to make in this area through its graduate depart­ments of elementary and special ed­ucation. At present, its enrollment is wholly female, although it is the only college in the area offering these programs.

At least one area of common interest to both institutions already has effected a merger. In September the schools announced the union of their separate theaters. Rev. Arthur S. Harvey CSC, previous head of the Notre Dame Theatre, now directs the joint faculties of the two schools as well as the production of five plays per year.

There has always been a social exchange between the two schools. But it has more often than not been hampered by the purely social nature of the interrelation and the infamous "odds." Obviously, a merger could not equalize the ratio of men to women without a drastic change in admissions ptolicies. But it would provide social situations in which the students would be thinking together, thereby deriving the greatest educa­tional benefit from a male-female re­lationship.

Within the last few years the stu­dent governments have made im­portant advances in this area. St. Mary's students are now welcome members to the staff of N D student publications and one currentiy holds an editorial post with The Scholastic. SMC involement in the Mock Con­vention, the United Nations project last year, Mardi Gras and Homecom­ing are also significant efforts in ex­panding relations. Future cooperation would open more extracurricular activities, such as the clubs, to students of both schools.

Obviously, the major problem at the moment is defining the operating structures within which cooperation could be effected without loss of identity to the two schools. A number of plans currently operational at var­ious campuses across the country are being studied by both administrations.

The Harvard University-Radcliffe College plan provides for the educa­tion of women in the University while housing and guidance are provided by the College. Columbia College and Barnard College have established a relationship with Columbia University xmder which both colleges retain their autonomy but provision is made for instruction by university faculty. A third program imder study is that employed by the Claremont colleges which provides for autonomy of the colleges with common use of central facilities and some exchange of teach­ing personnel.

None of these plans has been (MERGER continued page 11)

Layman of the Year Since 1883 the University has marked the fourth Simday in Lent with the

J. PETER GRACE Outstanding laymaa

announcement of its Laetaie Metlal redpient Chosen this year as the outstanding American CatlioHc lay? man was J. Peter Grace, prendent of W. R. Grace and Company and chainnan of Notre Dame's Board (tf Lay Trustees.

In confencii^ the Umveraty's b e h ­est honor on Mr. Grace, Notre Dame President Rev. Theodore M. Hes-burgh CSC cited him as "perscolfy-ing, to a remarkable d^iee, the genius of America's buaness and in­dustrial leadership as well as the con­cern and cranpassion of the Ameri­can people iot those less fortunate than themselves both at home and abroad. Moreover, in this age of ag^omamento, it is to distix^mshed laymen like Peter Grace that the Church and her institutions mil turn more and more for leadership and counsel."

The newest Laetare medalist has a long and varied association with Notre Dame. The father of nine, two of his sons, Joseph '64 and Wil­liam '65, graduated from the Uni­versity while Michael is a third-year student. In 1953 Peter Grace ac­cepted membership on the Board of Lay Trustees and was elected its chairman in 1964. The successful Challenge I grpgram was guided by Mr. Grace who served as national chairman for the fund drive. He is also a member of the University President's Committee of Greater New York.

Mr. Grace, a 1936 graduate of Yale University, began his outstanding business career as a clerk in the com­pany he now heads. He assumed the presidency in 1942 and expanded the company interests beyond its primary slupping activities to make W. R^ Grace one of the country's leading chemical producers. His executive ability coupled with philanthropic in­terests has played a significant role in the economic and educational de­velopment of a number of South American countries. In recogniticMi of his services he has been decorated by the governments of Colombia, Qiile, Ecuador, Panama and Peru.

His active participation in countless dvic and religious organizations give ample testimony to his lay leader-diip. Among other contributions, Peter Grace is a member of the na­tional Advisory Council of the Peace Corps, president of the Catholic Youth Organization of New York, a trustee of the National Conference d Chris­tians and Jews, and chairman of the New York Conmiittee oa Released Time for Religious Study.



Awaiting Its Fate With the opening of the new Notre Dame Post Office on Lincoln's birth­day, the University found itself faced wiih an unusual situation. For once, there is room to spare on campus. I t would be somewhat misleading to su res t that the administration doesn't know what to do with i t But that is the quandary — to which of over 40 possible uses should the University assign the old post office?

Since the first announcement that a new post office building would be erected, officials have been swamped with proposals which range from the absurd to those with substantial merit which bear due consideration. Two of the more serious suggestions have been put forward by the Student Senate and Rev. Charles McCar-ragher CSC, VP for Student Affairs.

Father McCarragher feels that the building should be converted into a World War I I Memorial Chapel. The University has had funds set aside for such a purpose for a number of years. The proposed chapel would be open to all members of the Notre Dame community and would have a priest available all times for confes­sion or counseling.

The student proposal calls for the establishment of a gathering place that would open after the Student Center had closed for the night They would like to see food service ma­chines installed to provide refresh­ments for all-night study or bull ses­sions. The Student Government plan also called for a contest within the department of architecture to design the new center.

With over 40 proposals to consider, the University is in no hurry to de­cide the fate of the old post office. Nor has the administration given any indication of preference. Father Mc­Carragher believes no decision wl l be forthcoming before the close of the academic year.

Tired of Directionless Summers What are you doing during spring break? Once a question answered by the inevitable "going home for Easter" or "heading South for sun," it is now meeting with a new reply from a group of concerned students. Each year more and more Notre Dame students are turning their vaca­tions into profitable experiences with­in the realm of human relations.

They still go South for the break, but hard work in voter registration, school integration and adult educa­tion has replaced the traditional days of ease on the sunny beaches. TUs March a small group of Notre Dame students made the trip to Hampton, South Carolina at their own expense to help the local NAACP Youth Group conduct a school integration program.

The volunteers were engaged in a door-to-door canvass of low-income families whom they instructed in qualifications and registration pro­cedures for entrance into the all white schools. Although the families con­tacted were predominately Negro, some were whites who were ignorant of the opportunities available in the better schools of Hampton.

What makes the students es^er to tackle projects like these? Dave McMorrow says he was "getting tired of the directionless vacations I had spent in the past. And there were such worthwhile p r o j e c t s at hand. . . ." Dave, who is a senior in the College of Arts and Letters, led this spring's trip to Hampton.

Students with the desire to par­ticipate in community action programs often find the particular project that interests them through the Student Government's Civil Rights Commis­sion. Junior Tom Figel, who heads the Commission, reports that more and more students are showing a year round interest in the Commission's activities.

He is also quick to point out that although students f i r s t volunteered their services one evening a week as tutors in the Neigh­borhood Study Help Program, they are now eager to de­vote whole sum- Dave McMoirow

Tom Figel

mers to the proj­ects. "And most of the ND students working in the field of civil rights are not the bearded and rebelling ones —these kind are of no help," he says. "The fellows work­ing in this field are those with the sin­cere desire to help their fellow man."

During the Eas­ter break Tom was

accompanied by more than 25 fellow students into Chicago's South Side where they volunteered their services to the Woodlawn Organization (TWO) . Begun in 1959 TVVO is unique in that it involves only residents of the Woodlawn area, but crosses all religious, social and political lines in banding the residents together in sav­ing their neighborhood.

The organization has led Woodlawn citizens in campaigns for better hous­ing, education and political represen­tation. One of the significant arms of T W O is the First Presbyterian Church. Bob Keeley '60 is a staff member there and it was under his guidance that a number of this year's student volunteers worked.

They were engaged in the "Ex­cluded Children's Program" designed to instruct children who were unable to qualify for regular school classes because of mental deficiencies or social insufficiencies. Still others of the group worked with the members of various neighborhood gangs.

Texas was the destination of a third group of students who went to learn firsthand of the problems of farm­workers caught in a labor squeeze. Often idled by the influx of Mexican laborers who work for lower wages, the Rio Grande" Valley farm laborers are without an effective means of bargaining power to raise their own social and economic standau°ds.

Driving a car borrowed from a sympathetic faculty member, the seven students took part in a rally organized to protest these labor conditions. They joined a caravan of 75 cars in Austin, Tex. and from there journeyed to principal farm areas stretching ftiom Corpus Christi to Rio Grande City.


r Alumni '67: an Introduction

hy John Hughes

• ^

W ITH Charlie Simpson still pounding the keys down at the Senior Bar, most of our thoughts are

turned toward a break in the winter weather and a chance to get up to the dunes. Few seniors are considering the complete change that they will under­go the ne.\t few months.

During the last four years we have basically accustomed ourselves to a certain mode of life. The stability and security of life here at Notre Dame have conditioned the students to a degree of informality that is rarely found in outside society; and the added responsibility that most of us will be accepting will be something new. It has been looked forward to by most and many will thrive on it. We are on the threshold of becoming Notre Dame Alumni.

To the student here at the University the Alumnus is a strange sort, especially to those whose fathers are not graduates. Appearing on the scene usually once a year for one of the home football games, he moves in groups usually in the Red, Green and Blue fields surrounding the stadium. He is the one on whom you count to sell your programs and buttons. Yet, for the student there is a certain sense of alien­ation. The bond that exists among all the students, no matter what their year, does not seem to extend to the Alumni. I t is not felt that they are, on the surface, a part of the force that is so much in the life of the student.

To an extent this relationship has been reinforced by some of the conservative ideas expressed by Alumni during this past year. Much has been said concerning the conflict between the liberal attitude that many of the undergraduates hope to possess, and certain conservative views that have been put forth on the part of the Alumni. I t has been clear that the views posited by Mr. Dudley in his article in the ALUMNUS were wholly dismissed by not only the Class of '67 but by the student body in general. The mere idea that teachers and speakers at the University be censured to the extent that is suggested is archaic and repulsive. Such methods of running an institution would be unhealthy to its academic climate; and such reins on scholastic freedom would crush academic stability.

I t should be noted that a Class that can so completely reject the conservatism of an Alumnus can in the same breath give its Patriot of the Year Award to as controversial a figure as General West­moreland. I t is obvious that academic freedom and anti-Americanism are not in the same plane. Surely, we all wish for an institution that is a bastion for patriotism; but the manner of achieving the blind patriotism that is being offered is hardly the ans\ver.

The attitude of controlled education is hardly representative of the entire Alumni body—probably of only a small group. We would like to think that their beliefs are not diat far removed from our own;

and, as we ourselves beccHne Alumni, we begin to realize that there is no real change in beliefs, but rather an evolution of attitude. As we shift from the active life of the student in the University to that of the less active Alumni, our views gain some perspectives that are impossible while still here.

The Class of '67 has been, to say the leas^ an active class. I t has seen many changes in the realm of student-administration relations that appeared impossible four years ago. The next four will see still other seeming impossibilities become realities through the efforts of increased student-administra-tion-alunmi relations. The Class of '67 has the op­portunity to remain active.

Senior C9ass Secretary and President JOHN HUGHES and PAT NASH




Continuing CCE: the Year in Review

When the Center for Education was dedicated in 1966 it was hailed as an experimental con­cept widiin the structure of higher education. Designed to extend to the business and professional worlds the results of research and innovation carried on wdiin the academic realm, the Center opened its facilities to the entire international community. Now one year old, its accomplishments may be evaluated in terms of the goals which it set for itself.

Dean Thomas A. Bergin, head of the Center, is more tlian enthusiastic in reviewing the past year. Since its opening last March more than 260 conferences involving 27,850 people have used the Center's facilities.

The Center's use is not restricted to the academic community. Gener­ally, the s^nnposia held diere are of t\vo major types — tiiose spon­sored by busmess and professional groups and those sponsored by the University or various departments •within its colleges.

Some of tlie most illustrious in the latter group such as the "Interna­tional Conference on the Theological Issues of Vatican I I " and "Marx and the Western World" have drawn the world's leading scholars and experts to Notre Dame.

The symposium on Vatican I I de­dicated the new facility and brought together — in an ecumenical discus­sion of the effects of the Council — outstanding Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Orthodox leaders. Some months later, philosophers, econ­omists and political scientists from both sides of the Iron Curtain met at the Center to evaluate the ideo­logical and practical aspects of the WTitings of Karl Marx.

The array of non-University spon­sored conferences and seminars have ranged from meetings on civil rights legislation to conferences of major corporations like Bendix, Indiana Bell and U.S. Rubber to religious institutes on church support, leader­ship and mission crusades.

Dean Bergin also feels that an im­portant by-product of the Center is the community involvement it fosters. " I t has developed a whole new edu­cational dimension for the commu­nity," he notes. Such meetings as the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, the Coordinated Community Development Workshop and a Science


Fair Teachers Seminar are but a few examples of tiie University's newest means of fostering its avowed pur­pose of public service.

For a vast majority of the meetings held at the Center, the staff and Uni­versity faculty members are respon­sible for the program. Dean Bergin and his small but efficient staff out­line a program and contact faculty members whose field of study is most directly related to the interests of the convening group. Dean Bergin notes with evident pride, "The Center has developed tremendous faculty involve­ment and enthusiasm."

Free Thinkers In spite of the decreased furor over the question, die debate over aca­demic freedom in die Catholic uni­versity continues to be waged on the nation's campuses. Rev. Neil G. Mc-Cluskey SJ, visiting professor of edu­cation at Notre Dame, recently took the stand in favor of academic free­dom wthin the discipline of theology.

Speaking before a group a t the University of Dayton, Fatlier Mc-Cluskey, a former associate editor of America magazine, expressed tiie be­lief that "there is no more academic justification for the entry by a local bishop or provincial into the univer­sity discipline of theology than there is for the local mayor or governor to intrude into the field of political science."

DEAN THOMAS A. BERGIN The man behind the burgeoning concept

The success of the Center for Con­tinuing Education has been such that conferences already are scheduled well into 1972, although the Uni­versity has made no promotional ef­forts to attract the professional groups to the campus. The fame of the Uni­versity and the excellence of the Center's staff and facilities have been its best publicity agent.

Notre Dame's Kellogg Center has consistently drawn larger than ex­pected attendance at conferences this past year. Dean Bergin partially at­tributes this to the central location of the University and to the natural at­traction of Notre Dame. Another major contributing feature are the facilities available.

There are 22 seminar rooms each of which is equipped for tape-record­ing and closed-circuit TV. The audi­torium, which seats 400, has simul­taneous translation facilities similar to those at the United Nations. In ad­dition, there are an audio-visual cen­ter, theater and reference library available for conference participants.

The Jesuit educator, who ser\'ed as academic vice-president at Gonzaga University before joining the Notre Dame facult}', believes that die autonomy of the university com­munity exempts it from the direct influence of the Church's official magisterium. He adds, "On the level of higher learning, the Church speaks authoritatively to tiie consciences of her members in the academic com­munity.

According to Father McCluskey, this view is based on the "Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity" promul­gated by the Second Vatican Council. He cites three conclusions of this document in particular: the temporal order enjoys its own God-given autonomy; the presence in time of the historical Christ or of the ecclesiastical Christ does not reduce the inde­pendence of things in the temporal sphere; the layman has a special obli­gation and competence for action in the temporal sphere.

The question of extending the prac­tice of academic freedom into the


realm of theology is but one aspect in the evolution of the American Cath­olic university. Changes in curricula, the emphasis on the increased lay responsibility in administration and faculty, and the problems of finances, in Father McCluskey's view, have made Catholic universities aware that they "must exist to serve the \\'hole American community in following out the reasonable norms and practices which the American experience in education, has evolved."

MERGER: Yes or No? (Continued from page 7)

adopted yet as a possible guide for Notre Dame-St. Mary's cooperation. At present the administration of both schools are engaged in evaluating faculty response and opinion on the question of the merger. A compre­hensive survey prepared by the Uni­versity on the modes and extent of possible cooperation was sent to the entire faculty of both institutions.

Recently, Sister Mary Grace CSC, president of St. Mary's College, initi­ated a College Steering Conmiittee for Unified and Long-Range Plan­ning. The committee will assist the president in planning the develop­ment and growth of the College. Notre Dame is also engaged in lon^-range planning activities. Needless to say, one of the major areas of Committee will consider is that of the proposed closer cooperation between Notre Dame and S t Mary's.

institutions in which students felt | the necessity of evaluating profes­sors. Such institutions as Harvard, Yale, North Carolina, California, Cornell, North Dakota and the University of Rhode Island are but a few. There seems to be no university immune to the chal­lenge, " I want good teaching."

T o meet this challenge and the challenge of Professor Massey to 95 percent of our col l ies and uni­versities, students, researchers, and administrators must work together with common goals in mind. The student has, to some extent, already fulfilled his commitment by posing the challenge. I know there are those who say. students are in­capable of evaluating professors. We may hide behind the cloak of psychologists who say they can't define good teaching for us when in reality we shudder at the thought of being evaluated. The evaluation is inescapable regardless of its pubUcation.

Researchers, competent in their particular interest, violate teaching principles when they disregard the effective dissemination of such knowledge to those who constitute the heirs of their labor. The mo­tivation that initiated the research must be transferred to the needs of students here and now. Lastiy, the administrator should move from the realm of the ivory tower and find out what's going on in his university. How many times has an administrator taken the time to interview a student and find out who is the good teacher and why? Does he really know who is making the significant contribution to his xmiversity?

Perhaps this three-sided ap­proach to the problem r^sed in "Concepts of Academe" may prove more fruitful in reducing the divisive effect we now witness. Certainly, a re-evaluation by all concerned is the logical starting point.

f Concepts of Academe: A Final Word

by Albert E. Grzebien '49

I READ with interest the article "Concepts of Academe" by

Professors Cronin and Massey. As a neophyte in the ranks of aca­deme, I find myself totally involved in the basic concepts espoused by my colleagues. To some extent, I feel at an advantage in discussing this particular problem. Having taught from kindergarten through college, I am well acquainted with the needs of srood teachinsr. Hav-mg assumed a position on the faculty of a state university, I find myself in the position of not only having to be a good teacher, but a "researcher" as well. The duality of tlie profession, which none of us with sanity would deny, merits the concern of us all. The "either —or" attitude is our most formid­able obstacle in reaching a realistic solution to the problem.

There will continue to exist the advocacy of one side or the other. However, the researcher vAW never deny the import of good teaching, nor will the teacher deny the very substance of his profession. So long as we view this problem categoric­ally, as many of us are forced to do, the common ground leading to some solution will be nonexistent Unfortunately, the problem is one raised by our own design and not forced by administration. We can contribute in both areas without compromising the student and the integrity of research. How much are we willing to give?

Professor Cronin speaks of the "student" whom we have nurtured to become one of our colleagues. I t is this same nurtured student with whom either the administra­tion or the student is dissatisfied. The lines of demarcation only widen when "the most distinguished departments" base their distinction

primarily on research while student polls demand a teacher.

I t would seem to me that both the teacher and the researcher have abdicated a responsibility essential to the dual capacity of a university. For example. Professor Massey cites Allan Cartter in his "Assessment of Quality in Graduate Education" as indicating "department strength is directly associated with quantity of publication performance." I am somewhat concerned at the source which concerns itself with gradu­ate education to the neglect of undergraduate education in seek­ing a solution to the problem of an educated citizenry. I am even more concerned over "the quantity of publication performance." Cart­ter, I am sure, would be more likely concerned with an evaluation in terms of quality.

On the other hand. Professor Cronin leads me to believe that after all the research involved in teaching "Ulysses" and basing much of his teaching on the library shelf, it is sufficient to disseminate and discuss the subject. On the contrary, I would propose pursu­ing the problem a step further to the realm of research. New and perhaps significantly different ap­proaches have been discovered that would serve best if all were to share in the discoveries. Cronin's concepts of teaching "Ulysses" then becomes valuable to all of academe. I t would appear that the teacher and the researcher are one and the same. The dual responsibility sug­gested by Cronin and Massey must be transferred to the individuals within the complex.

I t is a truism that has existed for a longer period than any of us would like to admit, that students moan the idea that "he knows his stuff but he can't put it across." The four to five percent of institu­tions cited by Massey as institutiotjs significantiy research-oriented, how­ever, include among them the very



DEAN BERGIN, DR. LIU and JIM ARMSTRONG The growing concept . . .

New Dimension Continuing education, the new di­mension of alumni-campus relations, took a great step forward with the first Seminar on the Population Prob­lem, sponsored by the Alumni As­sociation and the Continuing Educa­tion Center through the Notre Dame Club of New York City.

The Seminar was an all-day event drawng 127 Alumni and wives to the Empire Room of the Waldorf-Astoria February 25. Registration began at 9:30. Adjournment was at 5 p.m. The direction of the program was under Dean Thomas Bergin of the Center. The topic was the same as that %vhich produced such a success­ful opening seminar for returning Alumni just preceding the 1966 Re­unions. The panel was largely the same stimulating g r o u p which launched the pattern last June. Dr. William D'Antonio, head of the So­ciology Dept., spoke on population and public policy and Dr. William T. Liu, director of the Institute for the Study of Population and Social Change, treated the University's role in population studies.

Following a group luncheon (which was included in the $15 total fee). Rev. Charles E. Sheedy CSC, dean of the College of Arts and Letters, spoke on responsible parenthood from a theological approach and Dr. Fred­erick J. Crosson, head of the General Program, on the same topic from a natural law viewpoint After a coffee break, the final paper of the day, "The Scientist's Concern With Popu­lation," was delivered by Dr. Thomas P. Carney, vice-president for research


and development for G. D. Searle, and past president of the Alumni As­sociation.

Spirited audience discussion was one of the successful by-products of this pioneer experiment in a metro­politan area. Comment was most favorable from all concerned. The concept will grow.

Expanding Representation A newly created Alumni Senate of a potential 172 members %vill convene at the University for its first meeting May 4-6. The conciliar body will provide a larger cross section of rep­resentative Alumni who will be di­rectly informed of the programs and problems of both the University and the Alumni Association.

The Senate is a development of the national Board of Directors whose 13 members are elected to staggered three-year terms by national Alumni ballot I t was the experience of the Board in their learning firsthand in­formation of increasing volume and diversity, which was also increasingly essential to organized progress, that resulted in the formation of this new and larger body.

The new group will consist of the presidents of local Alumni Clubs who are the elected leaders of the Alumni groups throughout the country. Their objective will be to leam and trans­mit information from the University and the Alumni Board to their con­stituencies. A second vital purpose, served also in limited measure by the smaller Alumni Board, will be to transmit back to the University the Alumni viewpoint on these prc^ams

and problems offering reactions, and supplementary and new ideas.

The Club presidents will also be involved in sessions directed toward Club development. These meetings will be styled in much the same man­ner as the previous Club Presidents Council.


Behind tiie Bamboo Curtain CHINESE SOCIETY UNT)ER COMMUNISM: A READER, edited by William T. Liu MA'52, 496 pages, John Wiley & Sons. $8.50 clodi, $5.50 paperback.

Although considered a major factor in his future, the average American knows little or nothing about Com­munist China. His acquaintance with the people of the world's most heavily ]X)pulated country is too often based on speculation or secondhand ac­counts of the limited number of travelers allowed within its borders.

In this reader. Dr. Liu has con­cerned himself primarily w t h present­ing a comprehensive coverage of the functions of Chinese society under the control apparatus of the Communist state. The majority of the material was obtained through governmental sources or condensed from publica­tions in Hong Kong and Communist China.

A professor of sociology at the Uni­versity, Dr. Liu has made Far Eastern studies his special area of concern. His selection of material for the book was designed to trace patterns of social control in traditional, transitional and Communist China, providing a his­torical treatise of social structures and underlying ideologies.

Focusing first on the individual, the book examines the changes wrought by imposed control on the mind and behavior, then explores the effects of the new order on creativity and morality. Every unit of the social structure is regarded in this same light beginning with the deemphasis on the traditionally strong family unit. Particular emphasis is accorded mar­riage, divorce, the decline of the im­portance of age and the role of youth.

Proceeding through the ranks of increasing social aggregations the reader offers an insight into the suc­cesses and failures of the Communist order in business and industry, agri­culture, the military, law and politics.


John Faithful's Story


The fusion of faith and fact in the life of one man is dramatized in this, the first definitive biography of John Cardinal O'Hara CSC. It is the story of an aesthetic man whose apostolic ministry reluctantly spanned the presi­dency of Notre Dame, the administra­tion of the nation's Catholic military chaplains, the leadership of the Phila­delphia archdiocese and membership in the Sacred College of Cardinals.

His career at Notre Dame spanned two decades and made him a familiar figure to countless Alumni. "To most Notre Dame men of his day," writes Father McAvoy in his foreword, "this tall, thin bundle of energy and con­tradictions was a holy man, and they nicknamed him years ago 'John Faithful' because he was always ready to hear a confession or to give Holy Communion at any hour of the day or night."

Father McAvoy sets out to examine this man of contradictions from the vantage point of personal experience. A professor of history at Notre Dame and University archivist, he joined the faculty just one year before Father O'Hara became its 13th presi­dent.

A chronological portrait of the Cardinal's life, the book offers a clear consecutive treatment of the major events which led to his acceptance of the red hat of cardinalcy in Rome in 1958. Father McAvoy is careful not to sacrifice the subtleties of character to the interests of logical order. Father O'Hara was a humble man who consistently disdained the honors which his abilities merited him.

The Cardinal's role in shaping Notre Dame began in 1917 when he started teaching business courses. He organized the College of Com­merce and served as its first dean from 1921-1924. A parallel campus career b e g a n i n 1 9 1 8 , when as prefect of religion, he began publication of "The Religious Bul­letin," famous on and off campus for its insights into the religious life among Notre Dame students.

Named to the University presidency in 1934, Father O'Hara's primary


concerns were graduate education and faculty improvement. Under his direction doctoral programs in math, biology and physics were added to the curriculum. During his admin­istration a number of buildings were constructed including the Rockne Memorial, the Biology Building and three residence halls.

Father McAvoy devotes a chapter to each of the succeeding major career roles fulfilled by Father O'Hara. With his elevation to the episcopacy in 1939, Bishop O'Hara resigned his office at the University and went on to assume the military ordinariate. As auxiliary bishop under Cardinal Spellman, he coordinated the work of the Catholic chaplains in every theatre of operations during World War II.

O'HARA and McAVOY Biography with the personal view

The account of Father O'Hara's elevation to the College of Cardinals is treated with an understanding which captures the true spirit of the occasion. His reluctance to accept the honor, offset by his obedience to the judgment of his superiors, is best perceived in Father McAvoy's rela­tion of the Cardinal's own words: I would rather wear the confessor's two-inch band of purple than the red robes of office.

The WirM's SchoolhNses

CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN THE WESTERN WORLD, edited by James Michael Le^ with a fore­word by George N. Shuster '15, 324 pages, UND Press. $7.25

The last few years have produced an increasing concern on the part of American Cathdics for an evaluation of their school system. Runors and theories run rampant in the face of daily innovations. This bock assures American Catholics that they are not alone in questioning their educaticHoal system and offers them the oppotu-nity fcH: compariscm with other major Catholic system&i

The book is structured along two basic premises. The first contends that the lack of an international office for the supervision of Catholic educa­tion has resulted in a decidedly national flavor mtlun the school systems. And secondly, it is interested in providing major points along which comparisons may be made.

Editor Lee, who heads Notre Dame's Department of Education, has ccHnpiled a comprehensive evalua­tion of Church educational systems in six countries which, in die 20th century, have made their mark as the strongholds of liberalism or con­servatism. France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, England and the US are the countries examined by leading educators.

The organization of the book is such that comparison is not only in­vited but encouraged. The individual school systems are examined in r^ards to lay and religious instruction, cur-riculiun and faculty; relationships with the Chiudli, the government, public school systems and parents; financial support, evaluatory stan­dards; and present and pn^x>sed programs in the areas of regular and special educaticMi.

The chapter on US Catholic ed­ucation, written by Prof. Lee, has caused considerable reaction to its proposals for reform. The educator has urged abolition of the elementary schools, the start of secondary school education at the age of puberty, merger of Catholic luiiversities with nearby secular schools and a definition of the Catholic school system as a matter of lay, rather than clerical, concern. Dr. Lee also advocates the establishment of a central agency in each coimtry and a coordinating agency in Rome to insure orderly management of Catholic education throughout the world.


Topside Briefs MecKcal School Hopes Still Afloat Plans for the proposed state medical school to be lo­cated adjacent to the University met with political entanglement during the 1967 session of the Indiana Legislature. Conflicting interests between representa­tives from the several areas contending for location of the medical school resulted in the failure to pass any effective l^islature on the question. However, a pro­posal calling for the establishment of a "blue ribbon" committee to study the question was submitted to the governor. The proposal empowered the committee to select a site and hire a dean for the medical school. But it was killed this spring when the governor failed to take action on i t Although the l^islature vnH not regularly convene again imtil 1969, supporters of the medical school bill hope to take further acdon at a special session of the legislature tentatively scheduled for late November of this year.

National Awards to ND Students Annual announcements of national scholarship winners are being released and Notre Dame students are re­ceiving a fair share of the prestigious awards. J. Dudley Andrew became the 24th Notre Dame man to be awarded a Danforth Foundation Fellowship for post­graduate study. Andrew, who also won a Woodrow Wilson scholarship, \nil pursue PhD studies in the art of the film. In addition, 11 students received National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships. Seniors Daniel Bums, Michael Gauger, Carl Houck, Kermeth. Hupf, Louis lacovo Jr., Peter McAdam, William StaUings, James Truman and Jacques Yates and grad­uate students Gary Mappes and John Hirschfelder were the awardees.

The New Academic Year Several faculty appointments for the forthcoming aca­demic year have already been effected. Thomas S. Fern, assistant professor of art at Berea College, Ken­tucky, will take over the chairmanship of the art depart­ment Rev. Anthony J. Lauck, who has served as de­partment head for the past seven years, will now devote full time to his teaching duties and the director­ship of the University Art Gallery. The post of the newly created Hayes-Healy Chair of Travel Manage­ment has been filled by Frederick Warren Dow. Presently corporate manager of the office of associated Dow companies in Latin America, Mr. Dow will be responsible for organizing a new travel curriculum in the department of marketing.

Elect Student Leaders Student government elections saw candidates from a "split ticket" elected to office in March. Chris Murphy, a junior government major, was elected student body president by a slim a margin of less than 300 votes. He served as cultural affairs commissioner for student gov­ernment this year and was a leader in initiating the Fine Arts Festival held early this month. New student body vice-president is junior Tom McKenna who ran on the Action Student Party ticket It marked the first


time that a candidate from the campus political group was elected to major office.

Feature ND in May HARPER'S The University will be the subject of a feature article in the May issue of Harper's magazine. Author Peter Schrag, a member of the editorial staff of the Saturday Review, explores the developments the University has imdeigone in recent years in an article entitled, "Notre Dame: the First Great Catholic University?"

Memorial Dedication Former University President Rev. John J. Cavanaugh CSC was honored in Miami Beach recendy when the new research facilities of the Miami Heart Institute were named after him. Donated by Father Cavanaugh's close friends. Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Pellar, the laboratory will carry on neurodiagnostic research. President of the University from 1946-1952 and later head of the Notre Dame Foundation, Father Cavanaugh is retired from full-time activities and resides in Holy Gross House on the campus.

From Rome to the Scandinavias Departing May 16, the "Friends of Notre Dame" are off for a three-week European tour. Leading the group will be Rev. Jerome Wilson CSC, Notre Dame's vice-presi­dent for business affairs. The northern countries will be highlighted on the trip which begins with a tour of Rome before heading north to Germany and the Scandinavias. Among places visited \vdll be Vienna, Berlin, Wiesbaden, the Rhine Valley, Amsterdam, Copenh^en and the "fairy tale" country of Denmark. Further information about the tour may be obtained from Edgerton's Travel Service, 112 West Jefferson Blvd., South Bend 46601.

Editor's Choice Turning to the paragons of campus knowledge, the editors of college newspapers, McCall's magazine queried them on "the information gap." Answering questions based on the premise "what college would you recommend for a boy (girl) who wants to be­come . . ." the campus editors supplied the "in" knowl­edge not found in catalogues. Notre Dame scored twice among the 97 editors' choices. In reply to the question of which college one attends if he desires to become a great athlete, the students picked Notre Dame, Michi­gan State and the University of Alabama — in that order. Notre Dame's highest score came in response to the question, "Where would you send your own son?" The answer was "Harvard, Notre Dame, his own choice." A number of the other queries shed light on several long-time campus legends. Notre Dame failed to place as the college where one lives in the least phydcal comfort—West Point copped that tide; nor is it the place to find the most or least attractive girls. ND bachelors can rest easier after the survey. In response to the question "At which college is a girl least likely to find a husband?" the answer was a unan­imous "any Catholic women's college."



President on New York Board University President Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh CSC was recently honored with an invitation to membership on the Select Committee on the Future of Private and Independent Higher Education in New YorL Ap­pointed in mid-March by Governor Nelson A. Rocke­feller and the New York Board of Regents, Father Hesburgh joins ranks with fellow educational leaders McGeorge Bundy, president of the Ford Foundation; Dr. James B. Conant, former president of Harvsurd Uni­versity and ambassador to Germany; Dr. John A. Hannah, president of Michigan State University; and Dr. Abram L. Sachar, president of Brandeis University. The Committee, which will make its report to the Governor by January, 1968, will seek to advise the state on means of retaining "the strength and vitality of private and independent institutions of higher edu­cation" without sacrificing their independence in return for government aid.

ConKnue ND Upward Bound Program The Notre Dame Upward Bound program was ^ven a vote of confidence recently with the announcement that a federal grant of $70,280 will renew the project for another year. Begun last summer, the project provides intensive educational orientation and training for high school youths from low income families. Participating students are housed on campus and offered collie skill-courses and counselling by members of the Notre Dame faculty in an effort to expose the youths to both academic and living requirements of a college program.

Community Involvement Public service has long been acknowledged as a main­stream in the University's channels of excellence. This year, commitment to community service has involved more than 100 faculty members and several hundred students in programs ranging from local applications of federally funded War on Poverty programs to business seminars to sociological analyses. Some of the projects which drew the largest pjurticipation were the Neighbor­hood Study Help Program in which over 500 students volunteered services as tutors and the legal aid program which involved 50 law students. Students and Holy Cross seminarians also played a significant role in staffing the St. Peter Claver House and the Christian Community Center for Migrants.

Inaugurate Art Festival A new concept in Notre Dame-South Bend relations was initiated April 4 with the staging of the first festival of contemporary arts. Jointly sponsored by the ND Cultural Conmiission and a number of South Bend businessmen, the festival daily offered such varied at­tractions as lectures, poetry, music, dance, theatre and films during its week and a half schedule. Some of the highlights of the South Bend-Notre Dame Cultural Festival includes poets Ned O'Gonnan, Robert Creeley and Sandra Hochman, the Erick Hawkins Modem Dance Company, a student production of Megan Terry's "Keep Tightly Closed and Store in a Cool, Dry Place," the New York Opera Company's "Othello," the Chicago Contemporary Chamber Players, and student produc­tions of two plays by Samuel Beckett.


New Press Aid* . In January the University added a new member to its public relations and development staff. He is Richard W. Conklin MA'59 who now joins PubUc Information Director James E. Murphy '47 in keeping the ND com­munity and the world abreast of the day-to-day news­worthy happenings on the campus. Conklin's primary responsibility will be the handling of news releases and press relations. A graduate of the University's program in American Studies, Conklin received his AB degree from St Thomas Collie in St. Paul where he has been director of the news bureau since 1961. Formerly a reporter for the Minneapolis Star and the St Louis Post-Dispatch, Conklin brought his professional ex­perience to the classroom as a member of the journalism faculty at St Thomas and as moderator of the school newspaper.

Ncmie Rye to Wilson Fellowships Five Notre Dame seniors were informed in mid-March that they had been named Woodrow Wilson Fellows. James D. Andrew, Raymond R. Fleming, Jdm R. Sajbel, Frank J. Yates and Brother Kenneth E. Good-paster CSC were among a select number of students throughout the country to be so honored. Ten other seniors received honorable mention citations. Only 1,259 students received the graduate study fellowships from among the more than 13,000 nominees. The Fellows, who must profess a genuine interest for a career within the world of academe, are granted full tuition and fees plus a stipend of $2,000 for living expenses for a year of advanced study in their major field at the college or university of thdr choice. This year's recipients bring to 127 the number of Notre Dame men who have so distinguished themselves since the program's inception.

Increased Rinds for Rodhition lab The University's Radiation Laboratory has once agsun proven its worth as a valuable research tool for the Atomic Energy Commission. Just recentiy, the AEC granted over $1 million for the Lab's continued study of the effects of radiation on matter. This latest grant pushes over the $9.6 million mark the government fimds in support of the University's research in the behavior, properties and effects of radiation. The work, which has been carried on at Notre Dame since 1949, received its biggest support from the AEC with the construction in 1963 of the $2.2 million Radiation Research Building which houses the Radiation Lab.

Statistically Speaking No picture of the evolving University would be complete without a selective study of basic enrollment statistics. The spring semester showed the usual attrition within the undergraduate ranks where enrollment dropped from the fall high of 6,038 to 5,883. The Graduate School also showed a lower total enrollment with a drop from 1,162 students to 1,139. A significant change is seen in the number of laywomen (123) now attending graduate classes at the University. While the day divisions of all colleges currentiy register 92 female students, the fall semester total was only 63. All told, 7,235 lay men, women and clerics now attend classes at Notre Dame.



The Added Agent The Annual Alumni Fund for 1966 will go on record as a pacesetting year. In its 24th year, the Alumni Fimd received responses from more Alumni than at any other time in its history and recorded its greatest cash total.

In this year's drive 13,709 Alumni resfionded to top the previous record of 12,538 contributors set in 1962. The 1966 total also marked an in­crease of 1,910 over last year's Fund. Contributions, too, set a new high mark with the total figure of $2,165,-699.78 breaking the former record of $2,102,299.90 set in 1964.

The inauguration this year of the Class Agent program can also be credited with making it a record year. Under the program each Alumnus received letter appeals from a selected "Agent" of his Class. The Agents evoked a favorable resjMJnse from 762 Alumni who had not contributed during the past five years and en­couraged 17.2 percent of the non-contributors to make their initial gift

1962 1963 1964 1965 1966

Number of Contributors

12,538 11,856 10,794-11,799 13,709

% o/ Alumni Amount Contributing

$1,777,684.88 53.5 % 1,258,956.86 49.0 2,102,299.90 42.9 1,437,341.69 44.7 2,165,699.78 50.95

Space His Element As we watch a rocket lift off for a journey into space, few, if any of us, are thinking about what the spacecraft is made of. The technological ad­vances represented in rocket materials actually are well beyond the ken of laymen. Rather, they are the pri­mary concern of a group of NASA specialists. And Dr. George Pezdirtz '55 and PhD '60 is a leader among these specialists.

In October George Pezdirtz's con­tributions to the nation's space ef­forts were recognized by the presen­tation of two NASA awards, die Ex-ceptional Scientific Achievement Medal and the Langley Research Center Special Service Award. Head of the Langley Center's chemistry and physics branch of the spacecraft ma­terials section. Dr. Pezdirtz was cited for "the conception, organization and

execution of research programs in polymer chemistry which have led to the development of materials signif­icantly more resistant to the space en­vironment."

Another Insomniac R^;is Philbin '53 has declared war— on Johnny Carson and the late, late movie. In the company of comedian Joey Bishop he will storm the ABC ^ waves April 17 and every night thereafter with a live telecast of the "Joey Bishop Show." Rege sums up the spirit of the show's stars: "Our nightly show will be in direct com­petition with Johnny Carson so it won't be easy, but nothing is in this business."

No stranger to the world of the late hour show and conversation format, Rege broke into the head­lines with a Saturday night show of his own in San Diego. The program raced to the top of the local ratings due to the untiring efforts of its star, writer, producer, booking agent and publicist—^Rege Philbin. Succinctly defining his role, he notes: " I was the works."

Nelson Boswell Speaking Amid the cacophony of music on to­day's radio programming, the sound of the spoken word is certain to com­mand attention. And one of the lead­ing commentators of the day is Nelson Boswell '47. He is the creator and star of his own program, "Challenge and Response," a daily five-minute thought-provoking probe into the challenges of daily life.

First carried on WNDU, the Uni­versity's radio station, the "Challenge and ResfKjnse" program is now broad­cast on local stations from New Hampshire to California. In 1966 it received the George Washington

Nelson toswett 'JBi jSeorge Pezdirii '55

16 ' ftgis fhilbin '55


Honor Medal, the Freedoms Founda­tion's annual radio program award. The Foundation cited the program as an "outstanding accomplishment in helping to achieve a better under­standing of the American way of life."

Accent on Youth Giving substance to the belief that this is the age of the youthful but highly competent politicians are the careers of four Notre Dame grad­uates of the '50's. Congressmen Joseph McDade '53, Thomas L. Judge '37, Robert Moretti '58 and John D. Bums '58 are all counted among the youngest members of their respective legislative bodies. And their competency is attested to by the sig­nificant margins of their electorate.

Joe McDade represents the 10th District of Pennsylvania in the US House of Representatives — a posi­tion to which he has been twice re­elected since 1962. The district en­compasses Scranton and the surround­ing area in the heart of the anthracite coal fields. Congressman McDade, while still a freshman member of the Committee on Banking and Currency, introduced the first significant legis­lation to provide aid for the rebuild­ing of homes seriously damaged by mine fires or cave-ins. During, his second term he was instrumental in the passage of mine fire legislation— invaluable to the people of his dis­trict. Recognition of his ability was granted by his peers when he was appointed to the influential House Appropriations Committee.

Thomas Judge is a freshman mem­ber of the Montana State Senate. But he is not initiating his public service with this term. As a representative from Lewis and Clark County to the past three sessions of the state legisla­ture he compiled an enviable record as chairman of the House Business and Industry Committee, vice-chair­man of the Highway Committee and a member of the Montana Legislative Council. Senator Judge begins his present four-year term as chairman of the Natural Resources Committee.

A Helena businessman, Tom owns a successful advertising and public re­lations firm. In 1964 he was Jaycee Man of the Year and in 1965 was honored as one of the Outstanding Young Men of America by the US Jaycees. Secretary of the Notre Dame Club of Montana, Senator Judge was chosen their "Man of the Year" in 1966 for his civic, business and political achievements.

The youngest member of the Cali­fornia Assembly last term. Bob Moretti won his right to represent the 42nd District first by defeating nine Democratic candidates in the primary



AmommS Con-


Number •I Con­tributors

Number 'f . JIumns

Alumni Total Honorary Alumni

Combined Total

$2,165,699.78 13,709 26,906 624,961.00 18

$2,790,660.78 13,727

• 1930 Largest Amount • 1949 Most ContiibutoTS • 1954 Largest % of Class Contributing


1910 & before—Stephen H. Hew 1911—Colonel R. Otto Probst 1912—Richard J. Monroe 1913 1914—W. Poyntelle Dowiung 1915—Albert A. Kuhle 1916—C. Patrick Maloney 1917—Frederick L. Mahaffey 1918—John A. Lemmer 1919—Louis J. Finske 1920—John T. Balfe 1921—-Raymond J. SchubmeU 1922—^Frank B. Bloemer, Jr. 1923—^Joseph J. Casa Santa, Sr. 1924—Edward G. Cantwell 1925—Henry C. Wurzer 1926—Malcohn F. Knaus 1927—William J. Corbett, JK 1928—^J. Patrick Canny 1929—^Karl E. Martersteck 1930—John J. Elder 1931^ohn F. Saunders 1932—Prof. Francis J. O'MaDey 1933—^Lucien S. Kempf 1934—^Patrick J. Carroll 1935—Paul A. Fergus 1936—Francis L. Layden 1937—^Robert M. Siegfried 1938—Leonard H. Skoglund, Jr. 1939—^James N. Motschall 1940—Walter L. Fleming, Jr. 1941—William E. Cotter, Jr. 1942—William E. Scanlan 1943—Oliver H. Hunter 1944—John W. Anhut 1945—Joseph M. Haggar, Jr. 1946—^H. B. Surkamp 1947—Joseph M. Byrne 1948—James L. Feistel 1949—Peter J. Keman, Jr. 1950—Gus CifeUi 1951—Martin R. O'Connor 1952—William V. Cuddy 1953—^Joseph L. Pagliari 1954—^Thomas J. Nessinger 1955—George H. Shelton 1956—John F. Fannon 1957—James A. Morse 1958—^Alfred J. Weinsheimer, Jr. 1959—Frank R. Reynolds, Jr. 1960—D. Jerry McGIynn 1961—Patrick J. Hart, Jr. 1962—John C. Dearie 1963—Kevin G. Hart 1964—David W. Ellis 1965—John J. Gearen 1966—^Barry T. McNamara

Undergraduates Notre Dame Alumni Clubs Graduate Student Association Student Foundation Week Gifts in kind

$249,111.58 1,231.00

58,901.84 10,630.00

1,343.59 6,284.00

17,149.04 24,315.15

2,105.00 3,140.00 6,617.00 4,806.50

22,892.00 11,849.00

7,236.85 12,098.24 27.627.03 13,140.92 85,603.45 27,905.75

758,531.75* 35,808.99 16,768.00 29,433.57 31,292.34 19,580.11 15,370.33 27,838.22 19,852.56 17,205.65 62,980.45 22,446.70 14,951.00 17,256.92 40,587.94

9,114.57 6,438.16

28,110.35 24,887.01 36,964.58 32,768.62 22,575.75 17,327.43 23,204.18 17,675.59 19,691.35 17,834.94 15,528.16 16,780.77 18,016.86 12,644.42 10,440.00 7,049.28 7,502.51 8,327.41

13.478.22 3,116.00

5,040.00 55,719.43

114.80 1,612.43 9,844.49

35 14 12 17 14 20 16 33 25 17 18 34 64 72 73

117 101 132 180 170 189 186 196 212 206 202 147 149 193 214 255 232 228 240 265 139 121 247 440 587* 485 396 451 458 499 466 471 4% 564 513 506 468 394 393 463 508 304

5 31

1 1


105 31 31 36 43 41 42 63 53 44 57 66

116 149 155 218 180 274 339 343 366 379 384 424 442 431 349 353 408 431 504 461 445 458 481 287 241 526 802

1064 887 679 818 759 767 768 817 898 948 942 929 906 977

1030 1093 1030 1036

33.33 45.16 38.71 47.22 31.86 48.78 38.10 50.79 47.17 38.64 31.57 51.51 55.17 48.32 47.10 53.67 56.11 48.18 53.10 4933 51.64" 49.08 51.04 50.00 46.61 46.87 42.12 42.21 47.30 49.65 50.60 50.33 51.24 52.40 55.09 48.43 50.21 46.96 54.86 55.17 54.68 58.32 55.82 60.34 65.06* 60.68 57.65 55.23 59.49 54.46 54.47 51.66 40.33 38.16 42.36 49.32 29.34



election and later, his Republican op­ponent in the general election. From there he went on to achieve a number of creditable accomplishments. In 1965 he was elected a member of the Assembly Rules Committee — only the third freshman assemblj-man in the 20th century to hold such a po­sition. A year later, he became the only freshman representative in Cali­fornia history to chair the Assembly's Finance and Insurance Committee.

McDADE 'S3 MOgmi '58


His competency -was recognized when he was reappointed to the chairman­ship for the 1967 term. In addition, he holds membership on Revenue and Taxation, Social Welfare and Govern­ment Organization Committees.

Bob's introduction into politics came through his post as consultant to the Assembly Committee on Elec­tions and Reapportionment He was able to acquire firsthand knowledge of the state legislative process and election procedures on a state-wide tour of country election boards.

Successful in his first bid for public office last November, John D. Bums was elected the youngest state senator in Oregon history. His interest in politics was awakened through a student job as an assistant to US Senator Richard L. Neuberger. A 1961 graduate of Georgetown Uni­versity Law Center, John began his career as assistant solicitor for the US Department of Interior. During a three year term as a trial lawyer in the Multnomah County DA's ofiice, he prosecuted more than 250 criminal cases.

A law associate of the former speaker of the Oregon House, John has maintained an active interest in local politics. He is the former pres­ident of the West Side Democratic Club in Portland and chairmanned the 1964 Multnomah County Young Citizens for Johnson-Humphrey.



BORED w t h reading about nothing hut change, on thft ramnus? Like but change on the campus

co-swapping classes with St. Mary's via shuttle buses making 40 trips a day? . . . the Senior Class bar in the basem*nt of a South Bend restaurant? . . . no curfew? . . . beards? . . . un­limited weekend permissions? . . . guitars in the chapel? . . . adminis­tration by laymen? Well, old grads, don't grouse. We've still got a solid, monoHthic, changeless thing going here that makes Gibraltar, Old Faith­ful and the Grand Canyon seem as permanent as a Mickey Rooney mar­riage. We're speaking of the 57,000 seating capacity of Notre Dame Stadium.

Opened in 1930 (I was a fresh­man!) we had a student enrollment of 3,200, an Alumni body of 5,000 and a season-ticket sale of 2,700. Dues-paid Alumni were permitted eight preferred seats and unlimited additional tickets! In fact, the only people who didn't sit between the 35-yard lines were known smallpox car­riers.

By now, you should get my message . . . especially if you've looked at the above diagram and its figures. Just compare them for a moment (Alumni now total over 40,000 of which 15,000 contributed in '66) and reflect that we still have the same 57,000 seats we had in 1930. So there is ONE thing on the campus that doesn't change — but it's no comfort to us.

There will be nowhere near enough tickets for each of the categories shown. Sorry — there won't be any public sale for Michigan State. Fur­thermore, because the season ticket figures apply for all the home games, the general sale for the other games will be greatly curtailed as well. We're at the saturation point now and with interest mounting yearly the 1967 Michigan State plan will prob­ably become the pattern for all the more popular games for the next five years.

We'll go over the usual regulations again for you, but please remember that tickets for Michigan State will be allocated as listed above; and the follo\ving points apply almost entirely to the other home games.

Advance Sale Procedure. 1. Con­tributors to the 24th Annual Alumni Fund in 1966, religious and honorary d ^ r e e holders plus the June Class of 1967 are eligible for Advance Sale order forms for the 1967 football sea­son. A contribution recorded after Jan. 1, 1967 affords ticket priority for

the 1968 season, but N O T for this current year of 1967.

2. Alimuii Advance Sale opens June 20. Advance Sale forms are lim­ited to T W O tickets per game, are not transferable and will be honored tmtil July 15 or until the ticket supply is exhausted, whichever occurs first. Any order received after that date, re^rdless of category, will receive general use treatment. Nor is an order filled before July 15 guaranteed a preferred location (see Point 4 be­low) .

3. The Alumni Advance Sale order form is designated as such in bold type on its face for ready identifica­tion. Eligible Alumni should receive these just prior to June 20. If you have not and you're certain of your eligibility, notify the Ticket Manager at once. Our envelopes are addressed by the Alumni Association but filled and mailed by the ticket office. Omis­sions are usually caused by address changes. So if your address differs from that used for this issue of the ALUMNUS, forward that change at once to the Alumni Office.

4. Seats are allotted in accordance with date received, modified only as follows: Orders arriving BEFORE opening day (June 20) are integrated with those received on June 20. At close of business June 20, all appli­cations on hand at that point are thoroughly shuffled, drawn by lot and assigned a sequence number to estab­lish the order of seat assignment for each game. Since four to five thou­sand orders for each of the more popular games will arrive for pro­cessing on June 20 (accounting for right to ten thousand tickets) obvi­ously even a first-day order could be on the 50-yani line or beyond the goal line, depending on the luck of the draw. This is the answer to the Alumnus' question as to why, al­though he ordered for all games on the very first day, he received fine seats for one game and poor ones for another, or fine or poor seats for all — or none for Michigan State!

After Monogram and Season Ticket orders (more about Season Tickets below) are satisfied, ONLY 4,000 TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE IN NOTRE DAME STADIUM BE­TWEEN THE GOAL AND 50-YARD LINE FOR A L U M N I . Hence, for the more popular games it is readily seen how a first-day order could fare poorly. An Alumnus who files his order even two or three days after June 20 can expect noth­ing but seats bdiind the north goal


Permanemee Atmid Change (see diagram). Most games away from home present even more seat­ing problems because of the small allotment normally available to the visiting team in proportion to the geographical balance of our following. General and Block Sales. 3. General Use ticket applications are mailed annually to ALL Alumni the latter part of July, prior to the Aug. 1 open­ing of public sale. While it is possible that Advance Sale described above could claim our entire ticket supply, as of now we feel there will be public sale for all games except Michigan State. However, that cannot be de­termined until June 15. General Use forms are transferable and the con­tributing Alumnus who has already used his Advance Sale form for two tickets may place additional orders via the general form. Moreover, the General Use form is a convenient re­minder to the noncontributing Alum­nus that tickets are available. These General Use forms carry no loca-tional preferences as all such orders are filled after Advance Sale pur­chases.

6. Public sale of remaining tickets opens annually on Aug. 1. The Ticket

Committee will be glad to send public order forms to any addressee upon request as long as tickets are available. Alumni Qubs. 7. Alumni Clubs plan­ning on a block of tickets for an ex­cursion must file a request with the Ticket Manager BEFORE JUNE 20. Final action on block orders cannot be taken until individual sales close July 15, and then only if sufficient tickets remain. However, a tentative reservation will be made and an Alumni Club will be given preference in case of short supply. As to seat locations for groups the following is positive: block orders are filled from seats remaining after all individual orders have been assigned. This per­mits only end zone seats, invariably.

8. Alumni Clubs frequently ask for two or more seats in "choice loca­tion" for raffle or fund-raising awards. Because of the problems described in point 4, tickets for prizes must be of the general sale variety. The Season Ticket Situation. For &e past several years, we have been urg­ing Alumni who need more than the Alumni sale provides to purchase sea­son tickets. Last year, our season-ticket sale increased by several thou-

GATC'S-4 - 3 ^ 6

sand and himdreds of the applicants were Alumni. As a result we now must freeze the season-ticket sale at its present figure of 23,250. There-fore the season ticket avenue is no longer open to Alumni r or- anyone else, except for the n^li^bly few season tickets which will not be re­newed diis year. If you are interested we'll be glad to have your request and will send you an order form; but chances of procuring them are slim due to the overwhelming number of requests we've already received since last season. And Rnaliy . . . although interest in Notre Dame football has soared to record heights in the past three years, we've still tried to keep this phase of the University's relationship with its Alumni on a personal b a ^ Please dim't fail to air your gripes or for­ward your suggestions for you'll get an answer and a correction if we're in error. (We dp make 'em, really!) Until the computers do take over we still deem it a privilege to serve you and field your best pitches as we enter our 27th year in tins job.

hw Bmbert CmhUl '34



\ Season Tickets (includes 1.000 Faculty; 1,000 St. Mary's) 25.250

I Students and Wives Season Tickets 7.750

rs^i-^^ Contributing Alumni: of 15,000 eligible, tickets \ SVs5. available for 5,000 ot two eocti 10.000

i^!C§ Parents of Students: of 7,000 eligible, tickets ^^S^^ available for 2,000 at two each




J 19


a.Tixiua.1 aluxx^ni s e m i n a r

Alumni Seminar to Probe Can you pray at Mass anymore? Do you ever have the disquieting feeling that drug usj^e or indifference towards the plight of your neighbor may be new sins in violation of the same old Ten Commandments? Can you make up your o%vn mind on these matters? Or must you aw^t clerical interpretation? Do you still think signs like "Wanted Dead or Alive — God" are merely the work of campus oddball humorists? Or does the question confront you daily in your reading and conversation?

If you have any doubts or qualms about these matters, then, as the old slogan says, you can't afford to miss the second Annual Alumni Seminar, "Has Change Run A^vay With the Church?" Scheduled for June 8-9, the 1967 Alumni Seminar \vill not only explore postconciliar changes in the Church, but also those wrought by the mores of our times.

ENGAGEMENTS Miss Laurene Bcinhauer and LEO DAY

O'DOXXELL JR. '56. Miss Elva Dughi and JAMES L. BYRNE '57. Miss Doris Mae Moran and FRED C. SCHE-

l^aXSKE '57. Miss Bemadette Maryann Dec and DANIEL

KLETTER '60. Miss Glenna Ferris and ROBERT B. BURCKEL

'61. Miss Jeanne Marie Walters and JAMES ROB­

ERT H.ARBISOX '63. Miss Lucinda Gage MacKenzie and DENNIS

MICR-VEL MURPHY B.A '63. Miss Margaret Ann Hartnctt and KENNETH

T. TELESCA '63. Miss Eileen Mary Blccg and CIURLES CAV-

ANAGH 'Gt. Miss Gailanne Slieridan and MICHAEL J.

FOGERTY '64. Miss Gloria Jean Glcnnon and HAL RICHARD

GRAFER '64 Miss Jean Ann Smith and MICHAEL PAUL

POLIARD '64L. Miss Maureen Mcchan and MICHAEL AN­

THONY SENXOTT '64. Miss Patricia Ann Gilstrap and STANLEY

PAUL SZKLAREK '64. Miss Elena Marie DiNardo and JOHN W.

WOLF JR. '64. Miss ifary Carolj-n Crcmer and TIMOTHY

KRISTL '65. Miss Marcia XL Kent and JAMES F. LONGE

'65. Miss Clare Ann Holmes and CHARLES iH-

CHAEL NEWBRAND '65. Miss Siicila .Ann Fislier and TIMOTHY J.

O'SHAUGHNESSY '65. Miss Mar>- Ann Montgomery and WILLIAM

J. PREDEBON '65. Miss Margaret Ann Spitz and GERALD R.

OLDSTER '66. Miss Sara Margaret Wilson and JOHN JAMES

McDERMOTT '66. Miss Kathleen Smith and ROBERT CHARLES

MEEKER '66. Miss Joan Randall Spain and JAMES J. RO-


AAARRIAGES Miss Patricia Rocdcr and PAUL V. HORNUNG

'57, Beveriy Hills, Calif., Jan. 18. iCss Joyce Lynn Lenold and ALEXANDER K.

PASZLY '59, Bremerton, Wash., Dec. 11. Miss Mary Taylor and P.ATRICK ROMAN

GUENTERT '61, Niles, Mich., Jan. 7. Miss Martha Irene Eikhoff and JHCHAEL

MORRISSEY '61, summer, 1966. Miss Rachel Flynn and ROBERT LOUIS HAM­

ILTON '62, Notre Dame, Jan. 7. Miss Jacqulinc Appleby and LARRY J. PAUL

'62, Oct. 29.


Miss Pamela Trenerry and GEORGE LEWIS HI '64, South Bend, Jan. 21.

ifiss Michcle Manzclla and GEORGE PATRICK NOVAK '64, NuUey, N.J., Feb. 4.

Miss Mary Ann Kotzenmachcr and JOHN J. COFFEY JR. '65, Notre Dame, Feb. 7.

Miss Elvira F. Lac and ROBERT £ . GAENS-SLEN '65, Nciv Yorit City, Dec. 26.

Miss Mercedes Corpas Uribe and ERNESTO GUHL '65, Bogota, Colombia, Dec 8.

Miss Maria Teresa Mazabel and LUIS £D-UARDO LAVERDE '65, Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 10.

iEss Irene Clare and JOHN CHESIRE '66, Notre Dame, Feb. 4.

Miss Shirley Fox and THO%L\S REGNER '67, Brighton, Wis., Jan. 7.

BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. ERNEST E. ZIMMER '42, a.

son, Feb. 20. Mr. and Mrs. CRAIG A. HEWETT '46, a

daughter, Pamela Grace, Dec 7. Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM KLEE '51, a daugh­

ter, Ann Helen, Sept. 2. Mr. and Mrs. THOAL\S H. COUGHUN '52,

a daughter, Norccn Catherine, Sept. 19. Mr. and Mrs. PANOS D. B.AROIS '53, a son,

Byron Galen, Jan. 21. Mr. and Mis. GEORGE BELLIS '54, 3 son,

Feb. 12. Mr. and Mrs. ^VILLIAM McLAIN '55, a son,

Patrick, Nov. 23. Mr. and Mrs. THOitAS E. KENNELL '56, a

son, Mark Andrew, Nov. 21. Mr. and Mis. RAMON DE LA TORRE '57,

a daughter, Cristina. Nov. 17. Mr. and Mrs. JOHN F. CHRISTENSEN '59,

a son, John III, Jan. 24. Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD FERRARA '60, a son,

Da\id Scott, Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD KENNEDY '60, a

son, Edward Thomas IV, Jan. 7. Dr. and Mis. DONALD T. McALLISTER '60,

a daughter, Maureen, Feb. 14. Mr. and Mrs. LAWRE.\CE E. VANCE JR.

'60, a daughter, Karen Marie, Feb. 1. Mr. and Mra. EARL A. BERRY JR. '64, a

daughter, Kathcrinc Alarie, Jan. 28. Mr. and Mrs. DENNIS O'BRIEN '64, a son.

Gary Sean, Oct. 10.

SYMPATHY Dr. JOSEPH C. FOLEY '25 on the death of

his mother. Mar. 2. WALTER W. SMITH '27 on the death of bii

wife, Feb. 20. JOHN E. &IOTZ '30 on the death of bh wife

and WILLIAM J. '58 on the death of his mother, Jan. 19.

DEVERE T. PLUNKETT '30 on the death of his wife, and JOHN R. '65 on the death of llis mother, Jan. 28.

LEONARD W. CONDON '32 on the death of !us mother, Feb. 1.

JOHN C. CAMERON '33 on the death of his wife, Oct. 12.

Dr. JOHN J. DORSEY '34 on the death of his son, Nov. 13.

FRANK ENGEL '35 on the death of his wife, Jan. 11.

JEROME CLAEYS JR. '37 on the death of his father, Jan. 18.

JOHN P. MURPHY '38 on the death of his father. Mar. 7.

GEORGE B. '44 and JOSEPH H. EUSTER-MAN '52 on the death of their father, July 11.

JOSEPH G. DONLON '49 on the death of liis wife, Jan. 14.

THOMAS D. SINCLAIR '51 on the death of his father.

WILLIAM B. '52, EUGENE M. '52 and ALLAN J. RILEY '57 on the death of their father. Mar. 3.

BERNARD JR. '53 and JEROME J. BURKE '58 on the death of their father, Feb., 1967.

JOSEPH KENNEDY '53 on the death of his father.

MICHAEL '54 and JOHN M. HACKETT '57 on the death of their father.

ROBERT G. WALLNER '55 on the death of his father, Jan. 9, 1966.

BERNARD G. LYONS '58 on the death of his father.


22. He is survived by his widow, 919 Oakmont Dr., Memphis, Tenn. 38107.

EDWARD L. FIGEL '11, Chicago, Feb. 17. He va5 an attorney for 38 ycais and is survived by

his widow, 7719 Clyde Ave., Chicago, and seven sons including ROBERT C. '49.

EDMOND J. QUINN SR. 'II, Scotch Plains, N.J., Feb. 12. He received a PhD from Colum­bia U. in 1927 and was an asst. prof, of chem­istry there before joining the Maltinc Co. as an engineer. In 1951 he retired from Merck & Co. Surviving are his widow, 24 Land Ave, West-bury, N.Y., two sons E. JOHN '41 and DAVID J. '52 and a daughter.

LEO J. SHANNON '12, Grants Pass, Ore., Dec 29, He was a retired civil engineer with General Petroleum Corp. and was a member of the Associated General Contractors. He was also a veteran of WWI. Survivors include his widow, 1028 N.W. Conklin, Grants Pass, and a daughter.

AUSTIN A. McNICHOLS '17, River Forest, in., Fd). 15. He operated an insurance agency for 40 years and was a past president of the ND Club of Chicago. Surviving are his widow, 1531 Winiams St., River Forest, two sons induding AUSTIN '49, and two daughters.

FRANK B. MARSHALL '18, Santa Monica, C^if., Feb. 9. Surviving arc his widow, 1114 Sixth St., Santa Monica, three sons and a daughter.



Changes in Today's Church The Seminar will follow a new format this year. Each

hour-long session will begin with a faculty member offering a concise but authoritative presentation of the topic in ques­tion. Following it, two faculty-reactors wll lead the dis­cussion period.

Topics for this year's conference are: "Can you pray at Mass?"; "New Sins and Old Commandments"; "Wanted Dead or Alive — God"; "Authority, Conscience and Free­dom"; and "Why Bother Being a Catholic?"

Although the Alumni Seminar immediately precedes REUNION '67, it is not limited in attendance to the Reunion Classes. All interested Alumni are urged to attend and de­cide for themselves whether "Has Change Run A vay with the Church?" Further information can be obtained by writ­ing Dean Thomas P.Bergin, Center for Continuing Education.

WILLIAM P. ECKERLE '20-23, Alexandria, Va., Dec. 27. A senior civil engineer at the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, he is survived by his mdow, 2810 Cameron Mills Rd., Alexandria, and a daughter.

JOHN P. CHAPLA '23, Lomin, Ohio, Mar. 3. He is survived by his widow, 3407 E. Erie Ave., Lorain.

FORREST G. "FOD" COTTON '23, Kansas City, Mo. Mar. €. A tackle under Rockne, he later became a basketball and football coach at St. Ambrose Col. and Catholic U. A founder of the National Catholic Community Service and the USO programs, he was the first club director hired by the NCCS. He is survived by his widow, ^ 2 E. 70tli Terrace, Kansas City, and a son John L. '51.

EDWARD J. M C L A U G H L I N '24, Detroit, Jan. 16. He is survived by his widow, 1600 Antic-tam St., No. 1503, Detroit, and three children.

JOHN E. WHITE '25, Ida Gtxive, Iowa, Jan. 23. He is survived by his widow. Box 26, Jda Grove, and a son.

Sister M. ANASTASIA COADY SCN '26, Naz­areth, Ky.

SUter M. URSULA MERTZ OSU '26, Laoh, Kan., Dec. 4.

Sister M. BERNADETTE BRYAN OSU '27, Piola, Kan., Mar. 24, 1964.

Sister MARY ALEXINE BYRNE SO '27, Mt. St. Joseph, Ohio.

Brother JOHN EVANGELIST CFX '27, Shiem-bury, Mass.

JOHN STEELE HIco*k '27, Hastings on Hud­son, N.Y., Feb. 27. An executive of the GE Co. he retired as eastern regional manager of the Hot-point Div. two years ago. Surviving are his widow, 45 Windsor Rd., Hastings on Hudson, and a daughter.

JOHN WILLIAM CONBOY '28, Mishawaka, Jan. 12. He was a former social studies teacher and counsellor in Mucssel School and is survived by his widow, 417 Studebaker, Mishawaka, Ind.

Dr. GUY L. LORANGER '28, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., Jan. 5.

BERNARD E. ZIPPERER '28, Niles, Ohio, Jan. 16. He is survived by hb widow, 611 N. Main St., Niles.

Rev. JOHN J. HARRINGTON CSC '29, Fort Portal, Uganda, Jan. 1.

FRANCIS L. ZAPPONE '29, Spokane, Wash., Dec. 30. Surviving are his widow, £. 524 Bald­win, Spokane, a son and a daughter.

EDWARD D. CONNOR '30, Detroit, February. A judge of Recorder's Court and for 18 years a member of the Detroit Common Council, he is survived by his widow, 19321 Greydale, Detroit, two sons including Michael J. '61 and a daughter.

JOSEPH F. TIMLIN '30, Washington, DC, Feb. 8. He is survived by bis widow, 1546 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, Md.

SUter M. DE PAZZI WYNN SSJ '31, Con­cordia, Kan.

NORBERT J. CROWE '32, Farmington, Mich.,


Jan. 13. He is survived by bis widow, 26048 Fillsbury Dr., Farmington.

Sister M. CAIUIEL HARNEY FBVU '32, Aberdeen, S.D., Dec, 1966.

LOUIS N. FOLTZ '33, LouisriUe, Ky., Jaa. 14.

Sister M. LOUIS LETOURNEAU SSJ "3^ Concordia, Kan.

CH-ARLES J. MEDLAND '33, Pittsbuish, Jan., 1967. He is survived by his widow, 4921 Flymontlx Rd., Pittsburgh 15227.

EDMUND S.ARGUS '33, '51 L, Bellaire, Ohio, Mar. 4. A fonner member of the State Senate, he had just been appointed Judge of the IVobate Court. Surviving are his widow and three children.

JOHN JOSEPH McGRATH '35, Sedalia, Mo., Dec. 23. He is survived by his widow, 1500 W. Fifth, Route 3, Sedalia.

ANTHONY J. MULVANEY '35, Arlington, Va., Mar. 3. He was director of the Office of Administrative Services for the Agency for Intel-national Development and had been with the government office the greater part of his career* He is survived by his widow, 1721 N. Veitch St., Arlington, and two sons.

ROBERT T. BURKE JR. '36, Louisnlle, Jan. 4. He was an attorney for the Catholic Arch­diocese of Louisville. He also served in several public offices, on the boards of hospitals and colleges, and as a member of the Democratic state central committee. Survivors include his widow, 323 Jarvis Lane, Louisville, and two daughters.

MATTHEW G. LEARY '36, Burlington, V t , summer, 1966. He is survived by bis widow, 25 N. Prospect St., Burlington.

THOMAS J. MURPHY '36, Boston, May 1*. 1966. He is survived by his widow, 51 Longfellow Rd., Needham, Mass., and a son.

Brother RICHARD J. O'KELLY '36, Boston, Mass., 1965.

JOHN A. GENEGAL '37, JKddleto%vn, N.Y., July 30. He is survived by his widow, ^ Wat-kins Ave., Middletown.

HENRY POJ fA.N '37, '38 L, LaGrange, m.. Mar. 9. He was a member of the 1935 football team and Monogram Club. Surviving are hSs widow, 727 S. Waiola Ave., LaGrange, a daughter and a son. - •

Sister M. ANGELITA CONLEY OP (MS '39), Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 29, 1964.

EDWARD J. GLASER '42, Cincinnati, Jan. 4. He is survived by his widow, 703 Carew Tower, Cincinnati.

EDWARD HOYNE '42, Dayton, Ohio, Feb. 3 . Director, VP and treasurer of the Hoyne Funeral Homes, Inc., he was also a member of the Ohio Natural Resources Commission from 195S-1963. He is survived by his widow, 706 Oakwood Ave., Dayton, and six daughter?.

DON.ALD Hi'BIRREN '47, Morton Grove, DI., July 14, 1966. He is survived by his widow, 8421 McVickers, Morton Grove, three sons and three daughters.

EDWARD F. CROWE '47, Oak Ptirk, EL, Mar. 2. Fre^dent of the Suburban Trust and Savings Bank since 1964, he had been VP with that bank and the Maiqaette National Bank. He was past president of the Installment Bankers Assn., West­ern Cook Cotmty Bankers Coundl and a member of other professional organizations. He is sur­vived by his widow, 1000 Bellefoite, Oak Krk, five sons and a daughter.

MICHAEL J. DOYLE '49, Nortbval)^ N.J., Feb. 14.

JOHN L. HAGSTROM '49, Cindnnati, Jan. 17. He was killed in a car accident at El Paso, Tex. while on a business trip. He beaded For­mica's Industrial Roducts Dept. since early 1966. He is survived by bh widow, 9004 Cherry Blossom Lane, Gndnnati, and three sons.

Rev. JOSEPH E. HIPP '49, Erie, Ri., Feb. 19. While in the Army he received two Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a IVesidential Citation. At ND he served as photr^rapher for the Dome and Scholastic. Financial aid officer for Gannon Col., he was one of the founders of the Citizens Scholarship Foundation.

DON E. SCHLEMMER '52, Memphis, Jan. 18. He was in the cotton business witli his father, owner of Southern Pickery, before joining Allen-bets. He is survived by Ms widow, 1210 Wood-, bury St., Memphis, a daughter and a son.

ADOLFO L. CASTELLON '59, Managua, Nicaragua, 1966. He is survived by his mother of ler Callejon Sur, N. 508, Managua.

Sister JOSEPH MARIA KINTZ CSJ '60, Con-cordia, ICan.

LARRY T. BRO\yN '63, Neenah, ^Vis., Jan. 31, He is survived by his widow, 206 Third St., Nee-s&3kh, and twt> sons.

Lt. LAWRENCE A. DIRNBERGER '66 (USMC), Webster Groves, Mo., Feb. 24. He died in the Philippines of injuries suffered in the accidental explosion of a grenade in Vietnam. A high schocd star in crDss-country and the mile, he was a Monogram winner at ND. Surviving are hb parents of 526 Forest Green Dr., Webster Groves, and a tma brother.


Cross House on the campus Jan. 21. A teacher and rector at Notre Dame from 1929-32, he served in many capacities and locations during his 42 years of priesthood. In addition to serving as chaplain in a prison, hospital, high schools and colleges, he taught at Nazareth College In Kalamazoo, Mich. &om 1933-55 and ixacx 195&60.

Rev. Edward Siegman CPPS, associate pro­fessor of Sacred Scripture in the graduate theology program, died Feb. 2. A leading biblical scholar, he was current president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. Prior to joining the ND faculty last November he was counselor at the Thomas More House at Yale U. and had taught at Catholic U.


50 Yeor Club

LOOKING BACKWARD FIFTY-ODD YEARS Heidelberg on an eastern tributary of the Rhine

may be replete with academic and athletic lore of its ovnif but from this German city comes a nostalgic letter by J. STOCKDALE KOBE '14, who turns back the pages of time's book 50-odd years and tells of the charges tlirough football lines by the late RAY EICHEXLAUB. His let­ter is interesting to us who remember those years because we loo were Eichcnlaub fans.

Iklaybe the record of Eichenlaub's prowess has been partially * dimmed because of the football history made by his teammates — ROCKNE, DORAIS and PLISKA — f o r tlic years that came after, but Eichcnlaub was then our beau ideal of football.

After receiving the ALUMNUS Mr. Kobb ivritcs: "I see HARRY BOUJAX's name and also those of DANNY HILGARTNER, JOHN RILEY and Fathers DOLAN and DOREMUS and of FRED STEERS, the fleet-footed ..one, "and read that N O R M BARRY never wore a headgear w'hrle fullbacking. But I also recall our days when Eichcnlaub and DIMMICK, PLISKA and BERG­MAN carried the ball for tlie greatest team in all the land and never wore headgear, nor did they have padding in their uniforms.

**It w^s a tliriUing pleasure to sec the great Eich tearing through a line with his hair dis­heveled, his sweater torn almost to ribbons, flying in the breeze. Eich was indeed sturdy as an oak, covered with s%vcat and mud, forever a hero of the day."

Those of a later day may tliink Kobb over-enthusiastic but for us he tells facts. Undoubtedly the high point as well as turning point was reached in the great game at West Point in '13. The "crowd" which accompanied the team down East consisted of GEORGE HULL, MIKE CAL-N O N (HuIIie and Mike), the late T O M WIL­LIAMS and EARL DICKENS representing Father Cavanaugh who was then college president, and not forgetting the late JOE GARGAN and a companion who "rode the rods" on a New York Central express as far as Buffalo where tlieir lives were probably saved by being taken aboard the car with the players.

During the last part of the first half of the game, when the score was 13 to 7 in West Point's favor, the stiff breeze had handicapped Dorais in making the forward pass that he and Rockne had faithfully practiced at Cedar Point the previous summer and the Notre Dame team appeared to be wearing down — Rockne \v2s limping "with a fake limp." Tlien a play %*"as called in ^vhich Rockne ran far down the field with Army's secondary after him. But Dorais threw the ball to Pliska %vho ran it 30 yards. On the next pby when the Army players had deployed deep, Dorais threw the ball shallow to Rockne who had doubled back. A third pass to Rockne took the ball to the five-yard line. Then Pliska went for a touch-dou-n and Dorais successfully drop-kicked. The half ended with the score 14 to 13 in Notre Dame's favor.

For the second half Army had dc^Tsed a float­ing defense against passes. Then Dorais would pass the ball to Rockne or Pliska and alternate by giving it to Eichcnlaub for charges through the line that had been weakened for defenses against passes. Eich carried the ball to two touchdowns during the second half.

Coach Jesse Harper had inno\-atcd a new vogue of football with the fon%-ard pass from his great quarterback '*Gus" Dorais to his successor, Rockne, and to Pliska. But it was Eichcnlaub with his spectacular tise of brawn and bone who for the time being received the most renown.

On the Noire Dame side only one substitution was made that day when Sam Finigan broke a shoe lace and **Bunny" Larktn w'os substituted for him. Of the 12 men who played on the Notre Dame team that day the following have died: K N U T E ROCKNE, KEITH JONES, EMMETT KEEFE, ALBERT FEENEY, FREEMAN FITZGERALD. GUS DORAIS, JOSEPH PLISKA, CHARLES FINIGAN and RAYMONT) EICHENLAUB. Only RALPH LATHROP and FRED GUSHURST survive,

WALTER L CLEMENTS '14 502 W. Navarre,

South Bend, Ind. 46616 22

As ustial at thb time of )-ear your secretary received a note from our friend HEINIE (ALVIN) BERGER indicating that he and his good wife have already established headquarters for the win­ter at Eustis, Fku 32726, P.O. Box 996. As might be expected he was elated over the great season for the football team. '*Wc were vp t o see the Purdue game this fall — our sdiool if certainly gromng."

A most pleasant surprise xn the fornk of a newsy letter from HENRY FRAWLEY SR. wlm with his son HENRY JR. (also an N D grad) operates a 5,000-acre ranch in western South Dakota with headquarters in Spear&h. H e in­quired about T H E O N . FEYDER LLB '14 » * o lives in Sioux Falls. Later he reported having received a Christmas card from the Fcyders id io are sojourning in Palos Verdes, Calif., this win­ter. Incidentally, Mrs. Kuhle and I wUI h d p them celebrate their golden wedding annivenary this June 10. We were at their wedding in 1916 and Afrs. Kuhle was one of the bridesmaids.

Among his many skills I am sturc that be has a fabulous memory. HANS (as he was called at Notre Dame) has extended an invitation "to come out our way and visit the *Land of Infinite Variety* and while here %ve can foster a *buU session' and recount the days when a certain person threw a bag of water from a third story window and disrupted the efforts of a plainclothes-man from South Bend who u'as looking for •DOLLY' GRAY and *.PREP' WELLS follow, ing an alleged encounter they had with someone in the city the previous evening. *POP* FAR­LEY broke all records running to the third floor and found only an angelical student from Salem, S.D., deep in the pursuit of the mysteries of metaphysics. Your Giuirdian Angel must kive yon! What a treatise could be written and reported about the accounts and recounts of Adler Bros., Spiro's, Brother Leeps Confectionery and his 'lemonade and fotus,' KfcDonald the pho­tographer, Shaffner's and Platner's and t h ^ con­venient entrance to Hagedorm's where a ddidous free lunch was served with a stein of beer, the Philadelphia, the Oliver Hotel and their $1 Sun­day dinners, superb cuisine. For a variety of social grace there were the Orpheum, Oliver and Auditorium theaters and not the least the mys­tery and intrigue of famous Lcnie Nichols — just a few steps from the Oliver Hotel and the County Court House where the legal minds were en­lightened. Well do I remember Fathers Farley and Burke, the FBI of the campus, God bless them both; the 'Iron Gate* at St. Mary's; Mike the night watchman; the beautiful campus under the direction of Brother Philip and Antoine the Faith­ful; and last but not least the 'discipline was paternal.' Yes, one could go on and on. Happy da>s and happy days, I wonder sometimes ijf the present student body is as lucky as we were. As our mutual friend, the late and famous J O H N CAV.ANAUGH used to sign h b epistles, GordiaDy, Henry."

Your secretary would like to receive nmilar newsy letters from other 1915 Alumnt Why not take the time now to write me a note^ ixdog >'our ou*n stationery or the helpftd yellow infor­mation card on page 30? Am sure Hans Fraw-Icy's letter will arouse the memory of many Alumni of that era.

ALBERT A. KUHLE'15 117 Sunset Ave., LaGrange,

IIL 60525


EDWARD J. McOSKER 525 N. Melrose Ave., Elgin,

111. 60121

^ ^ ^ m ^ ^ Birthdar'greetings Apr. 2 , ^ W M ^ ^ J I>- ^ ^ N I G R d , M D •17,

• ^ 4 • ^^k 1222 McGee St , Kansas • ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ C>>r. Mo. ; Apr. 4, WIL-

^ ^ ^ ^ LIAM N O d N A N , Box 470, Pensacola, Fla.; Apr. 6, GEORGE' HAR-BERT, 1623 23nl Ara., Rock Islaiid, lU.; AIR-. 9, J O H N J. VOELKERS, 1006 Wisley Ave., Oak FUdc, H L ; Apr. 21, CHARLES C A t L , 1(H7 Bilt-n o i e Dr., Winter Haven, Fla. 33380; Apr. 25, EDWARD McOSKER '17, 525 N . Melrose Ave., Elgin, n i . 60121; Apr. 26, Dr . NEIL WHALEN, 1023 Caiieux Rd., Grosse Pointe Ri'ric, Mich.; Apr. 28, ALLEN FRIITSCHE, 75 Washington Ave., Eljria, Ohio and WILLIAM KELLY, 1950 Reeveston Rd., Richmond, Ind.; May 24, Rev. GEORGE HOLDERITH CSC, U . of Notre Dame, Ind. 46556 and HARRY C. BAUJAN '17, 2069 Rustic Rd., Dayton, Ohio; May 28, DANIEL HILGARTNER JR., P.O. Box 75, Harbert, Mich. 49115. Hope you all mark your calendar and send out a birthday card — you know the "guy" will appreciate it.

Talked Kith LAMBERT Q . SENG via phone, tried to get some news and went over the birth-day list. When ALLEN FRITZCHE's name came up Bert remembered the *'wliite-haired hurdler." All the information we got out of "BIG FRANK" RYDZEWSKI was that he is enjoj-ing good health. JOHN H. VOEKLERS offered a nice i d e a — t h a t we fellows get together for lunch. Splendid idea. What is your reaction?

Change of addresses: JOHN E. DUFFY, 7700 South Shore, Chicago, 111. 60649; FRANK B. MARSHALL, 1114 6th St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90103; JAMES P. LOGAN, 29518 So. Filhnore St., Denver, Colo. 80210. What do you think about this quote: "Why do you luds of '18 ivant to know how old your 'seniors' of '17 a i e?" Well that comes fcom 'Ole Timer* PAUL J. FOGARTY PhBJ '17, wintering as usual in DelRay Beach, Fla. and looking forward to lots of laughs with CHARLIE BACHMAN LLB '17, " P R E P ' WELLS, PhB '17 and JOE FLYNN LLB '17. Bet they are laying plans for their GOLDEN JUBILEE coming up this June. Then there is CARLETON D . BEH PhB '17 and Mrs. B. at Phoenix, Ariz., their winter home. His neighbor is B. J . VOLL PhB '17 and n o doubt he, too, will be on campus in June.

ALVIN H . BERGER PhB '15 and Alice are spending the winter in Eustis, Fla. You remem­ber "HEINIE" as halfback on the football team and as just as good a pitcher on the baseball team. They drove over to Orlando to call on teammate, first baseman E . J . "STUFFY" BURK. Heinie reports a happy reunion but was sur­prised to leam about Stuffy making society pages due to his dancing. Quote from Comdr. CHARLES W. CALL, USNR (ret . ) : "Rev. CHARLES WILLIAMS has just concluded a four-day stay with us. H e is good company and intrigued our friends." Sure would like to hear more from JAMES G. WALLACE, 1132 BcUevue Ave., S>-ia-cuse, N . y . Send a "Hi" card, MAX KAZUS, 101 Knox Ave., Buffalo, N .Y . 14216 or phone Wallace, Max, and get m e some news. N o w that's an order, Kazus.

Every time Tve talked m t h Rev. C . J . WIL­LIAMS, St. Malachy Rectory, Rantoul, HI., Father has asked me if 1 have seen or heard from JOHN L . REUSS, 909 Orlando Dr. , Ft . Waj-ne, Ind. Now hope that Reuss drops a card to Father Williams and that you, too, send a " H i " card to Father Williams. RAY C . " B U T C H " WHIPPLE, Western Ave., Joliet, lU., send a card to your teammate, ARTHUR J . "YOUNG D U T C H " BERGMAN '17, 3910 Rosemary- St., Chevy Chase, Md. 15. Introduced myself to a guy I found hard to reach via phone, EDWIN T . BREEN, 1542 Sherwin Ave., Chicago, lU. 60626. After an interesting conversation learned that I was talking m t h a Judge. You guys should ">rise me up on the BIG SHOTS" in our Class. You, W n ^ U A M H . KELLEY, were in his Uw class and I know Breen would sure appreciate hearing &om you. For that fact, I would like to hear from all of you in the amount of time i t takes you to pull out the yellow information card on page 30 and scratch off a line or two to me. Why not do it now?!!

May you all live to be a hundred. PEACE.

GEORGE WAAGE 3305 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago,


THEODORE e RADEMAKER Peru Foundry Go;> P^ru, Ihd. 46900

•Received a letter from JOHN T. B A L F E with ncw-s of several classmates: **Your let­ter of the 4th vfas

au-aiting. me as I returned from the Eastern Se­niors Golf Tomnam'ent and a few days later we had the ncu-s of *SLIP MADIGAN's death which was quite a shock as I had been \«th him on a ntunber of occasions in early March when we v>yte in San Francisco. Slip told roe he was plan­ning a trip around the world which he made — hb great interest was to fly from Ireland over the North Pole to San Francisco. His wife Charlotte accompanied him.

"During the past six months I have seen or heard from a number of our classmates. LEON­ARD CALL who is with Hearst Org. here in New York and I usually have lunch once a month to keep up our spirits by talking about you felIo%\-5. JIM TRANT tells me he is preparing to join ns at the 50th Reunion. Jim is with Dyna Corp. in Dayton, Ohio. RAY McCABE is now retired and lives in Larchmont, N.Y., about three months and then takes off for DelRay Beach, Fla.

"Justice CLIFF 0*SULLIVAN of the Sixth Circmt Court of Appeals tells me he has been so busy that his golf has deteriorated to a point where he didn't win a prize in the Michigan Seniois. R.ALPH BERGM.\N writes me from St. Louis that he: 'was laid up all winter. Couldn't watch television, read or go out of doors. This condition is known as tic douloureux. This Is the most painful and mysterious ailment known to man. The only knouTi positive relief is a brain operaUon where they cut the faoal nerve. This numbs the face and often results in eye infection necessitating the rcmo\-aI of it. One thing, busi­ness doesn't bother me for I have none. The economy has out-distanced the drain tub user but I hang around like a dog to his pauperized mas­ter.'

"CLEM MULHOLL.\ND recommended DICK LESLIE for Class Agent telling me that Dick has nothing to do now. As for Clem he is prob­ably on his way to Fort Lauderdale at this time. DEWEY ROSENTHAL, our Class treasurer, usually makes Fort Lauderdale his \rinter home so perhaps he and CIcm should get together. HARRY NESTER %mte5 that he is as busy as usual and working for the University endowment under the Deferred Giving Program. Send Harry one of your old life insurance policies and he will tell you how to deduct it from your income taxes!

"Of course, Jim, no report would be complete without telling you that SHERWOOD DIXON is planning to be with us for the 50th Reunion. Sherwood continues to be interested in every­thing Notre Dame. Likewise MARK VERBIEST of Detroit who has represented the Class in a donation to the varsity room in the new Athletic Center. Keep well, Mark, until 1970.

"One of my recent regrets is that I could not attend the 50th jubilee celebration of Father JIM CONNERTON's entrance into Notre Dame. This was a gala occasion on Oct. 10 at the Seminary at North Easton. Suffice it to say that starting from scratch in 1946 Jim has developed the Eastern Prorince of the Holy Cross Order to a community of 157 priests, 38 brothers, two col­leges, three high schools and Pius X seminary."

Just a reminder to use the yellow information card in this issue on page 30 to keep me informed of your most recent neu'S.

JAMES H. RYAN 170 Moybrook Rd., Rochester,

N.Y. 14618

1921 Dear Winthrop:

You may be interested to know that Kelly and I attended the Navy game in Philly. Went over \Ta Pcnn RR and upon the return repaired to the


Pcnn-Hilton Hotel Bar. While quaffii^, a couple of other jovial individuals joined ns. FoDowLis introductions Kelly said, "Joe here played qoartep* back for ND under Rockne. With TV and the Pros the way they are now he would be worth at least 500 grand." One of the quaffen s : ^ "Not so, Kelly, not so. I have been with East­man Kodak these many years and along in 1917, '18, '19, '20 we didn't have that fast a film. Never would have caught him. And for the play­back— just a blur." Then I told them aboat Rockne's hiding the ball and another bystander spoke up and said: **So that's how they came to putting a white circle on each end of the balL'* I never did know that. Did you?

I enjoyed the football season except for that Klich. St. deal. I wouldn't say in publ^ for these wise guys here but I do think Aia sboolda gone for it. And would I have liked to have been there? I woulda cut that Bubba Smith to ribbons. Did I ever tell you how I tied Fats Henr>*, the all-time, aU-America from W ft J into knots? He came in after the game and said, ' Brandy, I feel just like a bow de." And I an­swered: "Fats, if I had been myself today Hoif dini wouldn't have been able to unravel yon."

Have a pleasant holiday, Winthrop, and say hello to any of the gang.


P.O. Box 177 Syracuse, New YoA 1320! Dear Dan:

Thanks for the note — I was in LA when Jim Murray's column 4/23 appeared. But he was sure good to vs. The following Sunday saul, *'So. Cal. came within 51 pts. of a tie" and a lot of other cute things.

Spent a week as guest of GENE CALHOUN — had a ball and met AL SCOTT, JERRY JONES, Judge CARBERRY JR. and many others. Just missed LEO WARD and PETE BEHAN.

Lots of Itxk in '67. LEO KELLEY

To All the Class: I would like to hear from niore of you soon! . . . that is in the amount of time it takes yon to tear out the yellow information card on page 30 and to scratch out a line or two to me. Do it today!


DAN W. DUFFY 1030 Natl, aty E. 6th BIdg.,

Cleveland, Ohio 44114 We deeply itgrtt'To announce the death of another fine friend and classmate WIL-> UAM "PETE" ECK-1922

ERLE who died in bis home dtf of Alezandtia, Va., on Dec 27. We extend our deep sympathy to the widow Dorothy and also his daughter Ann and to other members of the family. Pete, as he was knou-n to all '22 men, was a senior cbnl engineer with the Dept. of the Navy in Washington, DC. He was buried on the vexy day his retirement was effective. Before going into govertmient service, Pete was with the Kentucky State Ifighway Dept. in Frankfort. He was also a former LouisviUian. Thanks go to VfNCE IfANKAIfAN of Chevy Chase, Md. and to FRANK BLOEMER of An-peka, Fla., for sending obituary notices to the Class secretary.

Brian and Bemie Gaffney of Connecdcut, sons of our classmate CYRIL "CY" GAFFNEY, of happy memory, are married and each has three daughters and one son. Brian was elected a state representative and both arc doing well in law. RALPH CORYN, TOM McCABE, AL CARROLL and JOHNNY RAY see each other quite frequently in the Moline, fU., area. JOHN PAUL CULLEN, who retired in Dec., 1965 as Wisconsin regional director of the Veterans Ad-

ministntiiHi, k a been lecalled br the VA oa a qicdal Mtignment—sort of s leseaidi inject — a htstoiy of nttnaa^ ifai^ifity oonipcMatioa. J. P. is jojroos in bis new lole of i>ritin( — Us first love. He presently has <doa io WasUaf ton, DC and Mihnnkee.

Here is news of the Dr. DANIEL SEXTON funOy of the St. Louis area: Danid Jr. now attends Duke U.; Katherine is in NYC; Mjldied is at St. Louis U.; and Joane is teaching. It is a pleasure to leport that PAUL "VEKN" PADEN has been released from St. Josepb's Haq>., South Bend.

The offspring of the WILFRED DWYERS of London, Oluo are dinng weQ. Son John is a top student and athlete. For two years nmning he has been a MidOhio top-flight football lineman. He hopes to attend NO. T. J. ezpeeu to gradu­ate this year bam Dayton U. in bus. ad. Maar Helena is a Ptace Corps volunteer with the WoU Tribal Senegalese people at Kaffrine, West AInca.

From the sparkling pen of FRANCIS OTT of Burbank, Calif., ames this message: "Tine wears on out here, bat the year is en£ng with a nice event or two to remonber. I ran aeroas FRANK CONNELLY at a TV broadcast in an Alhambra church halL He and his wife live at 8S9 Hugo Reid Rd. in the aiqdiisticated town of Arcadia, Calif. (SanU Anita Raceway). He was hale axMi hearty and sat on the ^^*Knf^ at the Southern CaL game which made history and win live through the years out hote. Then when my daughter amd her hndiand appeared in cooxt to adopt a Gttle ^ 1 this fall, who was the Superior Court judge but AL SCOTT. I made kixnvn my presence when we entered the cham­bers (or rather my lawyer did so) and ''dairmed" if Al £dn*t remember me. He looks just about as handsome as ever and keeps Los Angeles in the right path. He invited me to drop in and reminisce.

Our grateful thanks to all who sent Christmas greetings and to cxptea the hope that they can be on the campus at ND in ear^ Jme to attend our 45th aimiversary Reunion. Here they are: FRANK BLASIUS, ED BAILEY, "CHUCK" CROWLEY, AL CARROLL, JOHN PAUL CUI^ LEN, JERRY DIXON, JOE FARLEY, Rev. GEORGE FISCHER CSC, ED GOTTRY, RAY KEARNS, WILF DWYER. LOU MOORE '23, TOM McCABE, OLLIE SCHELL, RALPH CORYN, MORGAN SHEEDY, Dr. DAN SEX­TON, DAN YOUNG and most of the Sooth Benders.

J. FRANK "RANGY" MILES has agreed to serve as Rcuiuon director tor the upcoming 45th anniversay Reunion. He iKeds the help of aO '22 men.

Just s reminder to take advantage of the yeOoiir information card on page 30 of this issue to fin Be in on the latest news.

G. A. "KID" ASHE 175 Landing Rd. N., Rochester,

N.Y. 14625


\667 Riverside Dr., Apt. A, South Bend, Ind. 46616


301 S. Lafayette Blvd., South Bend, Ind. 46601

1925 The traffic on 42nd St. in little old New York win tmt be any buuer than your Class on June 9, 10 and 11.

We win be known as "THE GO«OERS Of '25" by "the younger set." This issue of the ALmacDS has a yeUow information card in it on page 30. USE IT AND SEND ME SOME NEWS OF YOURSELF.




Insuring the safe and carefree journey across northern Ohio of over 16 million vehicles a year is a rather large task. But it is the primary work of the Ohio Turn­pike Commission and the respon­sibility of one man in particular— James W. Shocknessy '28. Jim is chairman of the Commission and

James W. Shocknessy ^2S has been its guiding force since 1949.

Since his appointment by Gov­ernor Frank Lausche, Jim's work has been under constant scrutiny from critics and champions alike. But in spite of the sometimes con­troversial nature of his work, ad­verse comments on Jim's ability are few and far between. "He is hard-driving, logical, tough-minded and possesses a rare willingness to get on w t h the job" are but a sampling of the widespread tributes to his character.

I t may well have been for this reason that Republican Governor James A. Rhodes approached staunch Democrat Shocknessy with an appeal to serve as consultant and expediter of Ohio's newest interstate highway construction. Futhermore, his feliow commis­sioners have eight times reelected him to succeed himself as chair­man—a. fact which makes him the first—^and only—chairman of the Ohio Turnpike Commission.

When he took over in 1949 there was considerable opposition to the state's allocating over $300,000,000 for a superhighway. It took over three years of patient guidance for enough bonds to be sold to finance construction of the 241-mile road. And even then, Jim Shocknessy's troubles were just beginning. He is a man notorious for meeting construction deadlines; highway contractors were equally infamous in their failure to meet them — until they met Commissioner Shocknessy.

Under his stewardship the Ohio Turnpike's revenue records have steadUy increased, a fact which caused some friction when Jim opted for retiring bonds instead of lowering tolls. In the last two years, he has initiated numerous improvements and innovations in services available to travellers. Ohio campers, thanks to Jim, now have several plaza stations at which they can park their trailers and set up overnight housekeeping.

While at the Furniture Mart in Chicago PAUL ROMWEBER and 1 had a gathering at the Mci^ chants & Mfgs. Club in the Man. We called a few key fellows and all but Dr. CON HAG-GERTV and VIRG fa*gEN came. Con couldn't get away from his Southsidc office and Vitg had to go to a wedding in Steubenvills, Ohio. As usual, Virg helped on the calls. ELMER LAYDEN, JACK SC^LLAN, LEO POWERS, JOHN SHOWELL and BERNIE LIVERGOOD joined Paul and I . Bemic lIcK in from Decatur. 1 let the fellows know what was cooking and they agreed to pass the word on to all llic '25ers they would see or write to. It was at this meet­ing we decided to pot Gina and P. \T MANION on our Reunion program.

Gina Manion's book. Mama Goes to War, is so good the first edition was sold out. Some of you may have read the editorial in the Chicago Tribune on Sunday, Jan. 8, "Who's Getting Fat on Viet Nam?" Charles de Gaulle won't like i t but I am sure you will. The Manion's son Lt. DANIEL A. MANION graduated from Notre Dame a few years ago and won the ROTO JOHN CAVANAUGH airard. Dan is "over there" and is in charge of refueUng helicopters in one of the areas of Vietnam. Gina and Pat agreed to tell us and the rest of the Alumni about the highlights of a most interesting trip to Viet­nam and other strategic positions in Asia and the far Pacific This affair will be held in the Con­tinuing Education Center about 3 p.m. It will ^ v e us a chance to see this wonderful new addition to the campus. Having a charming gal on our Reunion program will be another FIRST for our Class.

WhHe JIM ARMSTRONG, AL PORTA, BILL V O U R and your secretary were having lunch in Morris Inn last Wednesday we were able to get a "yes" from Dr. George Shuster to tell us about the educational research study on the Catholic-primary and secondary school problems. Like the Manion talks, i t will be open to all the Alumni. T h b wrill be a *'brunch" following our Class Mass. We liave already told you that our own Most Rev. JOHN KING MUSSIO, the bishop of Steubenville, will speak at our Friday evening dinner. These three affairs will .be a post­graduate course wrapped up in a weekend.

Thursday of the same week' I hit the trail down Indiana way where BOB GORDON called EDDIE


BAKER, DICK APP, HERM CENTLIVRE and A L « n U E BOLAND together at the "Why Not?" Tavern in "old to»-n" Fort Wayne. Good food, good fellowship over a big dish of com beef and cabbage made a great luncheon. I had to con­vince BOB GORDON that there would be a few co*cktail hours squeezed in our busy weekend. Today, Jan. 31 D O N AOLLER caUed FRANK STEEL (AKRON), JERRY MILLER, FRANK NAUGHTON, CY CALDWELL, JACK KANE and my brother-in-law, GEORGE HAHN for a gathering. They approved of the program and will call the boys who couldn't make it today. I hope to see the New York crowd on Mar. 16 on my return from a three-week trip to South America where the Hurley family will have a reunion of our own. It has been wionderful see­ing all the gang. I caUed FRANK HOWLAND in Detroit to teU EDDIE FOLHAUS, CARL SPRENGER, ROY PAULI, and CLARENCE KAISER of otir plans. GIL SCHAEFFER is in Florida so I \viU write him.

Here is some sad news. Belated word of the death of JOHN E. BOWER BSC who died Sept. 29. John has a son JOHN JR. of the Class of '56. Mrs. JOHN E. WHITE, Box 26, Ida Grove, Iowa 51445 wrote JIM ARMSTRONG of the death of her husband JOHN E. WHITE LLB on Jan. 23. HA.NK WURZER received word of FRANK McSORLEY's sudden death of a heart attack D e c 23 in Pittsburgh. '^Frank's is 3 passing of another one of our classmates and as they increase, each one seems to become more significant." Hank wasn't sure of his survivors but thought there were a son and two daughters and his brother JOHN. Be sure to remember J O H N BOWER, J O H N WHITE and FRANK McSORLEY in your prayers.

"It's later than you think," fellows, so plaa to be on deck for our "In betweener" June 9, 10 and 11. You will be glad you did and so wid the other '25ers. And don't forget to serld m e a note today on the information card on page 30 of this issue.

JOHN P. HURLEY 2085 Brookdale Rd., Toledo,

Ohio 43606

1926 I have nothing good to report this issue as no ncu's has been con­tributed on our class-znates. Before I be­

came secretary I Htnild look forward to receiving a letter from JIM ARMSTRONG but now he mails me copies of letters that he has ^vTittcn to the closest of Lin of our classmates. In one envelope I had three reports, ROBERT "BERT" V . D U N N E died Nov. 25, 1966. LYM.\N J . CLARK died on Dec. 6, 1966. FRANK J. WALSH died on D e c 11, 1966.

I am quoting below a letter JIM DAVYER re­ceived from Beit's younger brother Sam: *'Our Big Brother Bert, who %vas hero and an inspira­tion to myself and our sister Helen since we were little tykes, died suddenly from a coronary* in San Francisco on Nov. 23. His heahh had been poor for over a year as he was suffering from a heart condition and arthritis. He leaves his \nfc Marion who lovingly waited on him hand and foot for 36 years, five children: Pat, Sally, Mariclarc, Bart and John Michael along with 19 grand­children. The family home is at 47 Kittredge Terrace, San Francisco, Calif. Bert would have been 64 years of age in January and in those years he lived sc\'eral ordinary lives as he was a brilUant^ resUcss, dynamic individual with many irons in many fires. He was a very successful advertising and public relations executive, a pro­fessional baseball player who originally was signed by John McGraw of the New York Giants, a base­ball and boxing coach, he wrote a sports column in the San Francisco News, wrote articles for national publications and several books. He made three movies in Hollywood, owned the Salt I.akc Bees Baseball Club in the Pioneer League, con­ducted his own T V and radio programs in Los Angeles. While he was a student at N O he acted as Knute Rockne*s publicity man. H e could run like a deer, was a left-handed, 300 hitter vnUx a classical style and could go down the first base line like he was Jet propelled. His brilliant literary style and his sports background enabled him to turn out football, boxing, basket­ball and golf stories that were sports classics. During his undergraduate and' graduate studies, he attended St. Mary*s College and the uni-veraties of N D , San Frandsco, Stanford, Har-


Such a career record would be laudable for any public servant. But Jim is a lawyer by profession and has never run for political office. Graduating from Notre Dame in 1928 with an AB degree, he went on to Har\'ard Law School where he earned his LLB in 1931. Within a year he was admitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio, a feat which he quickly followed up by being admitted to practice in all intermediate courts of the US and tlie US Supreme Court. Today, he is still actively engaged in the practice of law in Columbus.

\ard and California. He conducted a sports pub­licity class at Santa Clara U. and taught courses in advertising and public relations at the U. of San Francisco. Bert helped scores of people in­cluding his devoted sister and brother throughout his life and he leaves the Dunne clan with a host of wonderful memories. Wc salute him with the Gaelic motto of our ancestors, *Ma)ach a Bu,* the highest forever. &fay God rest his noble soul.**

Hcre*s hoping I receive some more cheerful Items for the next issue via the yellow informa­tion card on page 30.

J. N. GELSON Gelson & Lowell, Inc., 200 E. 42nd

St., New York, N.Y.I 0017

1927 These notes are being written on Feb. 3, which is two days past the deadline. I have 'held them up in or­

der to give tlie latest news about the Reunion. A week ago everyone received a letter calling atten­tion to this great event. A questionnaire was en­closed asking for an early indication of whether you can attend or not. In the brief time that has elapsed since the questionnaires were sent out encouraging responses liavc been received. The following have said that ihcy will come:




The following have said they may come: FRANCIS T. AHEARN, CLETUS S. BAN-


So far these have said they cannot attend: ROBERT F. BARTH, VINCENT BALL, ROB­

ERT C. DeLONG, JOHN E. HARWOOD, WIL-L1.AM G. HEARN (he is retired and says that he and his wife will be touting Eun^ie for most of 1967; perhaps he can write us an account of his travels), ORVILLE LOUIS HOUGH, W. E. JASPER, FRANK L. KANE, Rev. RAYMOND A. MASSART CSC, PHILIP E. McCARTY, JAMES O'CONNOR, FRED A. REED, WIL-LMM VAHEY.

Afost of these who replied furnished interesting information concerning their children and grand­children. I will try to pass this along in the next issue; but in order to get this in the mail today, I will hold up the news right now. I do want to point out however that according to present information WALTER VAHEY has the most grandchildren — 20. Can anyone beat that? HERB JONES appears to be second with 19.

One thing impressed me particularly — the number who have either retired or arc going to retire in the near future. It is hard sometimes to realize that contcmporanes have reached the age of retirement but we must accommo<late our­selves to it.

I hope that everyone will arrange their cal­endars to attend the Reunion if at all possible. Father HARRY RYAN has already agreed to cele. bratc the Class Mass.

Since the letter concerning the Reunion was sent, area chairmen have been appointed. These arc:

Chicago, JOE DELLA MARIA; Cleveland, J.ACK REIDY; Indianapolis, BILL HOLLANTl; New York, DAN CUNNINGHAM; Detroit, AL­FRED "BUD" CARTIER; South Bend, HERB JONES. Herb will also head the committee on local arrangements. If any of you have any suggestions for chairmen of other areas please get in touch with DICK HALPIN.

Indications so far all point to one of the most successful Reunions of all times.

CLARENCE J. RUDDY 32 S. River Sh, Aurora, III. 60504

1928 JOHN W. CONBOY died in Mishawaka on Jan. 12 after a lol^ illness. He was a for­mer social s t u d i e s

teacher and counsellor in Muessel school in South Bend, retiring in 19&i. He is survived by his wife. Our treasurer, JOE LANGTON, arranged for a Mass for John.

1 wish to extend the sympathy of the Class to JOE BRANNON on the death of his mother, to FR.ANK CREADON on the death of his brother Joe of Elgin, lU. and to DICK GREENE of

Ifaacie on tlie dccadi of his mother, age 92. GEORGE CRONGEYER anaaged for a grt-

togeiher with BEKNIE GARBER, BOB HAM­ILTON and TOM MAHON and their wives on the occasion of the BUCKLEYs^ leaving New VoA Ctr in December. TOM MAHON was in New York at the time for a meeting as Uiaiiman of the March of Dimes campaign in St. FuL The fint newspaper I saw on my arrival in d u -cago in Decamiber carried a picture of HOWIE PBALIN, board chunnan and chief executive oificer of the FieU Enterprises Educational Corp., on the occasion of a meeting of 500 managefs of his company. Howie's {nctnte appeared two mote times in the past month wlien he was named general chairman ot the 1967 Junior Achievement Trade Fair and when he was elected pceadent of the Merdunts and Manufacturers Chib.

I talked to BILL KIRWAN and lus bride of one year when they were in Chicago for the fnr-aitUTe snaxket show from Iowa City where he manages the Kirwan Furniture Co. On lus xetnm from Nassau, BUI saw GEORGE LEFPIG on TV in Florida explaining changes he had made in his department in the sheriff's office in Miami. JOE BRANNON had gone to Acapnico for a vacation when BILL tried to contact him in Fboenix. AL GURY has lemasried and is living in Dunlap, HL His bride has seven children and At has one son by his deceased wife. AI is presi­dent of the Illinois Valley Awning and Tent Co., 4419 N. Prospect Rd., in Peoria.

I attended a meeting at Notre Dame in Jan­uary of the Committee for the Fifteenth Annual Union-Management Conference and saw Father MARK F. FITZGERALD CSC. Father Marie had just concluded a very soccessfid water-air conference at Notre Dame in December. Father JIM McSHANE SJ was with VDJCE WALSH and his family in MonticeBo, HI. for Cbiistmas. Father Jim had seen BILL CRAIG '29 bma Munde, Ind. at a broadcasters' conven^on. Bill has right sons. BOB HELLRUNG '30 took Father Jim to the Aia Plrseghian bantiuet in St. Louis.

BILL DOWDALL viated JOHN GOCKE in Los Angeles last year. AL SCHNURR continues in the comtruction business in Sandusky, Ohio. Al sees RUSS SMITH who is in the rtady-mix concrete busmess there. VINCE CARNEY left for Mexico soon after I arrived back in the Mid­west. Vince's daughter Katharine will go to work for the Federal Reserve System in the Northwot as soon as she is graduated from Gonzaga U. in May. She will be the 6rst gill hired to act in their baixk examining division.

When I returned to New Yorit Gty late an January to serve on the oral examining boards for the New York State Gvil Service Conmus-sion, I accidentally met JOHN LEITZINGER and his wife in my hotel lobby. I enioyed some fine sessions with them and with John's son Bob bom Kttdiurgh and his daughter Kay who is a research bacteriologist at New York Hosp., which is associated with the Cornell Medical SchooL She indicated that our classmate Dr. JOHN FRANKLIN is stiO on the staff there. Two of John Leitringer's 11 children were graduated fitun Notre I^me. He has one now at Duquesne and another at Penn Sute. His son TOM was a roommate of TOM LAVELLE wUle at Notre Dame. John stili operates his department store in Clearfield, Pa.

Our Class President BERN GARBER came to my assistance by contributing the following:

**With pneiunonia and viral complications, lARKY CULUNEY has been ill in Yale-New Haven Hosp. since Christmas week. In serious condition in January, let's pray he is recovered by now. Shortly after their virit to NYC, TOM MAHON reported that Marie was in the hospital for two weeks. AUGIE GRAMS reports that Marguerite has fuQy recovered. Starting from Muncie RICHARD GREENE and Mildred circled the world by plane last summer. Father ANDY MULREANY writes bom Killeen that he loves . Hs work and the dinute in Texas.

"More donations for our Mass Fund are needed. Make check to Class of 1928, V. of Notie Dame and send to Treasurer JOE LANGTON, 406 W. Madison, Ottawa, HI. 61330. Help provide a Mass for each classmate upon death.

"Enjoy the next '28 Football co*cktail iPailj: Oct. 28, Michigan State game at ND. Order game tickets, motel reservations now. Next year is our 40th Class Reunion. Ideas and vobmteess requested now.

"Maa to JOE KANE, 321 West 55, NYC, was letumed. Where are you Joe? Christmas cards showed PAUL BRUST's seven ehiWren and FRANK DOANE's six grandchildren, dasmates with great-giandchildren write Buckley. STEVE


SHERRY and Helen made a long \*isit to Lourdes and other European points in 1966."

Woid was received as we go to press of the death of a BERNARD ZIPPERER on Jan. 16. I have asked our Treasurer JOE LANGTON to arrange for a &fass for Bcmtc.

Please note the yellow infonnation card con­tained in this issue oE the ALUMNUS on page 30. May I ask each of }-ou, as a special favor, to add some neu3 items about yourself and your family and send it to me at once at the address below? Thanks in advance for your help on this request.

LOUIS F. BUCKLEY 6415 N. Sheridan Rd., Apt. 1007

Chicago, Illinois 60626

1929 Due to the ri\'alry and interest in the i l i c h -igan State football series, by popular de­mand it has been in­

stalled as the game at which the Class of '29 will have its 1967 post-game get-together. The date is Oct. 28 and supersedes any prei^ously mentioned dates. Wc suggest tliat it is not too early to make your lodging rescn-ations.

Quotes gleaned from the '29 ^vire-tap: Q , "Where is this Winchester Cathedral e\'erybody is anging about?" A. "It's a church at 9205 Superior Ave., Cleveland . . . and if you happen to stop by say hello to the pastor Father OTEY WINCHESTER '29 for mc ."

Second gem: JIM ARMSTRONG, **Your face is familiar. Father, but I can't recall which Class you were in ." Father GEORGE D U M CSC, "I really belong to two classes — I entered N D with the Class of '28, took time out for the novitiate and graduated with the Class of '29. I'm like the fellow who said he didn't wiorry too much about going to heaven or hell — he had friends in both places." Father Dum attended Holy Cross Col., Catholic U . in 1929-33, was ordained June, 1933, received his MA from N D in '34 (that gives him another Class). He was assigned to the U . of Portland in September of '34 and is in his 33ni year of continuous scr\icc there. He is now associate prof of philosophy. From 1936-&4 he was director of the Glee Club. Classmates at PortLind include Rev. C. A. HOOYBOER CSC, Rev. WILLIAM COUGHLAN CSC and Rev. BERNARD McAVOY CSC.

JACK PERKINS, South Bend, is now sales manager for Gibraltar ^fausoleum Corp. in his area after 25 years \nth Associates Investment Co. in various managerial positions. His son John lives in Cambridge, &fass. He is Northeastern rep of Harper-Row Pub. Co. Jack travels East often, sometimes to NYC where his daughter Rosemary is taldng graduate work at Parsons School of Design leading to a position as a fashion illustrator. Jack visited in Washington with BOB WILLIAMS, retired editor for the House Appropriations Committee. Bob had news of HAROLD BAJR and EMMETT McCABE whom he had \'isited on a trip West.

T O M RYAN, 5555 Grand . \ve. S., Minneapolis writes briefly that he continues as owner of Thomas A. Rj-an Co., manufacturers' agents. Tom's family includes Thomas A. Jr., 28; John C , 24; and Charlotte A., 19. HAROLD A. BAIR, 714 W. Har^-ard St., Fresno, Calif, is owner and operator of Bair Co., specializing in religious articles and church equipment which mdudes supplying altars, pews, wood carved statu­ary and related items. His son JACK '58 in San K^teo with Canteen Corp. has two little Bairs. The Bairs senior have two daughters in Fresno, each with four children. Harold adds, "Our hadenda b always open to any '29ers traveling through Fresno."

JOSEPH HARTNETT JR. is \-ice-president of Irving Trust Co. with business address at One Wall St., NYC. He travels in Europe every fall. HARLEY McDEVITT's business address is 630 Fifth Ave., NYC, and he continues as director of advertising of National Geographic magazine. We have an incumbent Indiana State Senator on our roster. WILFRED J. VULLRICH of Aurora has that distinction as well as that of having been selected Pharmacist of the Year 1%5 for Indiana. Wilfred is owner of a drugstore which has been at the same location since 1883. In this day of '*urban renewal" this may be a greater distinction than the other two. In Wilfred's mind and heart he is more proud of his five living children and 19 grandchildren.

THOMAS C. MURPHY, Grosse Pointe Farms 36, Mich., for 32 consecutive years has been


elected judge of Probate Court, Wayne County, Mich., a remarkable career of sendee as judge and public servant. As judge he has jurisdiction over all juvenile delinquents, adoptions, registra­tion of unrecorded births, cases concerning sup­port and maintenance of indigent parents by their children and vice versa.

We add our sympathy to the many who mourn the death in late January of Mary, w f e of asso­ciate dean DEVERE PLUNKETT *30, brother of our D O N PLUNKETT.

Agnes and PAUL BARTHOLOMEW will be in Dublin for the spring semester where Baul will be visiting professor at the National U . of Ire­land, University College, Dublin 2. T o quote them, "If any Notre Dame people come this way, we would be most happy to see them.**

And, lastly, take a moment now to pull out the yellow infonnation card on page 30 and send me a line or two about yoursdf. We'll all be glad you did.

LARRY STAUDER Engineering BIdg.,

Notre Dame, Ind. 46556


O'Shaughnessy Hall, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556


1567 Ridge Ave., Apt. 308, Evanston, III. 60201

1932 JOHN KIENER who has operated amateur radio station W8AVH for 42 years recently received a certificate

from the First Baptist Church in recognidon of being the radio operator for the medical misaon in which it partook last July in Kfanagua, Nica­ragua. Over 150,000 Nicaraguans were inoculated in this four^week program. Another similar medi­cal misaon is planned for July, 1967 and two-way radio work is now going on with phone-patches between Cleveland and Managua. In the true spirit of ecumenism, John has also arranged radio*phone contacts between the Maryknoll houses in Cleveland and Chile.

Capt. BOB LEE U S N writes from Hawaii that he expects to attend the Class Reunion this year after having missed several because of being sta­tioned too far away. Bob is the district legal officer there and has been the naval escort for Cardinal Spellman on his Christinas trips to the Far East.

Our sympathies are extended to Mrs. NORBERT CROWE and family upon the death of Norfo who died Jan. 13. The fanuly address is 26048 K l b -bury Dr., Farmington, Mich. 48024.

PETE STREB told me that his son JAMES IP. was graduated from the Univer^ty last spring, and has been assodatcd \rith the Tint National Bank in Chic^o . Pete is sales manager for Diebold, Inc. and is still very active in the pro­motion of the Football Hall of Fame in Canton. TED HALPIN writes that his son Cary, who has been in the Army Dental Corps in Gomany, is returning to his practice in Milwaukee. FRANK MARLEY writes in part, "I am in receipt of a letter irotn Mrs. John J. Theisen, the mother of

CYRIL THEISEN who died Feb. 22, 1966. Mrs. Theisen says that Cyril's son entered Notre Dame as a freshman last fall and he is Uving in Stan­ford HaU.

"I also received a note from J. Betty Morrison, the widow of our classmate FRANK J. MORRI­SON who lived in Rochester, N.Y. She said this, 'My husband Frank won't make the Reunion this year. He died suddenly in September. With no history of heart trouble, be had a sudden attack. Ilease tell the Class of '32 to remember Frank with a prayer.' "

Among recent changes of address are HARRY MOSS to 12 Warwick Ave., Albany, N .Y. ; JACK RAMILTON to 578 Pine St., Norco, La.; and ARTHUR LARKIN who is with the American Red Cross to Hq . US. \REUR DCSPER, APO, N.Y. 0M03.

JAMES K. COLLINS 2982 Torrington Rd.,

Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122

1933 W e learned with deep regret of the recent death of the mother of FRANK McGEE at Bridgeport, Conn.

T o Frank and his family we extend our sym­pathy and prayers.

7n Paradisum Deducant Te AngelL On a recent visit to Albany we \*isited briefly

%rith our Class President E D ECKERT at his home in Loudonville. Surrounded by his grand­children and new color TV, Ed gave us a Tunning description of the N D games he saw on campus last season. His continuing (Usap-pointment is the fact that only once in 34 years has a representative of our Class ever been clefrted to the National Alumni Board. During the annual New York State Bar Assn. meeting in NYC, Rochester barrister PETE CONNELLY lunched at the Guard Room in the Biltmore with BILL LYNCH, JIM ROSS, GEORGE ROHRS, JACK HOYT and MARSHALL McAVENEY. M. \RTIN LINSKEY, the group leader, was grounded in Chicago as a result of the " *67 Blizzard" and had to phone his regrets to his lieutenant BiU Lynch. CHARLIE Q U I N N of Mamaroneck, N.Y. is with Reader's Digest and travels extensively through New York and New England. While in Middletown, N.Y. recently, he visited with ANDREW BOTTI. Charlie is tiie first Class member to become a grandfather in '67. His oldest boy is a sophom*ore at N D .

During the Navy game weekend in Phila­delphia, CHARLEY CONLEY visited with BILL BODO, PHIL FAHERTY JR., T O M GRIFFIN and Msgr. FRANK J. HARRISON. LARRY SEXTON, the "faithful side-liner," was unable to get to the game due to prior business commit­ments. Last October JOHN BARRETT was transferred from Arkansas to the Pine Creek Dam at Valliant, Okla. as resident engineer for the Corps of Engineers. Pine Creek Dam is a flood control and water supply project in the south­eastern part of Oklahoma. John's new address is 3215 Clarksville St., Paris, Tex. Rev. FRED­ERICK A. SCHMIDT CSC is stUl at St. Wil­liam's &fexican ^fission. Box 307, Round Rock, Tex. CHUCK LAZZIO, who is postal service officer for S.E. Oklahoma, has asked for prayers for his daughter. Sister Mary Sheryl who is gravely ill. He can be reached at 912 E . Tennes­see Ave., McAlistcr, Okla.

THOM.AS A. GORMAN is d t y manager for Chicago Che\-Tolet uith offices in the Mcrchan-* s e Mart. LEO W. HODEL, who lives in Evanston, is assistant secretary of Commerce Clearing House, Inc., publishers of topical law reports for the law profession. F. NORDHOFF HOFFMAN, prominent labor counsellor, resides in Crandon. lU. ' STEPHEN L. HORNYAK is a state sanitary engineer with the sanitary district in Chicago. Steve is a 4th Degree member of the Genoa Council of the K of C and is active in the American Society of Professional Engineers and in the Society of Professional Engineers.

JOHN R. JOYCE recently retired from the Joyce Coal Co. and has become active in the local rod and gun club. THOMAS J. KEN­NEDY is vice-president of Local Loan Co. with offices at 105 W. Ikfadison St., Chicago. WIL­LIAM S. K N O X resides in Evanston. H e is prendent of Knox and Schneider, Chicago paper merchants. BiH belongs to the Evanston Golf O u b and the Lake Shore Q u b . JOSEPH J. K U R T H is with Len iPorzak and Assoc., Inc. at 5151 N . Hariem Ave., Chicago. J O H N LEV-STIR is a development engineer with Ctucago




Bridge and Iron Co. John lives in Western Springs, 111. and is active in several engineering societies.

From the Alumni OfiGce we recently received the following changes of address: ZIGMUND H. KITKOWSKI now resides at 1635 Riverside Dr., South Bend; Dr. LOUIS M. FOLITZ MD is now located at 3323 Medical Arts BIdg., Louis-viUe, Ky.; and AMBROSE E. RYAN has moved from Chicago and now resides at 10124 Alice St., Oak Lawn, 111.

Why not use the yellow information card on page 30 of this issue to send news of yourself and classmates?

JOHN A. HOYT, JR. Gillespie & O'Connor,

342 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017


523 W. Hillsdale, San Mateo, Cal. 94403

1935 Dr. F R A N K Mc-GUIRE resigned his position as vice-presi-dent of special proj­ects at Notre Dame to

accept a new position with Deere and Co. as vice-president in charge of their operations in Europe and Africa. Frank is already in Heidel. berg, Germany where he will live, but with the responsibility for seven factories in Germany, France, Spain, and South Africa no doubt he will not see much of Heidelberg. We will miss him and his family in South Bend. Frank also resigned as secretary of the Class, so PAUL FERGUS "railroaded" me into accepting the duties as "interim" secretaty. (Sounds tike a football coach's job!)

News of our classmates is very scanty for this issue, which has also been true in many prenous issues, for one major reaon — you fellows don't communicate. To make it easier for you, en* closed on page 30 of this issue is an "informa* tion card.'* How about getting your new sccre-tary off to a good start by using it?

In reviewing the current Class list I ran across many names of '33ers who in my memory have not returned for a Reunion nor appeared in our Class news for too many years. For example: JACK BRAYMER, S.AVIXO CAVENDER, BILL CAS.^ZA, VAIL CLIFF, KIERAN DUNN, JOHN GILLOOLY, JOE KN.\PP, BILL LORD, P.AT LYNCH, RAY MARGRETT, GER.ALD MOLIN.\Rl, RALPH 0"M.-\LLEY, TOM PROC­TOR, MAURICE TOMBRAGEL and JOHN RYAN (that's right, my own brother!). How about you fellows, just named confirming same by using the yellow information card on page 30 of this ALUSINUS or e\'en the back of an old envelope!

Wc are taking ad\-antage of this column to make a special appeal to the seven vice-presidents to keep us informed of any items about '35ers which come to their attention. Due to your geo­graphical location you are in a better position to sec or hear about classmates in your area who may not take the time to write us directly, and it would be helpful if you would siphon the information- to us. In other words, let's have eight secretaries in the Class of 1935 instead of just one (another ''first" for the Class). Enough for my pitch.

FRANKLYN HOCHREITER wrote news of his marriage to Carolyn Fryar Ash on Dec. 17. She is a public health educator with the ^fary-land State Dept. of Health. Hoch's daughter Cbudia %\'as maid of honor and her fiance Juan Levy the best man. The Hochreiteis are at home in Campus Hills, Aid. Congratulations, Frank. TOM HILS, former secretary of both the New Haven, Conn, and Miami, Fla. ND Clubs, is planning to open his own public relations office at Cocoa. He operated a public relations office m Hialeah for years. ANTHONY KUHARICH resigned his post as chief probation officer for the Northern Indiana District of United States District Court on Nov. 30 to assume a post as special assistant in the Indiana Dept. of Correc­tion. We want to express our belated congratu-



Arehbi»hop Pmmt t#. HmtUmam '3S The traditional picture of an archbishop calls to mind a som­ber, old gentleman slowly moving down the cathedral aisle as he be­stows his blessing on the congre­gation. Not so wth Archbi^op Paul J. Hallinan '32 of Atlanta. Leader of the US's newest arch­diocese, he is as youthful and vig­orous as the age of Vatican I I demands.

Paul Hallinan was enthroned as Archbishop of Atlanta in March, 1962 and the challenge the office presented was tremen­dous. Atlanta had just been cre­ated the Deep South's first arch­diocese and was named the seat of a new ecclesiastical province encompassing the dioceses of At­lanta, Raleigh, St. Augustine, Miami, Savannah and Charles­ton. In addition to ecclesiastical changes, the area was the center of deep social flux.

Archbishop Hallinan met the challenge head on. Three months after assuming the See, he an­nounced that the archdiocese would desegregate its schools in time for the September opening. "Our churches have always been open to everyone, regardless of race or color. White and Negro Catholics have attended Mass and received the sacraments side by side for generations. I'm sure we must put our trust in God and also in the justice of the people."

The Archbishop's concern for education has been a lifelong in­volvement. He graduated from the University in 1932 with a B.A. degree. Later, as a young diocesan priest in Cleveland, he

was a part-time faculty member of Notre Dame College, South Euclid, Ohio and St. John's Col­lege in Cleveland. l a 1946 he assumed the Cleveland diocesan directorship of the intercoUe^ate Newman Club activities. For over 15 years he worked viiih the student organization in colleges and universities on both the local and national levels.

Bishop Hallinan's ecclesiastical career has covered a gamut of responsibilities. Ordained in 1937 at St John's Cathedral in Cleve­land, he served five years as a curate in his home diocese. With the outbreak of World War II, he volunteered for the Army chajj-laincy and spent three years wth an engineering unit in the South Pacific. When he resigned his commission in 1945, Father Hal­linan had attained the rank of captain and earned the Purple Heart.

Consecrated a bishop in Cleve­land on October 28, 1958, he was enthroned in the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina one month later. There he estab­lished a diocesan liturgical com­mission and a Newman founda­tion. His work and enthusiasm with the former later earned him a position on the liturgical com­mission of the Vatican II Council where he played a leading role in developing Uturgical renewal in the Church today.

This then is the Archbishop of Atianta and alunmus of Notre Dame . . . an iimovator in educa­tion, a leader in civil rights and a prominent voice in Church matters.

lations to RAY BRODERICK upon his election as lieutenant governor of Pennsylvanb. GEORGE DEMETKIO reports that he also has a son at Notre Dame, a sophom*ore in the Class of 1969.

On behalf of the Class, I wish to extend deep, est sympathy to Mrs. JOHN J. McGRATH and four daughters on the death of John, Dec 23. Known to most of us as "Gunner," John wiU be, remembered in all our prayers.

Class President PAUL FERGUS, also our Class Agent, wishes to express bis sincere appreciatioa

for the splendid response by the Class to bis December ktterappeal for the Aimual Alumnx Fund. As a result of this end-of-the-year effort, the Class came through with a record number of gifts to the Uiuversity in 1966.

WILLIAM F. RYAN 1620 E. Washington Ave., ;South Bend, Ind. 40017


1936 CLIFFORD BROWN from Norwalkj Ohio H'ritcs that he lost be­ing elected Judge of the O h i o Supreme

Couxt in the Nov, 8th. election. However, he still has four more years to serve in his present tenn as Judge of the Court of Appeals, sixth district, Ohio.

Received vt*ord from Alumni Office of the death of THOMAS MURPHY of Needham, Mass. and ROBERT BURKE of Louisville, Ky. Fellow Alumni and friends will add Masses and prayers.

Received a humorous letter from T O M GRADY of Chicago, our newly elected Class president along with a contribution for niy secretary's ex­penses. This contribution came from Tom, T O N Y MAZZIOTTI, PATRICK DONOVAN and AD-ELBERT von CHAMISSO BAUR, who got the ball rolling in the first place. Thanks loads for the gift. I immediately sent for an Alumni direc­tory of N D graduates in this area of which stun I paid about half that was sent. Wonder how Baur got the name "von" tacked on to his already given name. Afaybe Bert \viil supply us vaxh this information. Let me know next time you write, Tom. Incidentally, about this time Tom lost his mother and I am sure all class­mates will remember her in their prayers.

In closing I wish to inform all that secretaries are limited to a number of words. ^lany of my reports may be cut or deleted, so I will have to make them brief and condse. This I hate to do as many of you know how I like to ramble to explain details. But don't let that stop you from using the >*eIIow card in this issue to send me information. In the next issue will have a word from J. MAHAR, A, HUFNAGLE and GEORGE WENTWORTH. Can't get it aU in this time.

LARRY PALKOVIC 301 Mechanic St.,

Orange, N.J. 07050

1937 R E U N I O N — J u n e 9, 10 and U .

The coming of our 30th REUNION has started to a r o u s e

some of our old correspondents. D A N SULLI­VAN has things lined up in the Sun Flower State so that he will be able to make it come June. Dan''s family is running the schooling circuit — one in law school, a daughter a teacher and one son ready fo find his way to N D or K State. Dan hears from AL SCHWARTZ when they have a train seat heading for one of the games in the fall. Dan is also on Father JOE ENGLISH'S mailing list from Chile and Father Joe expects to get a dispensation to make the journey back to Father SORIN's wiMeniess. E D REARDON has been a very good informer, hav­ing made some trips to games — looking for a home for his son, All-City star Kerry. His son made history for Rockhurst in KC like Eddie did along with E D ROONEY and T H O M HIG-GINS ^vhen they were the representatives at Rock­hurst Prep. PAUL "PABLO" SHEEDY of the Foster-Kfilburn Co., Buffalo, took his wife Marie to Puerto Rico to get airay from the cold climate that Buffalo enjoys. While changing pbnes in NYC he met Dr. CHARLES HUFNAGEL who had been in NYC for a heart association meeting. You all probably saw Charlie's lucture and article that he participated in as it appeared in Ufg magazine. Dr. Hufnagel is still on the staff at

Georgetown and t(Jd Paul that he hoped to be able to make the Reunion. Paul also heard from Father BOB LOCHNER while in Buffalo, and he meets with JIM IhlOULDER in town. H e made a trip to the coast and met with PARKER SULLIVAN, %vith a slop-off at Kansas to see PINKY CARROLL and AL SCHWARTZ. His son BRIAN '63 will be a doctor about now and Pablo has joined the grandfather stage. Hope the grandson has more hair.

ED HOYT checks in with visits with T O M HUGHES who now owns five liquor stores in North Jersey — better have him furnish the booze for the Reunion. Then he met JOE SCHILLING, as I did, at the Navy game. ZEKE CACKLEY who now has an address In Penn­sylvania after leaving Georgian Court. He listed Allentown Col. of Francis de Sales as the oper­ating base. Hoyt is teaching graduate school at CCNJ and makes his li\ing as asst. treas. for Fcncherch Corp., NYC, an international financing organization. He should run the finances for the REUNION. DICK DEL.\NEY and BOB WEA­VER confirmed our visits and again stated they were available for duty at the REUNION. Dur­ing a trip to Washington had a visit with BILL FOLEY, counsel for House Judiciary Comm. and well-situated in the new Rayfaum Bldg. which was built with no limit on the money spent. Texan WIL KIRK should be proud of the way they honored the big man from Texas. BiU checks on D O N H. \NNING who is with the FBI in Washington.

Trip to Harrisburg, Pa. resulted in a meeting with VINCE "TIP" McCOOLA of Freshman Hall fame. Vince is well established In the State of Pennsylvania just having finished a term as acting secretary for procurement for the state. He is now under the new Governor as the asst. commissioner for higher education for the State. **Tip" finished up at Scranton U , with a master's from Bucknell. H e hopes to hear from JACK BAKER, JACK McCARTHY and BILL FOLEY at the REUNION. Again in Harrisburg, but no sign of FRANKIE B.ARBUSH, the musical knight of '37.

r ^


Congrats Frank D. Hamilton '30 was recently elected president-elect of the Wis­consin State Bar Assn. In his new position he will be responsible for a membership of over 7,000 who maintain their headquarters in the State Bar Center at Madison, Wis. Hamilton, who has practiced law in Wisconsin since 1933, is a mem­ber of the firm of Hamilton & Mueller at Dodgeville and was a comt commissioner for 25 years. He served three years in the Navy during World War I I and is a Fel­low in the American College of Trial La\vyers and the American College of Probate Lawyers. He

is also past president of the So. Central Wisconsin ND Club.

Bernard D. Broeker '30 has been ap­pointed director and chairman of the finance committee at Bethle­hem Steel Corp. He also will con­tinue to serve as general counsel to the corporation. In 1933 he re­ceived a law degree, cum laude, from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review. Broeker vras a mem­ber of the legal staff of Cravath, Swaine and Moore of New York City from 1933 to 1940, when he joined Bethlehem Steel.

Delancey J. Davis '37 has been ap pointed president of the Castings Division of General Steel Indus­tries, Granite City, 111. Davis, who is vice-president of General Steel, has been general manager of the castings division since 1966. He was formerly general manager of GSI's castings plant near Philadel­phia, Pa., which consolidated with the Granite City facility in 1963.

Vincent P. Slatt '43 has been hon­ored by the Spokane section of the Institute of Electrical and Elec­tronics Engineers as "Engineer of the Year." Slatt is a graduate of the University's College of Engi­neering and has been general man­ager of the Inland Light & Power Co. ance 1960, having been as­sociated with that concern since 1949. He was Spokane's ND "Man of the Year" in 1953.



E D GARVEY sent in a fine contrihution to get the REUNION fund off the ground — i n fact put it in orbit. We now have doubled and more what we had left over from the 25th. Many thanlcs, Ed. The committee will put the ^ to good use. WALT NIENABER has started to line up the Cincy contingent, BOB BURKE and JERRY GOHAIAN, and they really hope to have BILL FYLE make this one.

The local REUNION committee is headed by Father NED JOYCE CSC with JERRY CLAEYS, KARL KING, HARRY KOEHLER and JOHN­NY BRASSELL tailing the brunt of the work. So, when you are contacted by the committee, give them -a hand. They will be making a scries of mailings to keep you informed and to get some action. The publicity experts are PAUL FOLEY, ZEKE CACKLEY, JACK GILLESPIE. CY STROKER and JIM BACON.

Our deepest sympathy goes to Father Joyce, Jerry Clack's and Walt Nienaber on the deaths of their fathers.

One final note: it is reported that BERNIE NIEZER's golden locks have turned to silver. He*s still the number one fan at St. Mary's regardless of competition from MARTY BURNS. Use tile postcard insert to check with me on news or addresses that you need to contact before REUNION.

JOSEPH P. QUINN P.O. Box 275, Lake Lenape,

Andover, N.J. 07821

1938 Protest! HAL WIL­LIAMS, Sunday edi-tor of the Baltimore Sun, was pictured in the Nov.-Dcc. ALUM­

N U S as a member of the Class of *40. Hal not only was one of the big wheels of tht Glass of *38, but also Class secretary and first author of this column. Just because he has more hair than some of us doesn't warrant putting him in a younger Class.

This is written while I am serving my second term as state representative at Indianapolis and just a day after I returned from Washington, DC as ofHcial delegate from the Indiana Assem­bly at Astronaut Grissom's funeral in Arlington. Rode with our Senator Birch Bayh and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts in the funeral procession. During the session I introduced a joint resolution, which passed unanimously, hon­oring Notre Dame as National Champs and Pur­due as Rose Bowl winners, and complimenting both for timing their heroics during Indiana's Sesquiccntcnnial year.

.At the State House I ran into JIM LAHEY, member of the state conser^-ation commission, who is plugging for a state park near South Bend. Also saw JACK SCOTT, now editor of a news­paper in Lafayette, who is an old friend of our Governor Bramgan despite being on opposite sides politically.

No letters — no cards from you fellows. How about using the yellow information card on page 30 of this issue to keep me informed? Did receive a few moWng notices: ED FLANIGAN moved from Buffalo to 81 Nassau Ave., Kenmorc, N.Y.; JOHNNY MOIR from Huron, to Sandusky, Ohio; FRANK IT2IN from Iowa City to 120* Eliot Dr., Urbana, 111.

BURNIE BAUER 1139 Western Ave.,

South Bend, Ind. 46625

1939 JOSEPH E. HANNAN 1804 Greenwood Dr.,

South Bend, Ind. 46614

The honor of being your Class secretary carries one rather dif­ficult aspect — that of notifying you of the

deaths of our classmates. Notification of the death of EDWARD J. MATHIEU was received from GERRY SAEGERT at Christmas time. Please tcmcmbcr Ed and DICK STEFFANIAK. in your



prayers. I sincerely extend condolences of all the men of *40 to the families of that two fine men.

Earlier in the month Gerry had written that he had managed to see many of the football games. He also said, ' 'DON G I L U L A N D and I, with our wives, attended a fabulous party the night before the ND-USC game given by the Los Angeles N D Club. *Mr. G' has the same pep he had 2S years ago. We had nice vints with MIZE MORRIS, GEORGE MEEKER and JOE THESING, who all looked great. T O M FLAD called us in Calif, to announce the birth of his first grandchild, a boy, to his daughter Mary. 'Old Dad* Flad was on cloud nine." This column depends more on Gerry than on me — take heed, men, and please follow hb examine. T o make it even easier use the yellow infonna-tion card on page 30.

Results! Yes, results! For the first time that I can recall we received an immediate reply from one of those "what happened to" questions. Let me quote, "If my good friend GEORGE 'GOO­BER* FORBECK wants to know what hap­pened to Big JACK WILLMANN, he should be informed that IVe grown even bigger, balloon­ing to 220 this year. He also should be in­formed that I've been real estate editor of the Washington Post here in the nation's Capital for six years, after a stint on the Post city desk, where BILL BRADY *43, is now night city editor. Prior to coming to Washington in 1937, I was with Grit, a national weekly in my home town, Williamsport, Pa., birthplace of good friend JAKE KLINE. The Willmanns have twt> sons, one graduating from Fordham in *67, and two daughters. Son Mike has been editor of the Fordham Ram and Insists that he is going to law school. My old N D library workmate and class­mate CLIFF LETCHER stops around the office about once a year and we toast N D . Enjoyed reading TONY POTENZL\NI*s note — h e was part of the upper deck mob at Walsh. Last I heard about Dr. OTTO STEGMAIER, my roomie in St. Ed*s, was from Davenport, Iowa, but that was a few yeais ago. See BOB RICH­ARDSON M2 occasionally." With tlus pleasant example from "Big Jack," why don't some of you send a "what happened to** letter.

A few weeks ago I had the honor and prhri-lege of attending a testimonial dinner for T O M BRENNAN. I t was a gala affair w t h many N D men in attendance. The surprise guest speak­er \*'as Fr. THOMAS BRENNAN CSC from the campus. Although the Class of *40 was not Well represented our enthusiasm made up for lack of numbers. CURT HESTER, JOE McDON-OUGH and TOM LEAHY were present, while T E D LEONAS, TOM BARRY, TOM HOSTY, JIM DONOGHUE, TOM MONAHAN and JACK HUSSEY were among those who wanted to come but couldn't make it. ZIGGY CZAROB-SKI '48 was the MC with many football letter-men present including JOE ZWERS *38, P A i n . LILLIS *42 and JOHNNY L.ATTNER *54. I t certainly was good to sec RUBE MARQUARDT *41 again and to enjoy the company of Rev. JACK ANTON '38, one of the older feHows.

Sorry to have no more news, men, but I do need your help and hope that sometime I will run into space problems. Why not take the time now to drop me a line or two via the yel­low information card on page 30? AH of va would be delighted to hear from you.

ROBERT G. SANFORD 233 W. Central Ave. Lombard, III. 60148

imfirning identiiicatiaa on the back aad aba Year name and addrai to that they • • , be Rtumed to yon after he

1941 JAMES F. SPELLMAN Spellman & Madden,

342 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017

JOHN C. K K B Y of 123 Forest Ave., New RocheUe, N.Y. is tiy-ing to arrange a hu­morous book itC con­

nection with our Reunion in June which win contain many photographs. For this project he needs your help. Will you send photos to John


We regret t o report the pasang o o Jan. 4 of EDWARD " O O C " GLASER and on Jaa. 29 of DAVID A. "JERRY" HACK, who was with our Clasi for the fint two yean.

Why not make nse of the yellow informatioB card on page 30 of this issoe to make known your plans for the Reunion and other infonna-tion about yonnelf, £uni]y and classmates.

WILLIAM M. HICKEY P.O. Box 8640A, Oiicago,

III. 60680

Only news of the Clasa of '43 c o o e s via the news vrares concetning JOHN Me-

H A L E ' s departure {ram the Atlanta Braves to executive assistant to Conunissioner of Baseball WilUam B. Eckert.

Chicago area Class membexs interested in a golf day May 18 at the Buttei&U Country d u b can get all the infonnation from JIM McELROY at 321-1750 or BOB SWEENEY at BL 2-3124.

This etfition of the Ai.iiiiifDs contains a yellow postcard on page 30 which, should all Class column readers mail to me with infonnation, should keep the column going for an edition or two. How about dropping it in the mail today? For instance, use it to suggest "SpotU^t Almnni" from the Class.

JACK WIGGINS 5125 Briggs Ave.,

LaCrescento, Cal. 91014


1944 Time passes so quicic-ly. I t doesn't seem posuble that another ALUMKUS dcadCne i i at hand. Of coune,

the new schedule of sac issues yearly rather than four, as was the old progiam, does hasten things. Material is becoming rather scarce once again. A suggestion, more forcefully, a COMMAND — use the yellow infonnadon csird provided in the A L U M N U S . It's there for the purpose of pwH viding the Class secretary with mncb-needcd Class news.

WARREN LEARY, Rice Lake, Wtf. newipaver executive, sent word of his sons, James 16 and B£chael 17. Jim was selected for a year's stndy in Australia by the American Field Service. H e win live with a family in Cantcrbmy, a sobntb of Melbourne. Mike recently Id t for Karisnibe, West Germany where he will live tmtil next August with the family of a student who spent the 1 9 6 5 ^ school year with the Leary funily.

WALTER BREHMER has been appcnnted dis­trict manager of the Davenport, Iowa office of Reliance Electric & Engineering Co. H e fives in nearby Bettendorf. Previonsly, Walt was man­ager in Rochester, N.Y. Dr. WILLIAM KEL-LOW has accepted the pontion of dean and V P of the Jefferson Medical Col. of Fhiladelphia. H e will begin Ms new dudes on July 1. Car> rendy he is dean of Hahnemann Medical GoL D O M BOETTO has been elected the new presi­dent of the St. Fiancb Academy Events Assn. Dom, his wife and thrir nine chikbcn reade in JoGet. m.

Wdcome hoHiIay g r e e t i i ^ were received froin HARRY YEATES, T O M ROLFS* W A L U E CHRISTMAN and GEORGE B A R I S d L L O . Yuledde letters came from Brother GERMAIN FADDOUL CSC, VINCE D U N C A N and BILL SCHEUCH. Brother Germain's letter came from Baghdad, Iraq where he teaches at the Jesmt-run Al-Hilcma U . H e finds the area very Af­ferent; most exotic both in ^ i t and soond. Occaaonally one hean Western songs and sees Western cfress, but usually It i s Arabic m o n c

and Eastern garb. Sevcml times daily people are called to prayer and right in public ^ r ^ d out their prayer mats and bow to the East. He will have many fabulous stories when he returns to the US. VINCE DUNCAN lives in Englewood, a suburb of Denver. He seldom sees any fellow classmates but once in a ^viulc runs into Dr. PHIL CLARKE a member of the Denver Clinic. Fr. JOE GALLAGHER recently spent 10 days in the area, giving a spedal coune at St. Thomas Seminary. He and '\nnce wiere able to have a great wsit. In March, BH-L SCHEUCH com­pleted 23 years with North American Aviation, the last sax as their Southern representative with headquarters in HuntsviIIe, Ala. Since the 20th Reunion when he missed seeing JOE FIEWEGER, MDCE MALLOY and "RED" BURKE, he has run into only one classmate, BILL JOTOISTON, down in New Orleans. He highly recommends Bill to anyone travelling in that area because Mr, Johnston really knoiv-s his %vay around that gour­met capital. The Scheuch family consists of three daughters and a son who is a freshman at St. Bernard's Col.

JOE FARRELL. an assoc prof., dcpt. ol chemical engineering, Afanhattan Col., Bronx, saw TO&C KELLY at an American Chemical Sodety meeting in New York. Tom, the father of tu*o giris, is a research chemist and lives in Chesapeake, Va. The Farrclls, parents of seven, reside in suburban Westport, Conn. JOHN HICKEY, gencr^ manager of a department store, Kves in Wellesley, ifass., is a director of the Rotary and of the Chamber of Commerce, and is a collector of early Americana.

PAUL MARIETTA, district agent for Pru­dential Life Ins., reported from his home base, Terre Haute, Ind. The Alarictta family consists of four children. In his leisure Paul cnjo}^ fish­ing and hunting. HENRY "HANK" DEWES, iathtr of two, is a value engineer in the Evans-ville, Ind. division of Whirlpool Corp. He stated that he is an ex-Jaycce, ex-naval ensign and ex-ND a u b prexy. THOMAS McGUIRE, owner of a supennarket in Pine Village (near Oxford), Ind., is active in veteran oi^anizations — the Marine Corps League, VFW, American Legion, and 40 et 8 of which be is past commander. The McGuires have four daughters and one son. THOMAS McLAUGHLIN is executive vcep of the Perpetual S. & L., Lattxenceburg, Ind. There are four children in the AfcLaughlin family. Tom involves himself in CCD woHc, the Kiwanis and the Chamber of Commerce. WILLIAM SNYDER, Flossmoor, 111., Is assistant manager of the Ikfetal Industries Div. of Naico Chemical Co. and enjoys golfing, hunting and fishing when time allows. ROBERT WOLF, ou-ner of the Robert N. Wolf & Assoc, an advertising specialties bua-ness, is an a\id spectator sportsman taking in all ND and Chicago Bear home football games, and actively participates in tennis and swimming. There are seven young "Wolves."

JAMES LLOYD, Grand Rapids, Mich., is VP of Bissdl, Inc., manufacturers of housewares and laun and garden equipment. His hobbies are golf, reading and bridge. JOHN ^lORRIS, a manufacturer's rep, beadqiiartcrs in Birmingham, Mich. GiAS and bowling take up his leisure time. JOSEI^ O'KEEFE is president of an automo­bile dealership in Kalamazoo. He is a golfing enthusiast and also enjoj-s ^fonday morning quar-terbacking. The long '66 football season must have been most trying for him. D.ANIEL TOM-CIK, an dectrical engineer vnih Elcctro-Voice, Inc. makes his home in Buchanan, Mich. Fish­ing, photography and bam radioing are some of his extracurricular acti\ities. HOWARD J, SCHMTTT, general sales manager. Laboratory Equipment Corp., St. Joseph, Afich., does a great deal of travelling, both for business and pleasure. In fact he enjoys it so much, he con­siders it a hobby. He is active in the Rotary and in the Boy Scouts. CHARLES ^fcCAF-FERTY, Riverdale, Westwood, N,J., is in the insurance business and is past preddent of the New York Chapter of the International Assn. of Health Usderwriters. He also is active in parish work and is a junior basketball coach. Con­gratulations are in order for DAVID CURTIN, vice-prexy of Xerox Corp., who recentiy was made rcspondble for the company's advertiang and sales promotion.

That's it! Do take a moment now and send me the yellow xnfonnation card on page 30.


Green Bay, Wis. 54305 30

1945 It was great to see JOE HAGGAR's name on the Alumiu Board ballot. I think be it the first of our dasH

xaates to be so honored. lUcoved a mcc note from Barbara SNEE, BOB's wife. Bob is start­ing his second year as manager of J. C PENNEY at Smithtown, N.Y. Seven children make vp their family. I wish more wives would write in> PAUL HURD is now director of properties for TWA and is located in NYC. GIL GILESPIE chedcs in from Amarillo AFB, Tex. where be is a lieutenant colonel and is commander of the hos­pital. Gil and Louiscne have a daughter Karen Marie, two year? old. He has a 1254>ed hospital to manage with 500 employees and 400 achnis* «ons a month and 18,000 outpatients.

BOB PHILPOT is a fcUow "GEer** and if supervisor, retail advertising and sales promotion* for the large lamp dept. in Cleveland. BILL SWEARINGEN is preadent. Center Col., Charics-ton, W.Va., a technical training school. Bill is a brother-in-law of DICK SAYERS. QJUftK FISHER is judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey. I£s honor holds forth in Monmouth County Court House. Long active in the com­munity, Clark has been counsel to the Housing Authority, coundlman in West Long Branch, N.J.» assemblyman, and judge, Monmouth County Court, before being elevated to the Superior Court. Clark and Mae have four boys. HANK PAYNE is district manager for Lof^ Co. of Chicago. Hank and Dody have three children. Their oldest, Elizabeth Anne, is at the new seco-lar school, Webster Col. in St. Louis.

FRANK M. LINEHAN G.E, Co., 600 Main St.,

Johnson Gty, N.Y. 13790


1946 As we conunence a n e w y e a r , I am pleased to report the number of responses &om Class members

has been on an increase and therefore it Is most encouraging both for Class column news and for our anticipated large attendance at the next Reunion, four years hence. Keep up the good record by using the yellow information card on page 30 of this issue.

JACK BARRETT, the former ND pitcher, found time during the holidays to ilrop a brief note to let me know that he, his wife Sue Ann and children are in the best of health and still reade in Louisville, Ky. He sends his best re­gards to all. FRANK KOWALSKI wrote to say he's been very active In the Buffalo Alumni and plans to make it back to South Bend for the 25tlt Reunion. Frank and his wife Doris have one diild, Marijane. Received a letter from FRANK L, FOSS apologizing for not being able to attend last year's Reunion, but he plans to make it to the 25th. Frank, his wife and family are to move back to the Midwest from CaUfomia this sum­mer. Frank also informed me that JACK STEW­ART, a former pitching teammate of JACK BAR­RETT, ran into some real tough luck recently. First, his daughter received a bad injury and then JACK himself became seriously iU and underu-ent major surgery in November. Please temembcr Jack in your prayers and I'm sure we an hope he has a speedy and healthy recovery. Frank also has been in close contact with HARRY SURKAMP and ART KERNEN.

KERMTT "FRENCHIE" ROUSSEVE, the one­time Bengal Bouts Champ, operates lus own res­taurant in South Bend, Ind. Any time you are in that area, stop in and say hello to "Frenchie." I'm sure he'd like to renew acquaintances. JO> SEPH HANNON's wife sent news that he h currently stationed in Vietnam as commanding oflker of the 12th EVAC Hospital 30 utiles southwest of Saigon. It is a new hoqittal and vrall be the largest in \^etiiam when oomidcted. CHARLES BARTLETT JR.. manager of the international department of Valley National Bank of Arizona, has been {nomoted to the post of nce-president. He is also director of tlw Arizonjl Worid Trade Assn.

PETER P. RICHISKI 60 Robin Place, Old Greenwidi,

Conn. 06870

PROLOG Li 11 more weeks and two more dajs Reunion weekend starts We hope you all, in diverse way? Will dart back to these parts.

In 11 more weeks and four more days Reunion weekend ends Come Aascns, Zuccas, Gallou'ays Attend, unbend, uitb friends.

The foregoing advisory is your last meaningful reminder on the imminence of our 20.ycar Re-uiuon, gentiemen. Bring something round — be it paimch, shoulders or domenloily — and %ve'll have a ball. In this issue once again you'U find the handy yellow card on page 30 deagncd for imtant communication. If >*ou'rc pbnning to make the Reunion, use the card to tell us so; if you can't get back for the "Big 20," at least bring us up-to-date on your status via the mail­ing piece.


because too few of our brother Alamni appre­ciated his credentials the Class of MCMXXXXVII has yet to place a bona fide member on the Alum­ni Board of Directors. In the immortal words of Ralph Honk, "Majbe next year. . . ."

THE GLOBETROTTER PAUSES Oar multimillion-air-mile nomad and former

Class prexy, SAM ADELO, called mid-Feb. dur­ing a lightning spurt through SB en route from Brazil and Peru to Madrid. God and Phillips Petroleum permitting, Sam hopes to be with us for Reunion weekend. An expert on Latin Amcr* ica via his years of travelling thereto-and-fro, he warns that Fidel Castro — despite the spectacular failures of his despotic regime in Cuba — is still exporting subversion and terror to his Latin neighbors. Sam u-ams of a buildup of guerrilla activity in the hills of Guatemala which is di^ turbingly reminiscent of the manner in. which Castro himself launched his bloody coup horn the mountains of Oriente province.

RELIGIOUS REPORT Letters are at hand from two missionaries —~

one is a brief note from Brother IVAN DOLAN CSC _ who has returned to East Pakistan and promises to send his new address once he gets battened down; the other is a fund-seeking form message from Father ED RUETZ, an apostie to the "inner city" at St. Mary's Mission Scliool in Fort Wayne, Ind. His report notes grou-ing minces of ecumenism in action involving the neighborhood P^tcstant ministers, denomina­tional college students and underprivileged fam­ilies of all genera.

MILITARY MEANDERINGS The first subject fits both military- and religious

categories: He's Chaplain (Capt.) WILFRID A. MENARD CSC featured in the "Holy Cross Personalities" spoUight in the Frfi. Catholic Boy (to which magarine your secretary is a regular contributor). The short piece on Father Menard notes he was a regular Army man for two years before joining Holy Cross, ordained in 1955, served as prefect of relipon at ND and returned to the Army to serve in a different capadty. He currentiy has an APO, San Fran-osco address.

Major BILL RUEVE USAF, reachable via APO New York, recently arrived at Torrejon AFB_ in Spain as an OB-Gyn man at the base bo^tal; his wife and four children, ages six to 10, are with him.

Capt. PAUL A. DEHMER JR is stationed at Fort Bragg near Fayetteville, N , C



And Cmdr. DONALD R. HAINES wrote as follows on one of the yellow postcards: **Just received the *47 Alumni listing and noted no data on myself — first time it has happened, so must be typo error. BSC *47, Aug. — active duty US Navy in its supply corps since gradua­tion. Returned in July '66 from two years in Philippines where I was executive officer of tuival supply depot, Subic Bay. Am now at US Navy finance center, Cleveland as director of allotment department. After total of 24 years in Navy, may make it a career! Best wishes for the new year and Notre Dame."

MEN I N MUFTI ARTHUR FALK has assumed the new post

of interconnection engineer in Detroit Edison's system development department; he was formerly responsible for coordinating power pooling pro­grams within Detroit and neighboring dectric companies.

Our man in the USDA. HOMER " H A L " WALTERS, has been transferred from Prospect Heights, III., to Washington, D.C. What is the nature of your new duties, Hal?

In our most recent issue we chronicled the move of THURMAN COSS from St. Paul to Santa Monica; his latest move brings him to still another saintly city, San Diego.

Three other men of '47 have put dou*n roots in Sunny CaL: JOHN SMITH, to Newport Beach from Jackson, Wyo.; OLIVER McCLARAN from Tyler, Tex., to Carpenteria; and HENRV STICKELMAIER all the way to Los Altos from Armonk, N.Y.

Another latter-day Califomian, transplanted Hoosier JOHN L. AL\RTIN, is executive direc­tor of the Stanislaus County taxpayers* association and chairman of special events for the American Cancer Society in Modesto.

D O N KANE has deserted Indiana for Towson* Md.; JOE THIE has fled Minneapolis for the wintry blasts of Chicago; and PAT WILSON is living in Ponce, Puerto Rico.

And congratulations are in order for JOHN McHALE, who resigned the presidency of the Atlanta Braves to become assistant to Baseball Commissioner William Eckert. The sky is seem­ingly the limit for fair-haired John and more power to him. . PAUL GODOLLEI. chief architect for Keene-MacRae Assoc., Inc., Elkhart, Ind., has been named chairman of the public relations committee of the Indiana Society of Architects.

EPILOG From Jack:

"Come Back!"

JACK MILES 3218 Bentley Lane, South Bend,

Ind. 46615

1948 We'll begin the New Year with very little to write about as the news is very light these days. The reply

cards that have been accompanying the recent issues of the ALUMNUS mean nothing to this Class as I haven't seen one in ages. So why not surprise me this time with a sho^vcr of yellow caids?

In his annual Christmas greeting T O M HER­BERT tells me that Rody presented him w t h another son in September which makes for a total of five. I don't know if it is five boys or five children altogether but I imagine Tom wants to have an even number because he is still young at heart. Dr. DAVE MOSIER who has been at the Illinois State Pediatric Institute in Chicago opened his own office in Santa Monica, Calif., as of Jan. 1 for the practice of endocrinology. His address there will be suite 424, 2021 Santa Monica Blvd.

FRANK KAYSER has moved from Ames, Iowa to Cambridge, Mass. JOHN F. MINICLER is a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps and is residing in Occanside, Calif. Dr. ROBERT F. DUFFY has moved from Des Moines to Ketter­ing, Ohio. JIM McCABE has moved from Havertown, Pa. to Evansvillc, Ind. JOE SIG-NIAGO has moved back to Memphis from At­lanta. FRANK PAXTON has moved from Paducah, Ky. to Winnctka, lU. JOE DUFFY added 10 points to his Zip Code by moving from Portvillc, N.Y. to Olean, N.Y. BOB LIVING­STON is living in Munster, Ind. These are the highlights of the changes of address notices re­ceived recently.


E D KENEFICK was receatly elected to head Action Committee for Theater in Chicago.' 3kUURICE TESSIN is in Midland, Mich, with Dow Packaging in the converted products buu-ncss. JAY FARRON and his wife Helen and family of eight, ranging from lb to one year, arc living in Spain where he Is the John. Han­co*ck Ins. rep. in Madrid. From the Alumm Office I received a copy of the 18th cdidon of O'Connell's "Irish News" published each Christ­mas and New Year's by DICK O'CONNELL of Marshall, Minn. This is a comprehensive report of what the O'Connells have been doing for a year complete with photographs and yawnal greetings.

This is about it for now and I Io(^ Sonmd to hearing from someone soon. Any volunteers for the chairmanship of the Class Reunion — the 20th — coming up in June, 1968? Since our perennial chairman, BILL BONWICH, has left the campus we are looking for someone to fill his spot who is close by and can handle some of the arrangements. It's not much bat it would be nice to know we have one of our Class o n the scene sort of lookii^ after things.

That's it. Take a moment now to send me a line or tu'o on the yellow iofcHrmation card o n page 30. We'd all love to hear Ihmi you!

GEORGE J. KEENAN 177 Rolling Hills Rd., Clifton, N.J. 07013

1949 Scribe time on Drift­wood Lane and it's hectic! Editor Thurin timits each Class sec­retary to only a care­

fully allotted portion of lineage and that's what makes this assignment a head-scratcher: I roust pore over my mail selecting whifJi items to use and how and where. Both cards are deserving of first position in the column so which to choose? Actually, I do have three or four news items, but how much more pleasant it is to make you fellows co-authors of this bit by hanng your quotes, comments and queries to brighten some half-forgotten classmate's day. This issue of the ALUMNUS has another correspondence card — 1 1 lines available. I would ask you to use at least four of them, if you choose, and let me know where you are, how* you are, whom you have seen and any **Iocater" problems you have that I may be able to solve. Or just talk about your golf game, the reorganization of Notre Dame's Board of Trustees, the high price of chocolate, the low price of your stock-—anything. But use the card! These gents did:

CHARLIE WAGNER from BeHevue, Neb. , jtot received word of his promotion to It. colonel in the USAF. Yes sir! Charlie was recalled during the Korean conflict and since then has served in Alabama, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Nebraska and Japan. He is now operations 5>3tem5 analyst in a SAC command and control center where he works on EDP com­puter, applications involved in providing on-line, real-time message input/display output capabitity. Actually, Charlie keeps the cofTce warm while his 40 programmer analysts feed and read data into that maze of tapes, disc drives, e t c H e must have found some few spare hours because he was due to get his KfBA from Creighton this past January. Good work, Charlie.

BILL WARD started the new year "write" by sending along this advice dated 1 /4 /67: "ifciy I advise all Notre Dame Alumni and prospective criminals in the Los Angeles County area that bunness is booming and I am now a member of the Criminal Courts Bar Assn. I would also advise that my wife Mary and I are very proud of our three gorgeous daughters ages 5 through 12, all of ^vhom will be on the marriage market within fewer yeais than I care to admit." These words from Bill's oHices in Downey, Cafif.

Old faithful. Dr. STEVE GALEA, from 1081 Scaife Hall, U . of I^ttsburgh, returned recently from tivo months in Nigeria where he worked as an anesthesia consultant to several C a t h < ^ Mission hospitals. Last week (12/17/66) he was promoted to research assoc prof of anesthesiology at the U of Pitt School of Medicine (wronder how that looks on the back of his sweat shirt. In October Steve was awarded a three-year grant for $113,000 from the National Institute of Health to study the effects of anesthesia on Intermedjary metabolism.

I have word that JAMES ECKSTEIN, who is

now u asrt. pn>f. of math at tlie IT. of Detroit, is takii^ a twt»-ycar leave of absence to aem Cohmibia U.'s office of foresgn service a s . « tcacherK»nsultant at the U . of Candahar, Afghan­istan. During the summer of 1965 he held m nni lar post at an institute of h i ^ school teachcn in JodhpuL Rajaster, IncGa.

More promooans: ROBERT CIANCHETTI has been elevated to the post of cfirector of the Family Services IXv. of the Suffolk (N .Y. ) County Dept. of Welbre. E . ROBERT D A L -T O N has been promoted to chief underwriter in the administrative nnderwriting diviskm of the group department of the Travelers Ins. Co. in Hartford, Conn. Uh-hnh! T h e feOa m t h the big red umbrella.

RAYMOND CLOUTHIER MS'49, a s » c pnC. of education and a member of the athletic board at St. Norbcrt Got in DePere, Wis., has b e e s appointed to the ^strict 14 National Assn. of Intercol le^te Athletics executive oommittec. B e m i l be faculty rep for independent coOeges a t both the district and nadonal levels. J O H N MOLTTOR has been named rcndent manager of Walston & Co.'s Fort Wayne, Ind. office. H e was formerly an account executive with the com­pany. B. DAVID HALPERN PhD'49 has been elected a director of the consulting Chemists and Chemical .Engineeix Assn. which is an Interna­tiona] organizadim with 102 members and a staff c^ 4,500 sdentists and engineers.

As b so often the case, happy news of Ahmmi success, promotions and laurek is accompanied in the mails by sad news of Alumni losses. I ask your prayers for the soul of JOHN L. HAG* STROM BS Mech Engr. '49 yibo died Jan. 17 and for Alex T . Bodle, father of J O H N F . BODLE, who died D e c 5, 1966.

Thus do we dose the column a t this writi ig. But I want to a l o t aU our West C o u t Alumni that our next issue is gmng to feature a tremen­dous letter written by BOB CONNELLY of San Francisco. Bob listed notes on no fewer than 16 — I said 16 — classmates. That letter alone could be parceled out over three issues but out of deference to Bob's effort in assembling this data, we'll gn-for-broke w^di a full diviaonal report — California style. Don't forget those cards!

LEO L WESLEY 155 Driftwood Lone,

Rochester, N.Y. 14617

1950 Here's hoping t h a t your New Year has bcgim on the ^ h t foot and that you and your family have a

year of happiness and good fortune. PAUL SCHAFFER now is the proud father

of seven, just filling out nicely his six-bedroom hmne near Biscayne Bay. You no doubt have been getting some information from our fine classmate FRANK G. KELLY, director of the Deferred ' Giving Kogram for the Univeruty. T O M MORAN advises Uut he resides at 215 Edgctt St., Newark, N.J. BOB D . W I D is prac­ticing law in Cheyenne.

Even though the 1966 football team broke or tied many old records our Class still holds quite a few. Our wonderful friend LARRY C O U I R E , who hasn't changed one bit, still holds the record for the longest run from scrimnu^e. EMIL SFTKO has the career record for the most ntt yards rushing; FRANK SPANIEL, the highest average per rush on a career record; LANK SMITH, the highest aver;^e per punt return for individual game record, for the season and also the longest punt return. STEVE ORACKO, the most P A T ' S attempted and completed for a sea­son; EMIL S m C O the most net yards rushing in an individual game. N o Notre Dame team has equalled our scmor year 104M) record nnce then and our 1949 team still holds the record for the h^hcst punting average, most T D passes, most safeties, most kick-c^ returns, most yards in kick-off returns. MIKE SWISTOWICZ holds the record for passes intercepted.

Marge (McKeon SMC '50) and DICK DIGAN, while guests of our Orange Bowl committee, paid US a pleasant v is t . INck has been chairman ct the Heisman Trophy Award Comnuttce for some yean, rendes in Garden City, Long Island, and is with the John T . Clark, Inc., Blanhattan. They have not changed a bit and are as wonderful as ever. MIKE C N E I L has accepted an appoint­ment from Florida's first Republican governor in 99 years as a member of the powerful State Road Dept. Lee and DICK KLEE sent a nice note




William F. Kellow '44 dean of Hahnemann Medical College has been appointed dean and vice-president of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. A native of Geneva, N.Y.J he was graduated from the George­town U. School of Medicine in 1946. He did his post-graduate work in internal medicine at the District of Columbia Gen­eral Hospital, the Georgetown University Hospital and the Walter Reed Hospital.

Robert M. Cianclietti '49, formerly an as­sistant director of the Family Services Divi­sion, Suffolk County DepL of Welfare, has been promoted to the post of director of Family Sersnces Division. As assistant direc­tor since 1964, Cianchetti was responsible for four field units and the initial training of Family Services caseworkers and aides.

Andrew A. Baldoni PhD '51 has been ap­pointed research director at the Simoniz Company's research laboratory in AVood-stock, 111. Before assuming his new position. Dr. Baldoni was assistant research director and technical service director for Morton Chemical Co. in Elk Grove, 111. He joined Morton in 1950.

Thomas G. Bennett '56 has been named gen­eral manager and assistant to the publisher of the Magnificat, the weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Buffalo. The first layman to hold the managerial post since 1920, his ap­pointment is regarded as an important step in increasing lay involvement in the diocesan administration. Tom formerly was promo­tion director of the Buffalo Courier Express.

Michael J. Thompson '57, BSEE '58 has been promoted to head of the digital transmission department at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J. In his new post, he will be engaged in the development of new techniques for transmitting voice, television and data in the Bell System.

Victor D. Blankenship MS '59, technical staff manager at Aerospace Corp., San Bemadino, Calif., has been promoted to director of the Mark 18 Reentry System in the company's reentry systems division. In his new position he will be responsible for the technical di­rection and general systems engineering of the new Mark 18 Reentry System, which is being studied and developed by the ballistic systems division of the Air Force.

from the BufFalo area. Lee's sister Betty is a MaryknoII doing graduate study at Coady Jnter-national Institute, Antigonish, Nova Scotia. My wife Mary Pat's brother. Father TOM FEELY CSC, spent his vacation with us enjoying the fun in the sun before returning to StonchiU Col. Seminary, North Easton, Mass. — a few miles from where Pat and GEORGE SULLIVAN reside and he is a Superior Court judge.

DICK KLEE's oldest, Ricky, is six feet; Decnic, Kfary Beth, Dennis and Doug round out the Klec team. Gloria and JOHN FERRY are enjoying their Margie, Jack, Kevin and Bob. Dr. JOHN BONESSI is practicing in Charlcroi, a suburb of Piltsbuiglt and reports that PAUL HUDAK, JOE ZAKA, JOE GASPARELLI and PETE FLAHERTY arc nearby. C. T . HELL-M U T H has moved Iiis CLU offices to the Bar­low BIdg., Washington, DC. BOB SINCAVICH, president of the Notre Dame Club of the Ohio Valley, Wheeling, W. Va., and owner of various Minit Car Wash establishments, reports that JIM DAILER Is teaching and coaching football at Wheeling Central Catholic HS. GERRY RAMS-BERGER, Dorothy and their Kerry (in college), Katie, Rebecca, Peter, T im and Torn arc enjoy­ing the pleasures of St. Petersburg, watching the girls groiv up as cheerleaders, dancers, etc. A lovely note and photographs from Barbara and ED KELLY (Kelly's Corned Beef in Chicago) and their beautiful children. JIM CREAMER is in Nonralk, Ohio; JOHN MENDENHALL in Chicago. W.\LT WISSEL reports from his Houston law practice that his son is a freshman at Loyola, New Orleans and his three daughters arc coming along fine. DICK SOISSOX is coaching in Kalamazoo and is enjoying watching his high school player from his state champion team play offensive guard at Notre Dame. Dick says, **My family stands at four boys and two girls. . . . Sure would like to hear from some of Uie bo\s ." BOB McGLYNN is in Belleville, III.; WALT GEUDTNER in Bay Village, Ohio; ED GR-W in Wenham, Mass.; ANDY LECH-NER in BridgcvUle, Pa.; BIG JIM MARTLN' in Pocatello. Ida.; BILL BERGHOFF in Minne­apolis; LCDR. MATT ROMANO at Annapolis; GEORGE BREGEL in Kansas City, Mo. ; Dr. GEORGE ESTOK at St. Edward U. , Austin, Tex.; D O N KENT at Palo Alio; RON SAN-FORD in Neptune. N.J.: LEO COLEMAN in Barringlon. R.I.; JOHN HANS in Atlanta; BER-NIE MEYER in Grand Rapids, Mich. LEO.V HART visited Miami with the Leon Hart Enter­prises, offices in Detroit, factory in Phoenix, ac­cording to MACK SCH.AFFER. Flo and AR-MAND D'AGOSTINO now liavc four bo>-s and three girls witli Miciuicl Ra],-mond being born Dec. 5.

I would call >-our attention to the yellow card in tills issue on page 30. Also anyone interested in the Mianii-Notrc Dame game Friday, Nov. 24, please consult the Club news for Greater Miami.

JOHN V\ . THORNTON 4400 Monserrate St.,

Coral Gables, Fla. 33146

^M ^ 0 ^ ^ B ^ B ^m Tlicrc arc two announce ^M U M E ^ ~ ^M mcnts for this Issue. First I ^ m ^ ^ ^ I tlicre will be a Class Re-tt^^^r ^^t^ m union (junior grade) in

the Mahogany Room of the Morris Inn on Oct. 28, after tlie Alicliigan State game. T O M WOLFF lias promised to attend and, if someone u-ill boost him over the wall and pro\*ide a ladder, will protect the goal posts after the game.

This year the Old Timers game will be held on May 6. Some of our classmates and their older male children have been attending this game each year. Usually there is some sort of picnic luncli along the cast border of Green Field, in the vicinity of Andre House (that solitary brick cdt6ce). Wc generally sit in Section 24 near the top, about row 55. If the wooden scats arc in no better condition this year you had better wear your ledcrhosen or bring large tweczcis for splinter removal.

Tom WoIfF really plans to attend the Aflchigan State game. He is vnth Pcnelec, the electric utility in Penns)'K-ania, and now lives in Johns­town at 522 Buckncl Ave., zip code 15905. Tom married Bcmadeite Locpcr in 1956 and they have five children: Mar>-ann 8, Patrick 7, Teresa 5, Freddie 4 and Jimmy VA. With a little help from Rosemary, JOCKO MULDOON became a father again on Jan. 8. Their sixth is a little girl, &Iaiireen, and everyone is doing fine. We


saw T O M KLETT, claims manager for the Chicago Motor Club, lost month. Tom was mar­ried in Aug., 1951 to Rosemary IhlcAndrews and they have three children: Tom 14, KeWn 13, and Mary Beth 11. Tom looks younger than ever and if he still hits the golf ball as well as he did 16 years ago, he will doubtless be blackballed from the poker club before the summer is over.

At the last IEEE Show in New York we saw both ED MEAGHER and JOHN JONES. Ed is now vice-president of marketing for Amperex Electronics Corp. in Saylcsville, R. l . We will try to look up Ed and John at this year's show during Holy Week. Evidently the waiter in Rhode Island has a diifercnt mineral content than that iiere in Chicago, for Ed and Nancy had not added to their original brood of five after they moved to the East. John Jones is president of Boontoa Polytechnic Co. in Rockway, N.J. They produce electronic moisture meters, temperature and Immidity control systems, and custom in­stallations. John also docs research and design work and some electronic consulting work. My recollection is that he married late in life, that is, about five or six years ago. Saw JIM MELOCHE during a recent Washington trip. Jim received his law degree from the Detroit Col. of Law. Having recently decided to in­vestigate the patent racked he has been In the Patent Office about one and a haU years as an examiner in Group 160. Until April 1, that means Room 4519 in the Commerce BIdg, Jim and the former May Rcilly have Diane 9, Linda 8, Harold 6, and Tommy 4.

A slight amount of precipitation In Chicago has retarded our news search for this issue. We will try to do better after the spring thaw — with the avalanche' of yellow information catds you send.

JAMES JENNINGS Borg-Warner Corp., 200 S.

Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60604



HARRY L BUCH 600 Board of Trade BIdg., Wheeling, W. Vo. 26000

My t>-ping is usually pretty bad but this column will take the cake—I'm typing with

broken finger so who knows how it uill turn out. I hope the ALUMNUS staff bears vnth me.

Now for the news. Received a nice letter from JOHN CLARK: "I sec with ansicty your plight in not getting sufficient information on our illus­trious Class of / 5 3 . I see DICK MOLOKIE from time to time. Dick is now director of purchasing for the Joe Lowe Div. of the Con* solidatcd Foods Co. While on the West Coast, I saw Dr. CHARLIE FARMER and Dr. J O H N 0*HARA, both orthopedic surgeons. I'll try to send you some more information as I gather i t from time to time. O n our own family, we have five children ranging from five months to eight years. I remain in the plastic machinery busi­ness, which I started some six years ago after leaving Monsanto Co. and for whom I had worked for about five yean.'* John's address is 7318 Lake St.. Morton Grove, III. 60053.

Also a note from PAUL J . HARRINGTON JR., 1350 Crowley Lane, No . 41, Fairfield, Calif. 94533: "Now wt>rking as cargo scheduler at Tra\is AFB after entering federal service from the FSEE Register. The job and area are much to my liking. Would appreciate hearing from other confreres in northern California. Not much


more to add — drop a line and let m e b u n r how you're doing."

And here's a dandy from JAMES ROGERS: "Just finished reading the A L U M N U S . Thought I would drop you a line indicating where the '53 Alumni arc in this area. JOE O'NEILL, lawyer with seven children is also a Minnesota State Senator. JOE ROGERS, Twin City manager for the Employers Group has three children. PAUL GABLER is sales manager for Foley Mfg. Co. and has three children. PAT O'CONNOR is a cattle rancher in Mitchell, S.D. and has five children. BOB GLEASON, father of three, is a manufacturer's rep for sporting goods supplies. BOB HOODECHEK is both lawyer and officer with the American National Bank, St, FauL CHUCK RITTEN is an officer and grain broker with Louis N . Ritten Co. with the Grain Ex­change in Chicago. HAMPTON LYNESS is with the same firm as a broker in Minneapolis. JIM ROGERS is in the life and general insurance business in St. Paul and is also scout for the Afontrcal Canadicns. He is an organizer of a national collegiate hocJtey tournament which is called the St. Paul Hockey Clasdc He's very active in professional and amateur hockey in this area. He has four children." Jim's address is 345 Cedar St., St. Paul, Minn. 55101. Thanks for all the news, Jim, you certainly covered a lot of ground.

I'll say this — w h e n JIM BRTTT writes a let­ter he doesn't kid around. How's this for making my job easier: "In reading the Nov. -Dcc Notre Dame A L U M N U S , I got the distinct impression that tlic Class of '53 is somewhat unproductive * - a t least as far as writing or commtmications with respect to daily activities. Consequently, I thought that I would meet your challenge with a brief sketch of the various '53ers whom I have encountered since our last Reunion.

'*I spent Halloween evening of 1 9 ^ hi Miami with my dear wife and one Brian Kelly. Brian had just finished shooting that year's 'Flipper* series and u*a5 about to depart for California. Luckily, Flipper had other engagements that evening so the three of us did the town in a typical Britt-Kelly fashion.

"We spent a football weekend (*65 season) in South Bend ^vith HARRY KELLY and wife Jan plus another KELLY — R O G E R who is with I B M in Chicago. Harry's in Milwaukee with General Afotors.

"I ran into Father BOB FITZGERALD SJ at Grand Central StaU'on in NYC in the fall of '65. H e was on his way to receive his PhD. Speak­ing of New* York — I occasionally run into BILL MacMURRAY of McGray-Hill fame at Reiddy's Bar on 53rd St. If any of you are ever in NYC, stop in and leave >-our card with the bartender. Also, I met and had a drink with BILL BYRD (and Bill MacMurray} who had just been trans­ferred to New York with IBM and who seems to receive a promotion every six or nine months.

"Have had dinner with JERRY ADLER and JIM BLACKBURN—plus their brides—and they all seem to be thriving. Jerry is with the greet­ing card business and Jim is in the paper busi­ness. ED BUCKOWrrZ is now V P for sales for a national check manufacturer and he occa­sionally comes through Dayton i n quest of the almighty dollar.

"We are happy to report that w e see E D MC­CARTHY and his family in South Bend with some regularity. Ed has just recently purchased a brick mansion on the St. Joe Ri%*er and Is presently installing a marina in front of his house. So if any of you care to bring your houseboats to tlie '67 football games, I am sure that Ed would be happy to supply the dec* tridty, etc

" D . W E F OX was a frequent nsitor t o Day­ton as part of the national account department of the Northern Trust Co. Recently his territory has been changed to the East Coast^ but we occasionally sec Dave in the Windy City. I have heard through one of GEORGE FARRELL's associates that he is now stationed in the Lon­don office of the Mellon Bank. JIM SILK — the last I beard — was with the National Bank of Toledo.

"As far as we personally are concerned, w e have been in Dayton almost 10 years and sinco 1953 have accumulated seven chUdren. In case this letter is published and any of the other '53ers get into or near Dayton, our address is 4345 Trails End Dr. and the telephone no. is 298-6864.

"Bud, I trust that some of the others wiU respond to your request and that you and youis are In good health and spirits. See you at the next Reunion!" Thanks a million, Jim, i t was swell to hear about so many N D men.

And here's some really big show hSz n e w : REGE PHILBIN writes—"Fmany I have some news for you. Have received the biggest break of my career. Joey Bishop has picked me to be h a announccr-ndekick on his own 'Tonight-type' show set t o start o n the ABC network in AfniL H e saw m e cm my own local Los Angeles show, the last one in fact and heard me mention this was the last one — called the next day and after a series of three meetings h e called me in &ui D i ^ o and gave m e the good news. I t was a wonderful Christmas present and my family and I are just thrilled. I t will be a nightly show in direct competition with Johnny Carson so i t Won't be easy, but nothing is in this business.

"Am enjoyii^ your work as Class correspon­dent and feel for your problems but still you're getting out plenty of news even though the guys aren't cooperating. Hope you hear from Brother BILL and take care of yourself. My best to everyone." That's great, Rege, you can bet we'll all be poUing for you. His address: KFMB-T V , 1405 Fifth Ave., San Diego, Calif. 92112.

That's i t for this issue, PLEASE WRITE! Why not use the handy yellow card on page 30 of ihis issue.

WALTER F. "BUD" STUHLDREHER 11006 Jean Rd. S.E., Huntsvilie,

Ala. 35803

1954 The late evening news indicated that Chicago has had a Uttle snow, with more expected so it's understandable

why mail is low firom that quarter. But you all don't Uve in Chicago. So how about using the yellow infonnation card on page 30 to keep us abreast of your latest doings?

If you haven't made motel or hotel reserva­tions for our Reunion party weekend, hurry. Our parties are pretty well established now and you can be sure of meeting at least one or two zeal good friends.

From the Alumni Office cromes the following note from GEORGE O'CONNELL: "Since my marriage, Nov., 1963, we have had two children, a boy, Michael and a girl, Bridget." Were there two Geoige O'Connells in our Class? The last time I saw Geoige he was falling off the Alumni Hall chapel roof. George lives at 15 Salmon Rd., Landing, N.J. RAY BUBICK has been promoted to the rank of major in the USAF. He's presently an instructor in the department of electrical engineering at the AF Academy. JIM DeCOURSEY, long missing from our Re­union parties, was named special asastant for urban affain and community relations by Robert Docking, governor of Kansas. This was the new governor's first a[^>ointment since taking office. Jim w-as unsuccessful in his bid tor lieutenant go\-emor in the last elections.

It's been some time since I mentioned GERRY FINNEY, so — Gerry Finney!

Heard from BOB RAYMOND. Bob and Joyce and their three boys are in London. H e felt bad misting the great season just past and expects to be back for the '68 season. Bob would love to get in touch with any NDeis in London and can be convicted c / o Universal Oil Products Co., Bush House, Alowycb, London W.C, 2, England.

BILL MEYER must have got my address frcun a n old issue — like 1963 — but I finally got his letter. TOM MURPHY stopped in to visit Bill, Anne and their three Httie ones on the way to Kent State U . for a three-day legal conference. Bill also reports that J O H N J. REIDY has been elected an assistant V P of the Union Commerce Bank. John and wife Carol have two children. RICHARD £ . GERBRACHT, V P and Sohio account supervisor at Marschalk Co., has been named general manager of Marschalk's Cleveland office. Bill also passed along BOB L. AfcGLYNN's Christmas caid which contained enough Info for a whole article. AH I can say is whew! are they busy. Bob's wife Beth almost has her master's. T h e oldest of their three children is in junior b i s^ school. Kinda makes ya feel aged, huh?

That's i t lads. See you in S^tember — n o mint daxts please.

MILTON J. BEAUDINE 21 Signal Hill Blvd., E. St Louis,

III. 62203


1955 Greetings f r o m the igloo! What do you do when your town gets belted with two feet of snow — write

the Class column on the back of whatever scratch paper you can find, naturally! I tried to get out the front door this morning and I looked like one of Al Capp's characters from Lower Slobo\'ia — up to my hips in whiteness. This storm reminded me of T O M DORWIN's letter from his new home in California: **I didn't like California at first. I t took me 45 minutes to go 10 miles because of the rain and all the broken lights on the freeway." Humph, it took some of our people four or five hours to get home last night!

Since the landscape looks like a Christmas card, I might as well dig into Santa's matlbag and tliank all those who sent greetings. Two of our noble classmates, T O M IGLESKI and BILL Mc-X^AIN, have male heirs since our lost correspond dencc. JIM BERGQUIST, a hard guy bachelor, managed to reach our house about 10 minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve to help a group of '55ers ring in 1967. Enjoyed hearing from the big " C " men — D I C K CONNELLY and JOE CONNOLLY. Heard from twiD of our group who moved au-ay before graduation. E D RYAN checked in from California and JOE HEGNER from New York. *Ned' is an attorney and has two little girls. *Hcg' Is splitting his time **bctween California and New York in *The Friendly Skies' with Chicago a frequent stop­over."

D O N H.ANISCH reports that his family has moved into a new house at 8557 E. 31st PL, Tulsa. Don' and Kathleen have two girls and two boys. Don, who is in the stock market busi-' ness, saj-s that JOE McGRAW resigned his scat in the Oklahoma house to run for the senate.' LARRY BUCKLEY, who now is basking in the sun at 20255 N-W. 3rd Ct. in Miami while I'm shivering at the typewriter, sa)^ that he has run into DAVE RUSSELL and BILL MAY in the sun country. He hopes to see one and all at the Miami game this fall. His old buddy, JERRY HUGHES and family, had a rather tragic holi-cby. They had a fire at their house at Sclma and had to move in Avith friends over tlie holi­days. Jerry, who passed along his best to the Chicago Club gang, had hoped to get his major's oak leaves any day. **For all of the old heads here at Craig, it will probably be Vietnam be­fore long. When it's time, I want the front seat o! an F-4C." JOE D.ALEY, long a cohort of both Larry and Jerry, also checked in with a card.

PAT DiP.-\SQUALE and Chariotte, who now arc located at 1981 Lincoln, Eugene, Ore., after a stint as lay helpers in Tanganyika, are kept busy with their two litde girls. Pat teaches nine hours of graduate classes- Recently he read a paper at the Conference on Christianity and Literature at Whitworth Col. in Spokane. In December he presented a paper at the Modem Language Assn. convention in New York and then traveled up to Immaculate Conception Sem­inary in Troy for a lecture. BILL FEURY checked in from 2008 Maple View Ct., Westfield, N.J. Also enjoyed hearing from DICK MAN-NION, 108 W. North Lane, Conshohockcn, Pa., and the ex-proprietor of this column, T O M O'MALLEY, 6213 E . I09th St., Kansas City, Mo. Tom and Jackie no^v have two bo>-s and a giri. "Regulars" FRANK BURKE. 935 Clay-brun Dr., Fort Wayne, and JOHN BEXDEL, 5701 Jay St., Yorba Linda, Calif., sent cards from their new homes. I'd like to wind up this Christmas segment with a section from Father JOE O'DONNELL's card: "At a time when I would like to be with you but cannot, my prayer is that all of us may realize the meaning of Christ­mas, and may respond to the love of Christ for us by making our hands the hands of Christ, our eyes the eyes of Christ, our hearts the love of Christ. Only in this way, through ns, will the worid come to know Christ today."

Our sympathy goes to JERRY PRASSAS, wliose father died Dec. 20. A special memorial Mass was said on campus Jan. 7.

Happy to hear that W.ALT CABRAL is back in Hawaii, 12(3 Keolu Dr., Kailua, after a stint in \^etnam as an Army captain. AL PETRA-NICK also is a captain. His current address is 1501 Bedford St.. Rome, N.Y. PAUL HART-MAN is back from o\*erseas and can be reached at 49 Nightingale Lane, Gulf Breeze, Fla. LCDR J O H N D A M M has this new address — U N C / USFK Comptroller, APO San Francisco.

Chicago still has plenty of '55 traffic JI&£


LUOTTO has moved to FoothUI Col., 12345 Mcnte Ave., Los Altos Hills, Calif., -wlulc JOHN SCHANO has moved up to 1640 Fanvell i iom Savannah. NOEL K I N D T saw the light and moved from South Bend to 704 Caroline Ct. , Deerfidd, III. California also is in the news. PAUL CARDINAL now resides at 2947 Jackson St., San Francisco (you can move Cardinal <Mit of Brooklyn, but you'll never be able to take Brooklp out of "Bird"!) . HARRY EDELSTEIN left frigid &linncsota for DuPont's office in sunny LA (800 Wilshire Blvd.). JERRY ROE moved from Cleveland to 30401 Moonmist Dr., Calos Verdes, CaKf., while CHARLIE BENNETT left movieland for 433 Fern Dr., Clearfield, Utah.

On the foreign front, LARRY O'MARA can be reached at Santa &(aria La Regia 42, Colonia Bosques Ecchegaray, Mexico, D .F . ; PETE ABT at 1235 Bel-Aire Dr. , Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Here are a few new domesuc addresses: FRANK. FLORIAN, 39 Sandra Circle, WcstfieM. N.J . ; BILL YARIO, 15 Darien Dr., Windsor Locks, Conn.; JOE ORSO, 593 —26th St., Dunbar, W.Va.; BILL O'CONNOR, 1600 W. 44th St., Lorain. O. ; BILL KREPS, 2310 St. Nick Dr. , New Orleans; PHIL BURKE, 8407 Maymeadow Ct., Baltimore; JOHN DELANEY, 26 Eagle Lane, CamiUus, N.Y. ; JOE CASASANTA, 1000 By-Pass 52, Lafayette. Ind.; and JOHN SER-VOTTE, 914 Grand Ave., Wausau, Wise Hey, why don't you fill out one of the yellow reply cards right now so that we can keep tab of every­body?

GEORGE SHELTON, our Class Agent, docsn^t have current addresses for JIM CANTRILL, L O U CENTLIVRE, JIM METRESS, JIM MON-GELLO, DICK PADON, GEORGE SASKO, BOB SWINDEMAN and BILL WALSH. K you can help provide current info on these "road-runners," get in touch with George at 1109 Forest, Wilmette, HI. or drop me a line.

Happy snowballing! See you all at the Class crocktail party after the ^lichigan State game — and VICTORY!

PAUL FULLMER 7344 N. Ridge Blvd., Chicago,

IIL 60645

1956 Efforts since the most enjoyable RfxJuie Din­ner in Chicago to organize the Class of '56 have not been

particularly encouraging. Hoped-for plans called for bi-monthly or quarterly dinners or lunches* Similar activities by other local Class organiza­tions have proven real enjoyable. DICK ALLI­SON, CARL EIGLESBAGH and D O N CARLIN have offered assistance in the organization; but, it will take about six more willing worken to keep up the line of communications with the 120 classmates in the immediate metro area. Sure would like to have DICK BARTSCH, GENE GRIFFIN, GENE GORDON and MATTHEW JIM STAHL rally the troops from the near west area around Aurora. Sure could use help malung a few calls and at the thnner table from such notables as MARK BURNS, LUKE BRENNAN. BOB BAIETTO, JOHN "SKINNY" BRO-DERICK, JACK CASEY, BOB CARRANE, RAY DREXLER, PAUL KAMSCHULTE, NORB DYTRYCH, BILL FOX, T O M McNEIL. ROG O'REILLY, BERNIE VAN ETTEN. D O N SCHAEFFER, GERRY SPAETH and D O N (TADROWSKI) T O D D . Such geographic balance around the tou*n would make the job real easy. If you know anyone who isn't listed (like J O H N ENGLER — who's doing real well in the stock market business), give me a call so we can keep our listing current: Chicago 581-4040 or suburbs 352-6631.

This is being written in late January, and Tm just thumbing through some Christmas cards re­ceived from classmate friends. The GEORGE WILSON family card featured a picture of three pretty daughters and two future tight ends. The T O M BOTT family photo from Danville high­lighted Margaret Elizabeth, bom last Sept. 14, amidst her five brothers and sstexs. Two g"*^ing youngsters surely brightened the holiday for Evelyn and D O N WALZ in Indianapolis. T h e T O M KERSHISNIK card announced the ex­pected arrival of his number a x heir in U t r c h — still m Rock Springs, Wyo. D O N LOGAR says he's still plugging away w*ith the Grinnell Corp. and they're expecting number three s o o n ^ probably here by now. Ann and JERRY MASSEY apologized for not providing an edge up in East Landng last November; he's finaUzing a n intcx-

mediate logic text while on the M S U faculty; four little Masseys keep them busy. Meanwhile, back in the East, Kathryn and JIM MASSEY enjoy a year on the MIT faculty; the four sons and parents return to South Bend in August. Shay and NICK RAICH are still planning a new home in the West Bend, Wis. area while enjoying a lake home %nth their large group.

Hope to see the Old Timers game on May 6. WiU look forward to seeing JOE HENNESSY, E D KALAMAROS, CARL AUSTIN et al. at that time. And how about a football game reunion?

Why not take the time now to send our secretary a little news on the yellow postcard o a page 30 of this issue?


EUGENE O'CONNOR Cosgrove & O'Connor,

656 Ellicott Sq. Bldg. Buffalo, N.Y. 14203

1957 We hear that CHUCK GRACE i s b e i n g transferred from Co­lumbus, Ind. to Chi­cago as district man­

ager for Cummins Diesel. It seems all you need these days in an Aldo Ray voice box and a beautiful wife. Any\ray, congrats, Chuck! We're mighty proud of you. Also climbing that ladder to debtore' paradise is J . CAROL DOYLE who was recently ele\'ated to a V P of Chase-Man­hattan. Chase advertises that i t is the bank where **You have a friend" — now everybody can hustle down to one of the greatest **lriends" in the Class. Oh, those da)3 at the Stratigon. Nice going, Carol. BILL ALLEN received his MBA from the U . of Utah last June. PAUL TRTTSCHLER has been promoted to division accountant for the tape group of 3M Co. in St. Paul, Minn. Paul is dandy daddy to two. JOHN KUBIAK was appointed corporate attorney in Iktaremont Corp. legal staff. John joined the company after serving as assistant attorney gen­eral with the Illinois State Toll Highway Com­mission.

Received a press release from the J O H N SLEVIN Corp. The bulletin was issued by one Brian Eugene Slevin who arrived Dec. 31. It covered the Slev^n activities with mommy and daddy being "Rector" & "Rectora" of the Cur»llo movement. Also the movement into their new 10 room home in Peoria. We pre^ously men­tioned John's new law partnership so all that is left to write is the fact that Johnny will de­fend all classmates on a gratis basis. What a sport! JOE RINK drops us a note that he will definitely be at the "BIG 10" in June. Also received information regarding Father BURKE, who was the second floor prefect in Farley Hall. Joe received a recent letter from Father w4io is now in East Pakistan. H e is presently caring for a ''small priestless Catholic village by the strange name of Shoonabazoo." A number of you must have known Father Burke and because of his misuon I am dropping my personal policy against listing addresses in order that you could drop him a note. It is Fr. Eugene A. Burke CSC, Notre Dame College, Box 8, Dacca 2, East Pakistan. Hope some will take the time and effort.

Capt. BOB DESMOND is now stationed in Hddelberg and boasted that he had one 16 oz. bottle of good German beer for each Irish touch­down. He was known as the "shakiest" med in the area. JIM McCARTHY must have a lovely ynSc in ^farge for she dropped me a very pleasant note regarding her husband's activities. She should be proud for Jim is now the new editor of Insulation^ an engineering publication of Lake Ptiblishing Corp. He received an outstand-i i ^ written tribute from his boss summing up Jim's abilities as an outstanding Notre Dame man who has everything plus a wife and mort­gage. You just can't beat that combination. Our Congrats to the McCarthys. BILL BARTLING




In television's own professional little world, competition between its studios and among its people is tough. And yet when the awards are handed out annually for the best writing, producing and direct­ing of films, James Sieger '55 man­ages always to be up front.

Now director of documentary film production at CBS's Chicago outlet, WBBM-TV, Jim has a long list of award-winning films to his credit. His formal film career be­gan vnth graduate work at the University of Southern California where he earned a master's degree in cinema. But it was Uncle Sam who provided him the first oppor­tunity for practical experience. During his two-year tour of duty as head of the TV writers imit at the Army's pictorial center, Jim wrote or sujjervised over 50 re­cruiting and training films. He also "functioned in most produc­tions as anything from floor man­ager to producer-director."

Jim spent a year at ACI pro­ductions writing education films for New York City schools and do-

James ef. Sieger 'SS ing seven films for the Department of Anthropology at Harvard Uni­versity. Of these seven "Ameri­cana" films, five merited awards including the coveted Venice Film Festival Honorable Mention for "Navaho Silversmith."

Turning to television writing, Jim divided the next four years between stations KDKA, Pitts­burgh and KYW, Cleveland. As public affairs writer-producer at KDKA, he was responsible for writing and producing all public service messages. Five one-half hour documentaries on heart dis­ease won him the Hartman Award; a special, American Wind Sym­phony, merited the Golden QuiU Award; and a film on Stephen Foster was given a Stephen Foster Society Award. While at KYW in Cleveland his 13 specials on poverty copped the Press Club Award.

In 1964 Jim joined the staff at WBBM-TV and kept right on with his winning ways. "Eye on Chi­cago: The Patient Next Door" was to be a 30-minute film docu­

mentary on mental illness and its treatment Jim set about to delve "into the d ^ comers, both physi­cal and mental to which patients scurry to escape the reality they cannot bear." His refined handling of this delicate subject matter merited an Emmy for the best documentary work in Chicago.

"I See Chicago: Revolution In Religion" recdved highest praise faym both the critics and the gen­eral public. Jim Sieger wrote, pro­duced and directed this penetrat­ing study of religion in contempo­rary life. "Revolution in Reli^on" was voted the best program pro­duced by a local TV station in America and Jim carried off the 1966 national Emmy as well as its local counterpart and on March 11 the film was similarly dted by the Illinois Medical Society.

A few weeks ago Jim was notified that another film in the "I See Chicago" series, "The Illinois Vot-ers Test," had captured the 1967 Chicago Emmy as the year's best documentary and was now in the running for the national Emmy.

was in tmvn recently and reported that the St. Louis crowd is coming in force. This means BIG GUS, JACK, JOE, CONNIE and all the rest. Please organize the same in your area. Don't let this ''happening" exist without your presence. You will be receiving letters from the Class of­ficers luring you to attend. Please follow their adv-ice.

It is on the wire that Kathy MALY and Joan CASEY are expecting this spring. Also true of the REICHERS, Colorado Springs. Best get him on the road. T. O. DOYLE says that JOE NUEHOFF has promised to gather to­gether all those bad Texans. Nobody will be ex­cused from the real EXPO *57 in June of '67. Really need information from mates about mates. In this issue of the ALUHNUS there is a yellow return postcard. See page 30. Please £11 it out and return.

JOHN BARANY, as you know, is the big honcho for the Reunion. This is not an easy job and takes much time and effort. Show him you appreciate and make simple plans to attend. Gads, even BARR is coming from Paris!

A few changes of locale: Dr. JOHN ROBIN-SON from Memphis to Atlanta. JIM KINNANE from Whiting to Fullertod, Calif. JOHN Mc-CONNELL from Palo Alto to Canton, Ohio. And BERNIE LYONS is flying the big jets for Pan Am. He. is temporarily living in Hoboken while his training requirements are fulfilled. On the weekends he buzzes down to Coral Gables


where wife and five little stewardesses are pa* ticntly playing the waiting game.

JEROME E. RUTHMAN's name was ixf advertently left off the roster. Add luxa to youxst 5659 Treevicw Dr., Cincinnati 45238.

That is all for now. Have not one iota of in-formation left. How about helping this starving secretary out — take a few minutes to drop a line concerning you and our friends. . . . MAKE THE BIG 10 in June!

JOHN P. McMEEL 30 E. 42nd St., New York,

N.Y. 10017

1958 As the first item in this issue, we wish to extend our condo­lences to PHHJP PRASSAS and JOHN

HIRSCHFELD who both lost their fathers in December. Your praycis would be appreciated.

We have an announcement to make to all those interested in attending the Notre Dame-Illinois football game at Champaign on Oct. 21, 1967. JOHN HIRSCHFELD, who resides in Champaign, has suggested we plan a get-together for all members of the Class who wish to at­tend the game. John has vcJunteered to ar-

range for the purchase of a block of tickets ifi-xcctly from the U. of Illinois to enable all of the group to see the game together. If yoa are interested in these arrangements, please send a check or money order for the nm^>er of tickets deared at $5 each to John C. Hitschfeld, 110 West Church St., Champa^, HL 61820. J < ^ win confirm the receipt of your remittance and WH then see to it that all tickets are ordered-in a block. He will either then hold the tickets for you or forward them to yoa by maiL Al­though . John would fike to be able to arrange for your hotel or motel accommodations, tlus is too monumental a task for him to haiidle and yoa will have to make these arrangements for yourselves.

IiiPaKTANT NOIB: In order to make these ar­rangements, John most lecove yoor oideis by , May 1, 1967.'

SECOND naoKi/an Roiz: Use &e jdlaw tob card on page 30 to keep your Clasa aecretazy posted on yoor doings.

We are pleased to pass on the news diat JAMES O. "HOOT" WALSH was married Dec 28 to the former Miss Gwen Falmieri in Ladd, SL Those in attendance included yoor secretary and Bev. DONALD McNEIIX CSC, who cddrsted the Nuptial Mass. Other matrimonial news is that of the marriage of LEWIS VAN COUTREN oa Dec. 20 in Rome to the former Ifes Mary Amie McCall of. Houston, Tex. Lewis is a geophydcist for Independent Eiqiloration Co. and SM mow ic-


ndtng with his bride in Afogadiscio, Somalia. Dr. SAM NIGRO (2167 Westminster Rd., Qeve-

land 44118) is beginning residency in child psy­chiatry at Western Reser\-e U . in Cleveland, and finishing his final few months of adult psy­chiatry. Sam*s family now includes — in addition to his wife Suzanne — Rachel Ann 3 , Kristin Alarie 2 and Alichael Dominic 6 months. A Chrbtmas note from Carol and DAVE HOLT-HOUSE reports that the Holthouses are still re­siding in Rockledge, Fla. where Dave is man­aging the Holthousc Furniture Store. The Holt-house children, Joe and Julia, arc now 8 and 6 years respectively. HANK ZANG (1306 East Groves, Bloomington, 111. 61701) also sent a note at Christmastime expressing eager anticipation of the \Tsit of the Fighting Irish to Champaign next fall. Hank began emploj-ment wnth Massachusetts Kfutual Life last September. Hank also reports tliat TOM GOZDECKI is a trust officer for the Calumet National Bank in Hammond, Ind. T O M \VOLOH.\N is managing the Wolohan Lumber Co. in Rockford. III.

JOE G.AGLIARDI (3 Burdsall Dr., Port Ches­ter, N.Y. 10573) sent a resume of his recent actix'ities. Joe received his MBA in June, I960 from Wharton Scliool of Business after which he worked for General Foods imtil 1965; thereafter, he spent a year with Drew Chemical in NYC until late 1966; and since November has been a price policy analj-st with IBM in Harrison, N.Y. Joe is married and now has three children: Anne 5/2 , Joe III 4 /2 , and Clarke 2. Joe also keeps in close touch with AL ALLEN, JOE DERRICO and JIM O'NEIL and would like to hear from MIKE GALLAGHER. Capt. RON BLAKE USAF (113 Maine Drive, Jacksonville, Ark. 72076) who, although he received his degree in '60, was originally a member of our Class and therefore one of our ou-n, is serving on a Titan II missile crew at Little Rock AFB, Ark. In December he was upgraded to creu' commander and in January began attending Squadron Of­ficers School. Ron is also working toward a master's degree in instrumentation and elec­tronics at the U . of Arkansas. H e is married and has four children.

Congratulations to my old roomie, JOHN RUSSO and his wife Anne on the arri *al of daughter Christina last Sept. 30 in N.Y. As reported pre^ously, John is xnce-prcsident of Cos-Cob, manufacturers of women's sportswear. T O M CLUSSER.ATH (12811 Chesney Lane, Bou-ic, Xfd. 20715) and wife Kaye were expecting a new arri\'al in the family in February. Last October Tom became administrative assistant to the chair­man of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. This agency is responsible for the supervision of federal insured sa\ings and loan associations.

ARTHUR L. ROULE, JR. 102"!" St., LaPorte, Ind. 46350


Marchal & Marchal, 116-118 W. 4th St., Greenville, Ohio 45331

1959 The best item in this issue, as far as Class secretaries are con­cerned, is the yello\\^ postcard you will find

on page 30. Afany of the items in the past few issues have been reported i-ia tliis method. Please take a few minutes and drop us a few lines. Thanks!

DICK SELCER is now on the coaching staff at Brown U . in Providence, R,L and D O N LAWRENCE is a football asst. at the U . of Virginia. Both had been with the U . of Cin­cinnati until this winter. Jane and SHANNON SMITH have a new address in "Sit. Lookout here in Cincinnati and chose a rather courageous method of moving two months ago. They en­listed the help of PAUL KIKLAS, JOHN FREY and DICK FAVRET '60 in moving to their new apartment. I merely observed! Major BILL DELANEY '52 wrote from Spain with news of FRANK FREIDHOFF and GEORGE WILSO.N. Frank is a captain in the Air Force and he and wife Marion recently had their first baby, a giri. H e left Spain at the end of December for a new assignment at SAG Hq., Offutt AFB, Neb. George is also an Air Force captain and is an F-lOO fighter pilot who won a silver star in Viet Nam. He has been at Torrejon AFB about eight months. George and his family live in Roj-al


Oaks, a military housing area about five mUes outside Kfadrid.

CHARLES HUMMER JR. is prasently cm-ployed by the Navy as a -chemical engineer and is responsible for corrosion contrcrf for both the Navy and the Air Force in the Canal Zone. Charles and Greta have a son, Carlitos, and are active in the local Little Theatre. Charies is president of the Navy AFGE and legislative chair­man of the Canal Zone Central Labor Union. Thdr address is: FO Box 513, Balboa, Canal Zone. JOHN UEBBING was recently married to Roberta Ann Flynn in Palo Alto, Calif. John has his roaster's from &QT and hb PhD frmn Stanford. They are living in Palo Alto and John is woriung at Varian Assoc in Mountain View, JOE KfAIER has been named brand manager iot specialty products for the Quaker Oats marketing organization. Joe has been with the company for eight years. T O M TRINLEY has joined Amoco Chemicals Corp. as patent adWsor in the company's research and development dcpt. at Whiting, Ind. BERNARD FLIGER has left Washington, D.C. after five years, for a new job as regional director of on-the-job training for..ibc Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel ~ in •' Detroit. In May he married Catherine Mary- Leech, Col. of New Rochellc '64. Bemic had news of TOM HALLIGAN who is an Air Force. captain and resides at 260 Stewart Gardens, Newburgh;'-N.Y. Tom's wife just gave birth to their third child, a boy. PAUL McALLISTER Is libw'in sales for Shell Oil Co. in S>Tacusc, N.Y. PETER BARNES recently joined the staff of the Los Alamos Sci­entific Lab in New Mexico to work as a nuclear ph>'sici5t in the ph>*sics research div. FRANZ "PETE" SCHEUERMANN has moved to Kloun-tain Rd., Stowe, Vt. (skiers take no^c!) where he has established architectural offices^ Pete and Ann Marie have a son, Eric

BOB JOHNSTON writes from 2402 N . 67th S t , Wauu-atosa, Wis. 53213 and contributes the fol­lowing news: *'I hear from Lynn and JIM SUTTER from time to time. Jim . is a big deal computer expert ^vith the Iowa Beef Trust and is living in Sioux City. The Sutter family is made up of two girls and two boys. PAUL" OBERHAUSER and wife Jane arc. tending the family farni in Belmond, Iowa and doing quite-well at it. DICK COLLINS is practicing/medicine in New Orleans so if anyone should need a Jife^ time supply of birth control pills, just con^ct Dick. JIM DULAN is a public relations asst. for Blair and Assoc, in N.Y. Blair is a T V station rep. firm. JOHN "One Can" MORAN is clerk­ing for a judge in Phoenix, Ariz. He has his law degree from Catholic U . PHIL ECKERT is in the legal dept. of the Wisconsin Gas Co. in Klilwaukee. No marital plans for hard-hearted Phil. JOE HEIL snagged a wile a couple of years ago and then took olf for a fabulous honey­moon in Europe. He came home, waited a while and then became the proud pop of twins. Don't know what he's doing for a living, but I'll bet Joe's working just a little harder. Lea and HERB RIBAND are living in Flourtown, I ^ where Herb is a local lawyer, choir director and front porch politician with back porch stories. If he keeps his nose clean, ma^-bc LBJ will give htm Alaska or something." BOB JOHNSTON is stUl with' WTMJ-TV . in Milwaukee as a salesman and* . writer. The Johnstons have four children: Lisa;' Michelle, Christopher and Robert, bom Sept. 251% Thanks, Bob, for the above items! ,V*

T O M PLOFCHAN wrote a few . lines'. last Christmas to give a report on Beth Ann 4, .Tom Jr. 3 , Margaret Mary 2, Piiul Joseph 1 and (?) due in February. Tom is employed by'Wayne State U . as admissions counselor for international graduate students. Prior to this Tom Was at Berkeley High School for over two years. H e is still directing the men's choir at St. James Church in Femdale while completing b b PhD in • comparati\*c education at Wa^-ne, Tom further reports that long lost JOHN ROCRNE GUINN, famous accompanist of the Glee Club is still in Centerline, Mich. WILLIAM G. AfcNiUiLY M D married Anne Connaghan-.(Marywood- GoL •— Scranton) in 1962. Made w-as bom':in.. 1963 and Cathy in 1964. Number three is due^tbis month. Bill graduated from the U . of Penn: Med. Scliool in '63, interned and spent one year reudcncy in internal medicine at St; Elizabeth Hosp., Youiigs-tou-n, Ohio. Bill is in general practice in Warren, Ohio at the present time and in Jujy vtill return to complete his residency. JIM BAGLIVI is now with United American Life Ii^; Go. in Denver. In a short time he will be working wit t the company in the European agency somewhere in Germany. He can be located through his busi­ness address:, James '^Bagiivi Jr., • c/o W. D .

LeCours, United American Life Ins. Co. , Centre Intemadonal, Passage 1, N o . 7, Bureau 207, BniS'* sels 1, Belgium. Jim is interested in hearing from any of the Class living or S i t i n g in Europe.

LARRY WENTZ finally jotted down the names of the '59 contingent at the Navy game. Four^ teen couples met for dinner at Shoyets in iMiiUy. Included were: Kathy and E D PAULSEN, Kathy and BILL McCULLOUGH, Carol and BASIL BECK, Patty and MIKE HALPIN (wed in June '66), Jane and CORNY HAUGH, CARL ENGSTROM and wife (whose name Larry can't remember), *'Teddy" and DAVE KESTNER (wed in April '66), ROGER O'NEIL and Dave Kcstncr's ^ t e r , Carolyn, Trish and BOB MURPHY, JIM DULAN and wife (another un-remembered name), AL REED, WARREN AL­BRIGHT, JOHN WEIKERT USN, iind their dates, JOHN SULLIVAN (who didn't quite make it on t ime), and of course the Wcntzes. Larry also mentioned that HARRY SIEGEL left Philly' last June with wife Mary and their three daughters to do his residency in pediatrics at Utah State in Salt Lake City. The Siegel address is 2694 Blue Sprocc Dr. . Salt Lake 84117. GREG DEVERS SJ was only able to get au-ay from Xa\icr HS (in Greenwich Village) for the day of the game. Lou Ann Wcntz is expecting number six in April. Thanks, Larry, for the hcwil

JOSEPH P. MULLIGAN 2680 Lehman Rd., Apt. 42,

Cincinnati, Ohio 45204

1960 Ah, the joy of Christ­mas. The spirit of g i v i n g has over­whelmed this lowly scribe. From the four

comers of the land and further have come tidings of old classmates. But first — missing links sal­vaged from the cutting room floor of one John Thurin '59, editor. With apologies to the Louisville gang for the delay, a look back at tlic N U post game party at the Edgewatcr Bcacli in Chicago: BILL MAPOTHER and AfARTY ROACH and their respective wives, Louisa (CHUCK

• RIEHM's sbtcr) and Tcrri SMC '60 (LARRY TURNER'S sis). Bill and Marty and Larry rpoinctl tbgcthei- at U of Virginia Law School and-all three-mamed'abdut.the same time. Larry and Roberta. (Hastiiigs), Lairy III'-aml'Mike arc liWng in Philaclelphia where 'Larrjr. is° ^wit'h D«kcrt , Price" S^ Thomas. Bill is wilh^Mapo\hcr, Morgan & Stansberg." "Marty"is a partner* with Bullitt, Dawson & Tarrant. Hi , *you all..

I shed* a tear when T O M PATCHEL said he was married in JuW '64 — at l e^t he lasted awhile. Tom wrote, "Dear Abby O'Connell, married Julia Kathleen Diffley; two sons, Thomas HI and James. I'm now officially in the running for Catholic *Father of the Decade.* " (Sec. Note: H A ! not with WARD and McCORMICK having a head start you're'not!) "Presently, I'm an oil company account , administrator for. Narrington Bus.:Mach.-in.Springficlcl,' VaV,li\ing in'Grainbcit, Md. I- hav;ec-_bccn-a.;5ca-going.,bellhop (USMC^) ^ d worVcdy;as7.a . . rc^rter "'for ^'the Camden (Courier-Post and' as a 'director' of -P.',- R., Rutgci5> •

.rofr$o:.N:ij:";;:j..\ ;,: •••*/.,. ..:"•...; * ;. ' -\ -^EAST: - "The 'Gwine .has fallen,'i long-live-the: vGwinc.^'/vY«; tbc:qld^^^ "is';npw..'filing a joint"return." O'ct, '(56 w'as the fateful date. But'his words linger on,

remember **A man who could ne'er distinguish his chin

Is the St. Ixiuis hifister—^D. Jerry McGlynn."

also **A roan who at Thilman's set up his quarters Is the j-oung Philadelpbiau—James Manus

Waters." and

"Ah! Poems are made by fools like Gwine But only ROCKET drinks Petri wine."

Excuse the brevity, Steve, but I want to get some of your news in here also. We'll get a complete one in ere long. Steve says, "Dr. D O N AfcAL-LISTER, resident in orthopedic surgery. Kings County Hosp., NYC — Dr. JACK LANG intern at St. Vincents, NYC, plans to specialize in ortho or O B / G Y and practice in San Francisco where ht finished med school (S. F. Gen. Hosp. ) . Still a bachelor, living in &fanhattan's stewardess district. MIKE CANAVAN is still among our hardy bachelors. He has to be, because other than his Glen Falls Tire business, he runs a dynamite



company! Also amongst the single swingers are: CHARLIE SCIUVANICH, teacher, winter ski bum, summer surfer. PAT MAHEDY MBA Harvard '63, sales manager, Kaufman & Broad BIdg. Co., Southfield, Mich. ON THE OTHER SIDE: GERRY LALLY and Mo O'Sullivan will be sending junior to N D in 16 yrs. Gerry is an attorney in Jersey City. Still very active in K of C (shades of South Bend picnics). I visited JIM COLOSIMO and charming wife Carol and two girls in Detroit. Jim is a crackerjack salesman with an auto chassis company, Hamishfa*gen. Can you imagine — Colosimo of Harnishfa*gen! And iinallyi.Mrs. Barry (Susan Eileen Bubet) a surBng bunny out of St. Elizabeth Col. in Convent Sta­tion, N . J., is a former therapuctic dietitian, which should help me immeasurably." Amen, brother. More fi^m Gwine next time.

You figure this one. J. C. sa>-s, "scratching out a living with MLPF & Carretta, after three years with Uncle , Sam. Bought a towhh'ouse and be­lieve me, Tom, H. Heftier would be surprised." That's scratching? "Am on board of directors of Washington Boys* Club, pres. of tlie Arlington Young _Dems, dir. of Arlington JC of C and coached Virginia Stale Babe Ruth League cham­pions two out of three years." Whew! ' I need a x-acation after just reading about all that. Wonder when he sleeps. "Zippy is married. Quite a few of the old Badin gang at the wedding."

Personal to PAUL F . LOMBARDI, Class treasurer?, formerly of Atlanta, presently of Grecnbelt, Md. Where the heck did you put the money?

With apologies to Mis. ROGER BERNARDI for the "come on" Xmas greeting. Here's the word from her. "Rog is captain with the 25th Inf. Div.. 9lh Arty, in Victnain and is career. He and DAN LYONS are brothers-in-law, Dan having married my sister." Similar news on Rog from old friend RON ZLOTNICK, Nancy and Amy. ED REIXHARDT will receive his copies in the future thanks to his mother who requested change of address to So. Windsor, Conn. She also reports Ed spent five years with U S N after OCS. Presently working for Pratt & Whitney. Married to Prudence Haskell and has Mark and Mike to feed. Cheers for these letter writin', ever lovin* wives and moms.

Ghosts of years past. Capt. "YOGI" DRESKA is back from Japan. Mrs. (Lurana) writes, "New Orleans and Tulane grad school for two years is our next station. A pleasant change after three years over there." Watch that guy — heard he is going to take over the Army one of these days. Speaking of the Army, Dr. E D FERRARA writes from Vietnam where he is with the USMC, "Finished U . of N.Y. med. school and internship and residenc)- in Cincinnati and decided to get this out of the way. Was married in 1965 to a nurse (what else?). Have a sort as of Nov. *66, but haven't seen him yet. See you all at the lOlh — hoping to remember the faces that I've forgotten in our six years. By the way, T O M HAGAN and CURT B.\KER are flight surgeons over here."

OiV THE ROAD WEST: GERRY WILKES, Sue, two boys and two girls are in Ballwin, Mo. He's "teaching and coaching football at St. Lo. Priory School. JACK HASTED's wife recently had twin girls. Anyone around say hello to 408 Andover Lane." O. FLOR and P. B. COSACCHI in Seattle. Ollie tises his job as asst. mgr. of First Nat'l Bank branch to keep Fran and Andy

-and Elizabeth happy. Old Bruce and Carol, plus ' Maureen, Laura, Sheila and Peter receive their

dole from the FBI! He's got such acreage that he grows grapes and makes wine. Wow! Wait until the revcnoors read about this. One of their own boys bootlegging. His dog Kelly (leave it to an Italian to give an Irish name to a dog) must have ivalked on the letter at this point because there are a lot of silly scratches on the paper. Suppose he'd be in more trouble if I said they looked like Chinese. Opps. Sorry, Bruce.

Shimatta! That's Japanese for son of a gun — out of space again. If we skipped you blame it on our scissoring editor. In the meantime, don't forget May 6, the Old-Timers Game. See you at BULLARD's. Ok, Ed? Pi t on the back to our dassmate with six kinder — no names, he's shy. But he's not Irish. Remember, medical science claims whiskey can't cure the common cold. But then, neither can medical science. Don't forget to send in the yellow info card oa page 30. Au Rtvoir!

THOMAS J. O'CONNELL 3350 Everett Rd., Lake Forest,

III. 60045

^ H ^ 0 ^ k ^ p ^ ^ ^ H ^'ve just come m irom ^m M M ^ L ^ ^ ^ 1 shoveling mr %va7 out of

• ^ > V m *« • the garage. That 12 inches I ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ F I <*f snow was quite a bit

for us here in the Detnnt area and things have been cut down to a crawl here. -I have received some information Iroin NICK PALIHNICH and I wiU pass it on to YOU in this article. RON SAMPSON was l e -leased from active naval service as a lieutenant. During his tour in the submarines, he received the Vietnam Service Afedal. Ron has returned to N D to puisue his doctoral studies in chemical engineering. In Jan., 1964, Ron married the former Celine Estill from Port Hueneme, Calif, and they had their first child, a boy, in April, 1966. TRACY OSBORNE has probably graduated from the Creighton U . School of Medidne fay now and has started his internship at Kansas City Gen. Hosp. for one year. I have also heard that Capt. RONALD HOWARD and Prisdlla M. Edwards of Arlington, Va. should have been married in D e c , 1966 because of Chuck's ex­tended tour in Germany. Pliscilla is a school teacher. I have heard through Nick that CHILTON MAVERICK is living in San An­tonio, Tex. Chilton married Harriettc Rice last June and they honeymooned in Jamaica. Chiltoa had a couple of our N D classmates help get him through the wedding — LARRY KEAUGH, who is now an assistant trust officer at the Frost Bank in San Antonio, and Capt. BOB BARRON. Chilton has been working for the Texas Pharma­ceutical Co. and is going to St. Mary's Law School at night. There have been a number of our classmates stationed in San Antonio who have visited with Chilton and he extends an invtta^ tion to anyone who is going to be stationed there to let him know and he will let you know who is around and what bis N D Club has scheduled.

TO.\f SMITH received his M D from Mar­quette U. last June and is now interning at Wm. Beaumont Hasp, in El Paso, Tex. Tom enlisted in the Army for a three year term, including intern­ship, and his rank is captain. GEORGE JANICEK received his master's degree from N D . He is presently living in West Lafayette, Ind. where he is working on his PhD at Purdue U . Since Iea\*ing N D George has taught mechanical engineering in Afghanistan at the U. of Kabue. While there he married Stephanie Dawson from Richland, Wash, who was in the Peace Cor|». T O M CUBBAGE dropped me a note and said he is moving from Fort Holabird, Md. to Fort Bliss, Tex- He will be spending three months there learning Vietnamese and then go over in the middle of Afay. GEORGE O'CONNELL in­forms me that he was ordained to the deaconate on Dec. 7, and is finishing a master's degree in theology. He will be ordained a priest on May 13, 1967. Best wishes to you, George, and our prayers are with you.

BOB WILLIAMSON received his MBA in 1963 from the U. of Chicago. He was working on his PhD in economics untjl the ROTC de­ferment ran out. He has served one year at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and taught some ex ­tension courses at U. of Dclau-are. He is ex­pecting to go overseas shortly. Bob married Joni Kay Lindale from South Bend in Sept., 1963. Joni Kay is a '63 graduate of Drake U . After finishing his VTOTV for the MBA at Chicago in June '65, MIKE CURTIN joined the Latin American group of W. R. Grace and Co. Mike worked in New York for a while and was trans­ferred to a subsidiary in Chile. Mike returned briefly to the US in June of last K^f to bring his wife, a daughter and his latest addition Ted, bom Jan. 23 '66, back to Chile. Mike and his family are living in Vina Del Mar where he is working for Industrias Coia S-A. Mike men­tioned that he has seen Rev. ROBERT PELTON CSC who is head of St. George's Col. down there.

Once again I ^vould like to ask everyone to use the yellow information card on page 30. After ail, fellas, it only takes about two minutes to fill it up and pass on any information to me which I can put in the articles to come. Again I would like to thank the parents who have been very helpful in sending me news and I hope you enjoy the article and will continue to drop me a line when you can. Until the next article

1961 LAW

JOHN N. MORELAND Bookin&A/toreland,211'^ E.

Main St., Ottumwa, Iowa 52501

1962 Many N D men of '62 have made plans to attend the Reunion June 9 . 10 and 11 — HAVE YOU?


WILLIAM HENNEGHAN 30556 Scrivo DFi, Warren,

Mich. 48092

ROBERT F . KRAUSE received his PhD in metallurgical cn^neering and materials science from N D last August. Bob is married and has a daughter Alison now two years old. The Krauscs now live in Monroeville, I^ . where Bob is a research metalluigist at the U S Steel Re­search Center. MIKE M.^NCUSI PhD, wife Kathy and their three boys have recently moved to C ^ Riclge, Tenn. Mike, who holds a docto­rate in nuclear phyncs from U . of Iowa, is presently an Atomic Energy Commission post­doctoral feUow. Lt.Jg. T H O X U S J. COX-NOLLY married Laura Estelle Wall of Jackson­ville, Fla. last June at Mayport, Fla. Tom is oflScer in charge of USS Fuhnar (MSCO-47) at Ptrth Amboy, N.J. PETER W. KIRK is work­ing with the overseas div. of the First Nat'L City Bank of N.Y. Pete and his wife and tH'o children hope to be placed in an overseas branch this year. Pete remarked that fae vinted MIKE P O I X recently. Mike is teaching high school in N.J. , is married and has two children. RICH.ARD M. KULAK and wife Trish are the proud par­ents of Rebecca Ann, bom in Oct., and Lisa Mkhele almost two yean. Dick was awarded the Army Commendation Medal on his dis­charge from active service. The Kulaks now live in Alexandria, Va. where Dick is a stock­broker with Reynolds and Co.

CHARLIE SWrrZER is still in the Navy and is flying P-3 patrol txHnbers out of Moffett Field. Charlie's address is 278 Monroe Dr. No . 9. Mountain View, CaUf. 94040. JOHN WILBR-V HAM is now living in Pcnnsville, N.J . and is working for DuPont Co. MIKE WILBRARAM M D from Hahnemann Med School is interning in Camden, N.J. RALPH D . D'AMORE M D is now living in St. I^uis where he is a resi­dent in neurosuigery at Bamer Hosp. Ralph and his wife have one daughter Lisa and are ex­pecting an addition this May. H . ORTHMEYER is currently serving as grand master of the Psi Omega Dental Fraternity at Ohio State. " H , " who is a senior dental student, will soon be touring the worU n a the USN, ROGER K. HARVEY will soon be receiving his doctorate at Indiana and mi l move to Ohio State and join thur faculty. Roger and ivife Janet have two boys, Roger S/a and Christopher VA, ROBERT A. NASH is currently serving as the manager of electronic data proccsnng at Visual Services Inc., a Detroit advertiring sales promotion firm. Bob is also studying for his MBA at Wayne St. U .

Congratulations to LEO C. DROZESKI JR. and Elizabeth N . Hubcr on their marriage, Jan.> 7, in St. Louis, Mo. A new address for SEAN. FOOHEY is 3210 Lothian Rd., Apt. 204, Fair^ fax, Va. 22030. JOHN T . McMANUS and wife! Dede now have three children, two boys and a girl. John is working for General Electric in Ft. Wayne. He has recently finished GE's financial management trainii^ program. BILL WEIN-. SHEIMER has been promoted to captain in the Army and is serving as aide de camp to Brig. Gen. John Crowley, commander of Western Area, n^itary traffic management at Oakland, Calif. JAlkfES B. GUNNELL MS '62 has been ac-cepted as a doctoral fellow in a new program at New Mexico State U . He is part of an inter­disciplinary program in educational research. FRED F U Z S I M M O N S has been named a medi-



George 7 . Butt 'G2 In a very short time the name George Thomas Bull '62 has be­come synon^Tiious with teacher union organization. To parents, students and the general South Bend citizenry, the mention of his-name kindles fresh memories of-teacher unrest, strikes and public'. picketing. And yet, despite the' unpleasantries of these pressure tactics—^which he himself dislikes —^Tom Bull remains firm in his belief that teacher group riecog-nition is a necessity today not only' for the good of the indi­vidual but for the betterment of elementary and secondary, edu­cation.

As a new teacher of English and US history at John Adams High School, Tom never imag­ined himself in the role of a labor spokesman. In his first year of teaching he became a rank and file member of the South Bend Education Association, one of two organizations representing local teachers. His personal pleas to As­sociation officers for improved working conditions received little action. So, the following year Tom joined the rival, but smaller, union, the Federation of Teach­ers, and a year later .he was elected its president for a two-year term.

His tenure ^vas marked by a series of battles which he waged with the South Bend Community School Corporation on the one hand and the rival South Bend Education Association on the other.

Tom made his first point felt in May of 1965. Without consul­tation with either union the school board made known their offer for a pay boost for the en­suing fall term. The two teacher organizations in response to the offer split their vote with Tom's organization opting to strike. Four days of classroom boycott by more than 350 teachers finally ended

with the written assurance from the school board that they "would meet with teacher representatives to discuss salary and worlung conditions."

However, Tom's second pwint still needed to be resolved. 'Who would be the official bargaining agent for the teachers? Beginning in 1965 and continuing through­out 1966 the Federation chal­lenged the Association to a show­down vote. At the same time, Tom continually prodded the school board — he and fellow teachers even picketed board meetings—to accept the results of an election as final and official. I t wasn't until December that all three parties reached an accord. The result was the school board would recognize the winner of a special teacher election as sole bargaining agent for the teachers of South Bend. The vote was held in February with Tom Bull and his Federation of Teachers win­ning by 28 votes out of the 1,502 that were cast.

For Tom Bull, now entering his second two-year term as Federa­tion president, the election brought victory at the close of a four-year battle for teacher rights. In a sense, though, his job has just begun. He now has the machinery. His challenge is to use it effectively and jusdy.


cal semcc rcp for Flint Laboratories. He will serve the Boston-South Alassachusetts territory. JOHN PUGLIESE was promoted to sales co-ortlinator at Alcoa's Richmond, Ind. Closure plant. His new address is: 3515 Woods Dr. , Richmond, Ind.

Why not use the yellow info card on page 30 of this issue to fill the Class in on your plans for Reunion '67?


USNAVDENTCLINC FPO San Francisco, Calif. 96662 .


1962 LAW KflCHAEL PHENNER is now assodated widi

the Chicago firm of Hopkins, Sutter, Owren, Mul-roy, Wentz and Davis.

It must be quite obvious to all you classmates from the size of our column this issue that tbe yellow information card on page 30 %viU be a \-aIuable tool in keeping the column alive. Take the few minutes necessary to fill it out with news of yourself, family, job and classmates.

PAUL K. ROONEY U.S. Courthouse, Foley Sq.,

New York, N.Y. 10007

AXEL COGELS spent two years at the U . of Louvain where he obtained his licence en sciences poUtiques

c t Jocsales. H e is currently in the Army and is a candidate reserve officer in tank school in Bel* gium. He %vill train for eight months in BeN p u m before going to Germany for another seven months. His address is: Cavalier Cor. Axel Cogels G6/103F5. E s c A, Ecole Des Troupes Blindees, Stockem-Heinsch, Belgium. DAVU) SHI-VELL has been named Academic Achievement Award winner at the Air U.'s Squadron Ofliceis ScbooK He maintained grades in the top five percent of his graduating class. He has been selected for special profcs^onal officer training in recognition of his potential as a leader and was asugncd to Newark Axr Force Station, Ohio. FRANK LARSH is currently eng^ed in strategic bombing missions from Guam over Vietnam. He and his crew received the Air Kfedal for meri­torious achic\'ement and bravery in action. He is co-pilot of a B-52 stratofort. DENIS O'DON-OGHUE has been assigned as a pilot to the Air Training Command at Williams AFB, Ariz. ED­WARD KR.AUSE was ordained a priest of the Holy Cross Order in Rome on Dec. 17. HAROLD BROWN MS '63 received his PhD t o r n Ohio State U.

MICHAEL HALPIN M c a \ R T H Y yyas married to Barbara Seymour Candcc on June 25. Both are still in PhD programs at Yale — Mike in philos­ophy and Barbara in French. E D M O N D COL­LINS, MICHAEL SENNOTT and PHIL KIE-NAST were in the wedding party. Ed is engaged to Barbara's sister Joan. JOHN R. SKINNER was married to Paula A. Bowers on Aug. 6. John is now coaching football and basketball at Wash­ington Court House, Ohio. DAVE PALIGANOFF and wife Alary became the proud parents of a son, Christopher David, bom on Oct. 12. Dave is m t h Allstate Ins. in their Indianapolis office. Lt. MIKE DELMONTE and wife Dorothy also become proud parents of a son on Aug. 30. Michael Edward Jr. ^vas bom just before Mike left for Vietnam. Lt. JACK WALKER is serv­ing as a reconnaissance officer with the 3rd Marine Div. in Vietnam. He can be reached at the following address: 2nd Pit. C Co., 3rd Recon Bn., 3rd Alarine Div. FPO San Francisco, CaL 96602.

JOHN G.\RRrrY, 2710 Cranston Rd., PhiU-delphia and wife Sue had a baby giri, Melissa Anne, April 4 . John is working as aerospace engineer at GE. Capt. JIM HUGHES was mar­ried April 3 , 1965. He and wife Connie have a son, James Jr. Jim is now on active duty with the Marine Corps in Vietnam. Connie is staying in Chicago and often visits Barbara and FRANK KAPPLE, the JIM FLEMINGS and the KEVIN O'NEILLS. MIKE MAGUIRE completed his tour of duty with the Afarine Corps in December and has returned to the Philadelphia area ^vith his wife and tu-o daughters.

From the nation's capital our Washington cor­respondent, Ann "Scoop" KAVANAGH sends the foUoWng neu3: AL KASHINSKI and JOHN MULROONEY are working in the US Patent Ofike. MIKE THOMAS has joined the FBI and is in Houston, Tex. and Capt. M I K E LARSON is leaving in &Iarch for 13 months in Korea.

A birth announcement, Lt . and Mrs. FRITZ WILSON a daughter, Frances Yvonne, Oct. 6. E D KEARNEY married Kathleen Lanterbom in Albany on Sept. 10. He is woricing for NY State dept. of public works and attending RPI evenings to obtain an MS. Ed ^vrites that BOB HOFF­MAN is now working at Bettis Atomic Power Lab in Pittsburgh. BOB METZGER is working in Schenectady, N.Y. at GE's Knolls Atomic Power Hant.

Closing news flashes — GEORGE KERIN was married m Denver on D e c 17. HAL SUNDER-MANN became engaged over the Christmas holi­days and leaves for Thailand with the Army in Sept. and Capt. BILL SMITH JAGG completed Airborne School at Ft. Benning in January.

,Now turn to page 30 to the yellow information card and fill it out so that you may be featured an the next column.

FRANK P. DICELLO 218 Palmer Hill Rd.,

Old Greenwich, Conn. 06870 ALUMNUS MARCH 1W7 APRIL



1526 E. Cedar St., Sooth Bend, Ind. 46617

1964 D A V E R A A B has been in Vietnam since last July serving as a lieutenant in the Air­borne Infantry. Prior

to his paratroop training he was at the Aber­deen Proving Ground for ordnance training. JOHN COUNSEL!* is in the insurance business, representing the Counsell Agency in his home town of Oconomowoc, Wis. from Oct.-Marcb. The rest of the year he is playing Cbss A base­ball for the Minnesota Twins. Last Christmas John became engaged to Jeanette Raw of She­boygan Falls, Wis. and vnH be married after the '67 season. After receiving his AfBA from In­diana in June '66, JOE McGOWAN is working for Chase-Manhattan Bank in New York and living with his wife Becky and son Joe in Stalen Island. DAVE NORDONE writes from Wash­ington DC where he and fellow classmates, SAM CRIMONE, JERRY LUDWIG and STEVE NICKNISH arc all well on their way to their MD''s at Gcorgetou-n Metlical School. Other noteworthy facts in his news-filled letter are: Jerry Ludwig was recently engaged to Margo Lawencc (SMC '65); TOM HUGHES is a father and is working and attending George Washington Law at night; JACK STANLEY, whose wife is expecting their second, is in his third year at Georgetown Law along with MIKE McMANIS, JOE SPERBER and DON SULLI­VAN. BILL STAUDENHEIMER U an intelli­gence officer in Vietnam. CARL FLECKER, in his third year at Pitt Dental School, was married to Bobbie Borchers (SMC '6*) last summer; JIM McNERNEY is also at Pitt Dental School. JERRY BERTHOLD is at ND Law School and Kathy and BOB MacDONALD are in the DO area vherc Bob is doing research for the Smith­sonian Institute. BOB LYNYACK is working as a security under\tTiter for Chubb & Son in New York. JOHN McCONVILLE is in his third year at Seton Halt Med School.

Another hefty letter came from PAUL TIER-NEY who is living in Cambridge, &lass. with his new w fe, the fonner Sue Simon. Paul is in his first year at Harvard Business School after work­ing for two years in Peru with the Peace Corps, specializing in agricultural cooperatives and land reform. He also taught tn a Peace Corps train­ing class at the U. of New Mexico the summer of '66. Since retunung from Peru, Paul has crossed the paths of several ND grads and passes along the following: DICK MILES was dis­charged from the Navy after three years of rig­orous duty in the French Mediterranean and will attend Wharton Bus. School. FRED HERO-MAN received his &IBA from LSU and is work­ing in New York with Grace & Co. TOM O'BRIEN is in his third year at Yale Law School and will marry Allison Reich on Aug. 26. PAUL CHARRON is in the Navy shipping out of Norfolk, Va. MKE COREY is in his third year at Penn Law School. BILL FALLON and TERRY O'CONNER, also ex-Pcacc Corps volun­teers are at Wisconsin Law School and PAT WHELAN is at the U. of Chicago Law School.

JOHN BOWE and bis wife Cathy Yuchasz (SMC '65) welcomed the arrival of their second child ^fichael on Nov. 19. Jack is currently a lieutenant in the Army stationed at Fort Lee, Va. and his tour of duty will be completed this month. Lt. IbflKE DUNCAN served with the 1st Air Cavalry Div. in Vietnam and is in the process oE returning home. Ensign DENIS J. f*ck was commissioned after graduating from OCS at Newport, R.I. and is in the engineering corps of the Navy. He has been in Vietnam since last summer and expects to return early this spring. DAVE FLLIS graduated this last December from the U. of Chicago Law School. Dave, his wife and their new daughter Margaret Ann are living in Chicago. Their address is 6940 Clyde Av., Apt. 312. Also in Chicago are PAUL CREELAN and his wife and daughter. Fhul is at the U. of Chicago Graduate School.

TED DALTON is in his third year at the U. of Maine Law School and has been elected asso­ciate editor of the Law Review, The late 1966 issue. Vol. 18 carried an article written by Ted on "Pretrial Mental Examinations." Lt. GREG BRADFORD and his wife are the proud parents of a daughter, Karen Elizabeth, born last Sep-


tember. PATRICK McCORMIGK is studying for the priesthood at -North Ammcan CoL in Rome. He will be ordained in I>eci,'1968. LEW PIERMARINE was ordained Into the'priesthood last year for the Worcester, Mass. dic^ese. He studied at St. Bernard's Seminarr, Rochester, N.Y.

TOM BROWN is advertising manager for Joyce Bros. Bottling Co. in Joliet, HI. Tom sind his mfe Becky Borchers (SMC '64) and thai- son Tom Jr. are living in Glen EUyn, lU. BOB TANZOLA is with General Motois in New York working in their international div. He and his wife Karen are living at 2375 Hudson Tor., Fort Lee, N.J. PETE FISCHER is a CPA With Arthur Andenen in Denver, Colo. He and his wife Doris just purchased a new home there and now have two children. RICH GONSKI who's well on his way toward joining New York Life Ins. Co.'s Million Dollar Club now has an added incentive to sell lots of insurance. He and his wfe have a new son, Ibftchael Charles. PETE' MURRAY is an economic analyst for Delta Alt' lines in Atlanta, Ga. He received his MBA in transportation from Wharton and toured Europe . prior to joining Delta last fall. HERB BLACK is at Business School at the U. of Michigan after . serving as a finance officer with the Army at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Induma. Herb spent a good deal of his Army totur as foreign liaison officer working with foreign military students who were at the finance school at his base.

Don't forget to make good use of the yellow info card on page 30. Send it in today.

WARREN C STEPHENS 1100 Clove Rd., No. 5-C Staten Island, New York


556 Elmwood Ave., Evonston, III. 60202

PAT FORD is in hts second year of studies at C o l u m b i a Law School where he has been admitted into

the honorary Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. Fat also serves on the Moot Court executive com­mittee. MIKE HAGGERTY is working as a night police reporter for the South Bend Tribune, Alike also wrote ND features during the football season. Lt. MIKE WEPPNER USAF has com­pleted his F-102 training and is now .flying the F-106 with the Air Defense Command at Kinch-eloe AFB, Mich. His wife Heike is expecdng a son in March. They have a daughter Lisa. Ens. LAWRENCE COMES has completed tr^ning in the Navy's aviation officer candidate school at Pcnsacola, Fla. and will continue training there as an air intelligence officer.

DON SCHUSTER is engaged to Cele Stefanski of Paintsville, Ky. and is teaching fifth grade at Troy Community School in Joliet,*IIL as well as working on a master's in education at North-em Illinois U. WARREN RICHESON MS '^ is employed as a programming analyst with TRW systems at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. IVeviousIy Warren worited in con­junction with Columbia U. as a mathematics consultant to a six-week science institute at the U. of Dacca in E. Pakistan. DON SALOMONI was married last May to Valerie Butvilas of Chi­cago. PETE CULLEN is working in Naval io-teliigcncc at Lowry AFB near Denver. Pete has been commissioned as an ensign. Lt. (jg) PAUL W. RAY is engaged to Mary Ann Rosswuim of Detroit. Paul is stationed with the Navy ^lecial projects office in Washington and reports that Lt. TOM FELLRATH is stationed at Ft. Lee, Va. and Lt. KEN ODMARK has been in Korea unce October.

DICK LEONHARDT, who has been stationed on the USS Fred T. Barry based in Newport, reports that BIFF BAKER is serving as a supply officer on the aircraft carrier Kitty Haw^ and CRAIG RONEY is with the Peace Corps in the Philippines. RAMON MURPHY is at North­western Med School. Ens. FRAN OBERT is stationed at Treasure Island, San Francisco and was presented with a boy, Frands X., last June by his wfc Kathy. JOHN PURDIE has re­ceived his AfBA from Purdue and is working for the Continental Bank .of Chicago; TOM HAN-


LEY is wo^og on his PhD !a geologjr at la-dana U. a d sdvisg as a gctdogr instiuetar for fresfaman pris.

j m IHRRO was maiiied to loirtta Fiano-vich of MomoeviHe, lU., last Jnne. BEKNIE KOMPARE is in Navr OCS. TOU MURFUr lias completed his master's in English at TuMiiawa U. and is now seivuis as a lieutenant in the Air Force. JERRY FREMO has graduated Iran the Maxwell ScbotA of Rifalic Adnunistration at STxacuse U. and is woxhing with the Housi^ and Uiban Development Oept. of HEW iii Washington. BOB ARBOIT coaches football and teaches at St. Anthonr's HS in Long Beach, Calif. PAUL GEARY is woriong in chemical sales for McKesson'& Robbins in Broomall, Fi . Paul has been the father of a boy snce July.

Ens. TOM BOLAMD is serving with the Naval support commaiid at DaNang, Vietnam. HUGH KNOELL has been asngned oveneas duties 'Wth. the Cathdic Relief Seivices program in Chile where he mil asnst in the supcrvinon of rcGef programs and vdll help organize and implement socio*cconomic, ommiunity development and rural education projects. MIKE MURPHY has been awarded the Tobe Scholarslup for study at the Harvard U. Grad School of Bunness Admims-tration where he hopes to receive his BIBA in June. The scholarship is awarded to a student who plans a career in the field of distribution.

LESLIE WILD has been commissioned a sec­ond lieutenant in the USAF and has been as-ngned to Lowry AFB, Colo, for training as as intelligence officer. WILLIAM PALMER received his MA from Ohio State U. PATRICK KELLEY. was married this summer to the former Miss Karen Coletti. He will be attending the U. of Iowa Law School. KHCHAEL MACKIN is now cnipk>yed by the Associate IKscount Co. m Van Nuys, Calif. He was married in June, 1965 and is now the father of a son, Christopher Campbell, bom June 27. TOM KISTNER is attending South Texas College of Law full dme and is selling life insurance and going through Aetna's training program for management. JAMES CAFFARELL is now in the Army. MICHAEL FIORE, who is workmg \nih mem­bers of the ND biology department on w^ter pollution, was one of tturce persons produdng a paper presented at the Water Pollution Control Federation meeting in, "September.

BRIAN BARBOUR earned his MA in English from Kent State last summer. THOMAS CHEVRAUX has been named a Peace Corpsman to Jamaica where he will be part of an in-service teacher training group. Some changes of ad-' dress: MIKE WEPPNER, 167 Poplar Ave., Efatt-hurst, m. 60126; LAWRENCE F. ASELAGC, 407 Kossutfi St., Sidney, Ohio 45363.

Take note of the yellow information card on page 30 wluch is custom-made for sending news' (tf younelf, femiOy, job and classmates.

JAMES P. HARNISCH 71 Poland Manor, Poland,

Ohio 44514

1965 LAW We have some address changes for aH: JOHN.

W. BEATTY, G997 Haines Rd., CinciBBati, Ohio 43227 (could those twins have made conditions a bit crowded?); WALT RIEBENACK, 1930 Hobson Rd., Ft. Wayne, Ind.; BOB KENNEDY, 8822 Hunting Lane, Laurel, Md. 20810 (this address to summer—info follows).

Since the deadline for this colimm is Fd>. 1, reference will be made to Christmas cards even though you will not receive this till spring. Our Congrats to the industrious McQUHXANs who made a beautiful card — that's artistic Kathleen for you. JIM LEONARD and Sue showed thdr bcautifnl children to us all. You both have much to be proud of. An enclosure from the RIE-BENACKs tell as that "WALT'S job turned oat to be just what he wanted. . . ." Walt is now teaching a course in business law at St. Francis Col. and Mary Ann wiU soon have earned her master's degree. ,

MIKE BISHKO is now stationed at- Fort Bragg, N.C for banc training. Recoved a m a ^ welcomed letter trom BOB KENNEDY and "Bobbie" tellii^ us that he is now. assigned to Army langus^ school, Washington, DC where he is learning to speak German. They win leave for Germany by mid-summer where Bob %vin be liaison ofiBcer for the local German government. Their stay mil be three yean. Bon voyage and best of luck. Do keep us posted from time to time, however.

At present I am deep in the "busy season" at Arthur Andersen and Co. and have found my work takes me far into the "gray area" between law and accounting. I have found fascinating the study in the specific areas of oil and gas^ A few months ago I had the unique experience of actually viewing an oil well being dug. .

Please note: Within this issue is a Class infor-mation card insert — I urge you to use it, so as to facilitate compilation of a "newsy" column. Without your indt\*idual cooperation, this column would be limited solely to my bragging about "my three sons." It's your choice. , . ,

JOHN A. HAUTER^ 1050 Indiana Ave., Gleriwood,

III. 60425

1966 1967 is how well un­der way. and the men of the Class of *66 continue to push for­ward in- their diver­

sified fields, looking back to just a year ago when their anxieties were geared to die upcoming graduation. That is all well bchmd us now, however, and the Class of *66 is "out to make their contributions to society. THOSlAS KIRCH-NER is a fine example of this. Tom was re­cently made a member of the national staff of the College Young Christian Student' Alovcment, TOM HUEMMER, who rcccnUy .joined the 0*Brien Co. as a senior chemist and -specialist in polymer chemistry, is another example of the many talents the Class of *66 has to--bcstow. Another example of the contributions . of our Class is seen in those members who are currently serving in the Peace Corps and the Armed Forces. VINXIE U H L , one member of. our Class serving in the Peace Corps, is currently working in India. Among those in the service, GEORGE ADAMS has been commissioned, a second lieutenant and is now stationed in San Francisco, where KEX KRIVICKAS and LOREN KRIENKE, both recently made ensigns, have- -. also been stationed. MIKE BOONE, MATT ' BOYLE and REGIS AMANX have also been commissioned lieutenants and arc now stationed respectively in New York. Craig AFB, Ala. and Sacramento. HANK SCHLACHTER has also been commissioned a lieutenant in the USAF and is being assigned to Fort Lee, Va. for training as a food scr\ice officer. GARRETT I S A C C O , also a recent officer in the AF, was assigned to Amarillo AFB for training as a supply opera­tions officer. Airman RICHARD STEINLE has been assigned as an information specialist at Patrick AFB, Fla.

T O M DONOVAN is studying at Cornell U . Medical Center in NYC. JOE FITZPATRICK in the environmental health program at Han'ard U . and JOE SYNAN in nuclear engineering at MIT are "holding down the fort" in Somcrville, Mass. Joe is joined by DAN DENVER, who was recently wed and TERRY HOLDEN in nuclear engineering at MIT. Also studying at MIT from the Class of '66 are BILL FITZ­GERALD and FR-^'K FORCIER in civil engi­neering; ERNIE DcNIGRIS and FRANK FEN-OGLIO in technical engineering, and BOB LEFFLER in chemical engineering. LARRY ALLEN and JACK STUTZ, both students at Wayne State Medical School and JERRY COLE, a teacher in Detroit, were seen skiing at Boyne Mt. over semester break, as was GORDON NASH, who's in law school at Loyola U .

JOE BODELL recently completed his under­graduate work and is now teaching in Phila­delphia. MIKE CARROLL is also in the City of Brotherly Love where he is ^vo^king for the Lee Carpet Co. LEO GREENAVALD is at the U . of Kttsbuigh's School of Public Health. MAX GRAHA&f dropped us a line from Berkeley, Calif, where he is currently studying law at the U . of California. Kfax is determined not to leave the sun and surf again after spending four years at Notre Dame. Romance is still in the air despite the cold weatlicr. SHANE O'NEIL has recently announced his engagement. JOHN RAHIYA and Susan Murphy (SMC '66) are planning an October wedding. BILL LYNCH is getting married on June 24. ED AL\CK was recently married as %*-as ED AUSTIN. MIKE BERNATH was reccndy married to Barb Borchers (SMC *66). They are now liwng in Germany where Mike is stationed.

JOHN CHESIRE was married at Notre Dame on Fdi . 4. Fr. HESBURGH performed the cere­mony. PETE CAREY was married on the 4th

also. His bride was Mary Madden (SMC '66) . A stag party at the Lake Shore Qah preceded the wedding. After a beautiful a n v k c at St. Barnabas* Church in Chicago, there was a re­ception at the Beverly Country Q i A . GORDON NASH was best man and BARRY McNAMARA, T O M McMANMON and RICK CAREY were ushers. Other members of the Class of '66 present were BRIAN CONNOLLY, MIKE BRADSHAW, T O M MULVIHILL, JOHN BUCK, MALACHI KENNEY and JIM &fURRAY. After honey­mooning in Michigan, the Careys letnined to Chicago %v1iere Peter is a law student t Loyola U . and Mary is a grade school teacher.

I was greatly grieved by the deaths ei the fathers of JOHN BUCK and JERRY HIRSCH-FELD. I ask you all to xemember them in your Masses and prayers.

Universal Notre Dame ^ g h t b caaung op soon. We ask that you all support it in yoor home towns or wherever you are if i t i s pot­able. The spirit of Notre Dame lies n great deal in the closeness of its Alumni and this zs our first real chance to show our true member­ship as Alumm.

There is also a yellow information card enclosed on page 30 of this issue. I would appreciate you all taking a few seconds off to fill one oat and let roe know what you're doing. Your O H operation is needed and greatly appredatcd.

RICHARD ANGELOni 1404 Greenfield Dr., Erie,

Pa. 16512

1966 LAW As this is the first column devoted to onr

Class, a few general suggestions are in order. Please keep me informed of all plans and ac­tivities which come to mind, particularly any and all changes in business addresses. I'm look­ing forward to hearing from everyone.

The most important event of the winter season here in the Chesapeake Bay Area was the wedding of TOM KENNEY and JuUe Platz in Baltimore on Jan. 14. Conspicuous in atten­dance were the NIEMEYERs, GREGORYS,

-MURPHYs, BOB KRAUSE and fiancee Tern Morton in from Detroit, and Washington's most eligible bachelor PAUL POLKING escorting Fat Guscione, fiancee of FOX CONWAY, unfortunately detained by the Marines. During a hiatus in southern exposure for justice, BOB MURPHY and Maureen presented their new daughter Amy Elizabeth to their classmates at a well-attended christening.

Service news places I^t and DICK STEIN-BRONN under the snows in Alaska where Dick is commanding an MP detachment; PETE IPPOLITTO on his way to Vietnam to reinforce the 1st Air Cav. Div.; NORM MANDEL en^ gaged and heading for Texas with Army armor; Madge and RAY STARMAN at Fort Holabird in Baltimore for intelligence school; Fat and MARTY IDZIK heading for an Anny jag at Charlottesville," Va.; and Etta and SCOTTY llIAXWELL. to Quantico for Kbrine infantry school preparatory to heading for Newport and the Navy jag. The Maxwells stopped in Washing­ton while house hunting in QuantJco and had dinner with the local crew.

>lbry and T O M READY celebrated both the .birth of a son and an outstanding score on the .&Iichigan Bar. BOB SCHMIEGE has begun seeing • ^ e country representing the labor interests of ;the nadon's railroads. JOE DELLA MARIA is

rieported to have seen more N D games in com--pany. with more different girls than anyone but .' Ara. JOHN HAUGH writes from the great •Northwest protesting the lack of news and sug-.gKting that N D lawyers are more popular than 'minisltirts on the Padfic shores. ROSiS and T O M PETERSON enjoying life in Califonua prefer t ^ l minis. Rumor from N Y has i t that MIKE SCIUMBERG of Dewey, Ballantine, e t c , is willing t o ' ^ n c e d e that if law must be practiced, N Y is . the only place to do so.

Among: those filling out joint 1040*» for the first " timc are Mary Elen and RON VETTEL; Bonnie^and SUPER STEVE SEALL; Barb and SAlhf BEIU^ARDI; Sue and T O M GRIFFIN.

Help;kcep.-this brand new column gtnng strong by filUng^^ in via the yellow informatkn card on page 30^^''- .

iRANK GREGORY 7403; Keystone Lane

Foreityille, Md. 20028



directed the Notre Dame Law School through 15 years of renewal and progress, announced recently that he will retire from the deanship at the end of the academic year. The Dean, who hopes to remain on the faculty, added that he will continue in his jjost if a successor is not ap­pointed before next summer.

Dean O'Meara came to Notre Dame after a distinguished career at the Ohio Bar. He was educated at Xavier University and at the Univer­sity of Cincinnati and was a lecturer at the University of Cincinnati School of Law from 1943 to 1946.

His years at the helm of the Law School have seen expansion and im­provements of the faculty, increased standards of admission, a modernized curriculimi and examination system and scores of new programs ranging from a comprehensive three-year writ­ing program to significandy improved Law Review and Moot Court pro­gram. Under his leadership law grad­uates have moved into all areas of professional opportunity from clerk­ships in every level of the federal courts to small-town practices to Wall Street law firms to literally scores of professional posts in the federal gov-' emment

A later issue of the ALUMNUS will describe more fully what has already come to be called "the O'Meara Era" at Notre Dame. And a special com­memorative issue of the Notre Dame Lawyer will appear later this year. Moot Court. Mr. Justice Abe Fortas presided at the final round of the Moot Court competition February 4. H e was joined on the bench by Judge



SHAFFER I Law Sehoot

J. Spencer Bell, US Court of Appeals, Richmond, and by Judge John W. Reynolds, US District Court, Mil­waukee. Michael J. Fogerty, Elwood, Ind., was awarded first place in the competition and John P. Kirby, Brooklyn, was second-place wnner. Both received the Dean's Award and cash prizes provided by A. Harold Webber, a member of the Law Ad­visory Council. Other advocates in the final round were Frank G. Ver-terano, Hillsville, Pa., and Christopher C. Foley, Los Angeles. Symposium. "Fair Tr ia l -Free Press" was the subject for this year's spring symposium held in the Center for Continuing Education February 18. The meeting was conducted along a discussion format with experts on the subject, in addition to those appear­ing as speakers, attending sessions and participating in discussion involving the critical problem of assuring a fair trial to persons accused of crime.

Grant B. Cooper, trial lawyer from Los Angeles, former president of the American College of Trial Lawyers and a member of the advisory com­mittee on Fair Trial-Free Press of the American Bar Association, explained the currently controversial ABA pro­posals to the symposium. In rebuttal Prof. Thomas L. Shaffer advanced a proposal for direct restraint on the press. Following a discussion of both proposals, John dej . Pemberton, ex­ecutive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, discussed consdtu-


Howard C. Westwood and Alex­ander E. Bennett, "A Footnote to the Legislative History of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 and After­word."

Student notes on: the legal pro­fession's attitude toward dishonest lawyers; subdivision controls; and dealer franchises which are con­fined geographically.

Recent decision notes on four current, important cases.

Book reviews by Professor Harold Wren and Robert I. Weil.

(In the last six months of 1966, Lawj'er editors granted permis­sion to 14 specialized periodicals and editors of books to republish articles from the Lawyer.^

tional problems raised by both of the earlier speakers.

Samuel Ragan, executive! editor of the Raleigh (N.C.) News-and Ob­server and draftsman of the report of the American Newspaper Publishers Assn., explained his organiza:tion's op­position to either direct restraint or limitation of access to newjispurces. William Smith, chief of police, Syra­cuse, N.Y., outiined problems the ABA proposals would raise for pmlice officers. And Frank G. Raichle, trial lawyer from Buffalo and ^>: former president of the American GtiUege of Trial Lawyers, discussed proposals to broaden electronic coverageTof trials.

The discussion periods; brought forth opinions of federajfand state judges, national television executives, newspapermen, la\vyers aiSd legal edu­cators. Assistant Dean^ Thomas F . Broden Jr., KSG, chaired the sessions and planned the symposium. Legal Aid and Education. The Law School's L ^ a l Aid aiid Defender As­sociation received .a.^3,600 grant from the Council on Professional Responsi­bility of the American Association of Law Schools. The grant will be used to pay transportation costs of students to the Indiana State Prison where they assist the indigent inmates, and for investigation expenses, as well as to pay the Association's office expenses and to hire a full-time student man­ager for the Association during the summer vacation months. Students in the project volunteer their time.

The St. Joseph County Legal Ser­vice and Legal Education Program, a

"war on poverty" project involving South Bend lawyers and Law School students, published a booklet entitled "Primer of Law" for the guidance of persons who seek assistance at the program's legal office. About 30 stu­dents are now involved in the proj­ect's neighborhood law office which is aimed primarily at legal services and education of the poor of St. Joseph County. Prof. Conrad C. Kellenberg, who directs the educational aspects of the prc^ram, edited the. booklet E i ^ t law students assisted in writing it and are involved in lectures at neighbor­hood centers on legal rights. These legal ex|jerts were assisted by Mrs. Herschel S. Lutes of the St. Joseph Coimty Literacy Coimcil, who helped write the booklet, and by Sister Ines Maria Ryan, a graduate art student at the University, who illustrated it. Faculty and Alumni. Prof. G. Robert Blakey spoke at the first plenary ses­sion of the first National Symptosium on Law Enforcement Science and Technology in Chicago, March 7. His subject was organized crime and cor­ruption practices. Professor Blakey served last summer as a consultant to the President's Commission on Crime and the Administration of Justice, and was largely respionsible for the section of the Commission's rejjort which dealt with wiretapping. The entire report was issued with national pub­licity in February.

Francis M. Gregory '66L, present­ly law clerk to Judge Carl McGowan, Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, has been appointed 1967-68 law clerk to Mr. Justice Wil­liam J. Breiman of the US Supreme Court Mr. Gregory was editor-in-chief of the Notre Dame Lawyer.

PARTICIPANTS IN THE lAW SCHOOL'S SEMINAK on "Foir Trial and Free Press" wen (sealed, from l/ie lelt) William Smith, Grant B. Cooper, Sam Ragan and Frank G . Raichle; (standing, horn the' left) John deJ. Pemberton and Thomas L. Shaffer.



Come, Blow d i i | Horn Amidst the deluge of materials flowing into thisXoffice from other Alumni bailiwicks are the inevitable rejjji^ts for survey information. Specifically, their queriesVare concerned about: 1.) general Alumni trends 2.) Alimonif club programming trends 3.) development trends: 4j;)i;-public relations trends 5.) admissions trends 6.) aiid ,' often, just plain trend trends. Our voracious alterr^' society, the Univac set, has abetted the fact-seekers by . generously ingesting, digesting and spewing out the desired data in less time than it takes to utter "Jack Millisecond." One wonders whether this insatiable de­sire for trend comprehension, especially among Alimi-nors, stems from: a.) the suspicion that something is odoriferous in one's own Denmark, or b.) one's desire to convince a skittish administration \\dth the help of voluminous data that the Alumni ship remains afloat although plagued by normal barnacle encrustment.

Whatever the raison d'etre for the survey syndrome, this office has participated in half-a-dozen outside stud­ies the past year and has launched three of its own. Two of the three have already been reported in the ALUMNUS, so we'll apply our rusty stethoscope to die third study, the 1966 Notre Dame Alumni Club Survey, and stack it up against similar studies of other institu­tions. We think you'll agree, rose-colored specs aside, that the ND Club system merits an accolade or two. So let us come then, you and I, and blow our horn. Comparison. In a recent study authorized by the Ameri­can Alimmi Council, Charles Lukes, director of alumni relations at Duquesne University, reported on a survey of 85 colleges and universities. Notre Dame was one of the institutions quizzed. The Lukes study reported an average of 48 Alumni Clubs per institution. Although respondent schools varied greatly in size and affiliation, ND's 186 Clubs place it among a select few in terms of scope and breadth of Alumni organization. Lukes' report lists 75 percent of the clubs as active, with an average of two functions per year. ND's activity per­centage nudges 80 percent, but with an average of five meetings annually.

Fifteen institutions in the AAC document reported all clubs assessing dues (a good indication of a club's


programming integrity), with 39 reporting some assess­ments. Twenty-four reported no dues charges. The ND study reports 66 percent of the Clubs with dues pro­grams. Half of the schools in the AAC report indicate no clubs involved in admissions programs. The other half range from "some to all" clubs involved, but no distinction was made between academic and athletic recruitment. Although individual members of ND Clubs have firequentiy assisted the Athletic Department in identifying top scholar-athletes, no Club engages in tins activity as a formal program. Over 60 Notre Dame Clubs, however, are actively engaged in formal pro­grams of student recruitment, interviewing and "college night" activities.

An area in which the ND Club structure radically diverges from the national path is in the matter of in­stitutional subsidization of club programs. The AAC study reports 74 of 78 schools performing "some or all" club mailings—one of the chief operating expenses of any volunteer organization. Notre Dame Clubs have traditionally been formed and operated through local Alumni initiative without University subsidy. Some schools, aside from managing club mailings, have found it necessary to send advance men from the campus to club areas in order to plan, manage and execute major club meetings. Unique Aspects. Here, let's leave the comparison tech­nique and blow a further tune or two: 55 percent of the ND Clubs report Club chaplains, while over 65 perEoit observe annual religious events, reflecting a strong spiritual conunitment. Twenty-two Clubs offer

• schplai^p.assistance to current students and 50 percent conduct -"Rieshmen Sendoffs" (welcoming the new constituencyj including parents, into the Notre Dame family). One hundred-forty Clubs observed Universal Notre Dame Night in '66, during which period campus speakers addressed 12,000 persons.

While the foregoing ND statistics not only bear up extremely well in comparison with other institutions, they reflect a growing seriousness of purpose and depth of commitment They indicate, we believe, a national network of involved Alumni retaining then- bonds with the University through local unity. The "fund-raising" aspect of the Clubs on behalf of University development has never been encouraged by the Association as a Club program. Nevertheless, many of the Clubs, on their o vn initiative, have seen fit to play sigruficant and consis­tent roles in University development, particularly in the area of scholarship^aid. Last year's gifts from ND Clubs alone totafiM^war $55,000. Rooffl'fjtr'Jm^rpvement. Although the ND Clubs report an av^ei^e invblvement of 25 percent of their potential cbfmtiti^diw: (an excellent average for any volunteer o ^ ^ ^ ^ p n ) , thare is the inevitable room for improve-n^E;|t^iyhy_ dp the remaining 75 percent of Alumni findj'^^lpc^ Club activities and programs imappeal-ing^' "iWtty are only 80 percent of the Clubs active? Wfiymot iiOQ p^cent in both categories . . . in all cate­gories?; >&me of the answers lie in population mobility, com'irifinigLtkfe difficulties and just plain apathy.

TteJJa t iaa l ;Nl) Alimmi Board has devoted con-sider^le^^sfidy^iojiese problems. They are about to be t^kl^Sai^:jby: a national gathering of Club presi­dents onthe^l^mpUs^te jhis spring in the form of an

' ^ " ' ^ f f ; ! ; , . ALUMNUS AiWRCH 1967 APRIL


Alumni Senate. The Board has-devised a new Club constitution and charter which will hopefully lend more specific direction to the formation /and operation of the Clubs. Expanded UND Night participation, more Freshman Sendoffs, Club discussion groups, continuing education seminars and religious observances, increased placement and admissions activities, greater involve­ment in community affairs, the organization' of profes­sional Alumni groups in large metropolitan-areas, bet­ter Reunions — all are considerations being implemented and improved wthin the ND Club structure.

But presently. Club labw and involvement remain the heritage of a vast minority. The most important ingredient in the legacy, the accomplishment and the future of our Notre Dame Clubs is . . . youl We may have overblown our horn a bit here about the Clubs. But remember, like your favorite, friendly loan com­pany, "There's a Notre Dame Club near you." D i t^ by from time to time and bring your oboe. Lef s keep the melody lingering on!

James D. Cooney Assistant Alumni Secretary

BOSTON Our annual meeting for the election of officers

l\-a5 held the last week in February. Results, however, were not available by the deadline date for this column. The meeting featured the "1966 Football Highlights" fihn in color. ARTHUR MURPHY '60 was chairman of the event. Plans are under way for UND Night which will be held April 1. Ara Parseghian will be the guest speaker. CHUCK PATTERSON '44 is chairman of the affair.

The scholarship conunittee is accepting applica­tions for prospective freshmen for the fall of 1%7.

—JACK LAMERE, Secretary

BUFFALO The Alum-Wives held their annual card party,,

for the benefit of the scholarship fund on Jan: 19 at the Northtown. Plaza office of the Erie County. Saxings Bank. Co-chairmen were Mrs. PAUL' -BALLING and Mrs. HENRY BALLING SR. Cards and games were enjoyed by all. ''

—JAMES E. SEYMOUR, Secretary*

" BURLINGTON - . :^^X^' The Club held its winter meeting ~on- F.cb.. 25

at the Cr>Tital Lake Club. DICK DELANEY '37 and his wife Jane hosted the meeting^,.'After a chicken dinner President VERN; -BllINCK pre­sided at a short meeting- at whicli' two officers were chosen. Rev. ARTHUR' PERRY '52 was elected secretary and' HAROLD RILEY's wife Lucy retained Her post as treasurer. This is per­haps the only ND Club which has wives as ofh-ccrs. Besides the refreshments the group was entertained by a slide program presented by Dick Delancy of his recent (lying trip to Alaska.

Present at the meeting were: the BILL B.AUERs '57, VERN BRINCKs '48, JACK DAILEYs '27, DICK DELANEYs '37, LOUIS LAUTH JRs. '45, ROLAND MARTELs '43, JOHN O'NEILs '52, R'VROLD RILEYs '27, GENE RILEYs '52, JOHN MURR.4YS '50 and FRANK DELANEY '38, Rev. HARRY RY.AN '27 and Rev. ARTHUR PERRY '52.

—Rev. ARTHUR PERRY, Secretary


The annual dinncr^lancc was held Jan. 21 at St John the»Baptist Parish Panel Room in Whiting. A "large .turnout enjoyed the co*cktail hour, dinner and 'dancing. Co^hairmen for the event were DENNIS J;';BURKE and JOHN O'DROBNIAK. ' v^:-;>. .,

Feb. 24 Was the date fqrone^pf'tl>e season's most enjo>'abIe acti ntie^ the 'appearance of the University Glee .Club at - Bishop "; NoIl; Institute Auditorium in Hammond. Rofits from;the patron tickets were used • to complete r oiir scKuiarsitip fund. THOALAS GOZDECKI JR. and-Tl\lOTHY GALVIN JR. chairmanned the evcritl}-7-

^ ^ ^ = CANTON, O H J Q y ' ^ ' i ; ^ ; . ^ In February the Club sent out a questionnaire

to all members for them to voice an^^Funion on plans for next year's activities; Members) r.were also invited to submit nominations for-thefjCIub's Man of the Year award. UND-Night^iT'sclied-ulcd for April 5. ' .^ -; -. '- *

^ ^ ^ CENTRAL JERS i r ^ ^ ^^^^^^ An informal group from .the.. .GuJb^V tended

the Notre Dame-NYU baskctlwtli ;gameyon''Fcb. 23. Dinner at Leone's preceded the gametan'd we all looked forward to , a .game -rKuItjTdiffereht from that of recent years,/-.. ;V'V;';;,:: .;," •

Plainfield Country CliA will ;again';bV.the site of our annual UND Night dmiicrHi£mce <'6ii April 22. . . . .-•• j ; : > , ' ^ : ^ : r v ; : '


The final event of the Club year ynSL be the annual' golf outing at Fiddler's Elbow. This xi a-bcauHful new course which has been open for about^three years. It is also convenient to the large ..number oC Club mcmbcxs who tive in the Bedmihstcr^ area. The date for this mil be June 8. .:Any.- Xlumhus interested in attendii^ any of the

above ^nts'and desiring further information is in­vited :to'"<icck with me at 282 Garrett Rd., Mount^nnSei N.J., telephone 232-3413.

. - • —HOWARD J. GILLESPIE, ;. - ' . VP Public Relations

CHICAGO ™ D Night chairman NICK BOHLING '31

hasj;,had to overcome some almost insurmountable pi^blems to arrange thb annual event. It had

^originally been scheduled to be held at McCormlck Place but as a result of the fire has been re­scheduled for the Conrad Hilton on April 24. Father HESBURGH has accepted our invitation :to speak as guest of honor. It has been five ,V^n since we have had the pleasure of his

• addressing us and we are all looking forward to the occasion. As of this ^vriting it has not as yet been determined who will receive the Decency in Entertainment Award or the Club's Man *A the Year Award.

Chairman of the membership committee FRED HOLZL '58 is to be congratulated. Through his efforts Club membership in 1966 soared to 1,063 dues paying members.

Any Club members who would be able to serve on the interviewing committee are asked to call the Club office AN. 3-6063 as this year between 400-300 prospecdve students will be interviewed.

The Club is very proud of LEN SKOGLUND '3S who has just been named to the Nadonal, Alumni Board. Len has been very active In Club affairs and recently served as chairman of our nominating committee.

A retreat for Club members and their inves was held on the campus the weekend of Jan. 20-22. Those who attended reported that it was truly an cdifjang experience.

—PAT MONTROY, Secretary

^ ^ ^ ^ CINCINNATI ^ ^ ^ ^ The 21st Annual Scholarship and Foundadon

Ball was held under the co-ch:unnanship of JOHN COTTINGHAM and J. ROBERT McCAFFERTY. This Ball has been the principal contributor to the Scholarship Fund which provides a full tuitioa scholarship for several young men in the Cn-dnnati area.

The honorary chairman of the selection com­mittee is ALBERT CASTELLINI and active members are J. WALTER NIENABER, JOSEPH iLlORRISSEY and ROBERT BURKE.

The "1966 Football Highlights" was shown to the Club on Feb. 24 at the Imperial House Motel. An oveifiow crowd of over 400 enjoyed the stag affair. MIKE STOREN, who was chairman of the event, presented Jerry Wampfler, Notre Dame's offensive line coach. Also present were All-Americans Nick Eddy, Jim Lynch and Cindnnad's owti Tom Rhoads.


- • CLEVELAND ^ ^ ^ ^ CHARLES NEFF '49 chairmanned the week­

end retreat which was held at the St. Stanislaus Retreat House in Panna on Feb. 24 - 26. He announced that a capacity turnout enjoyed a weekend of spiritual and physical refreshment and rehabilitation.

DENNIS BUTLER '62, one of our most cli^Ue bachelor members, gave up the ghost recently when he married I^tricia J. McGovem.

UND Night chairman ROBERT E. DOWD '41 wishes to remind all members that this year's affair will be held on April 3 at the Sheraton

Cleveland HoteL It will be a husband-wife i£n-ner with guests and friends of Notre Dame in­vited. Featured guest speaker mil be Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh CSC. Members of the aniuversazy conmiittee asssting Bob Dowd are: VINCENT F. DeCRANE '50. JACK H. DOYLE '44, JAMES J. FLANNERY '60, FRED W. FRIEND '50, VICTOR J. GULYASSY '42 and ROBERT J. LALLY '50. Club Fhsident FRED S. NAEGLE '48, expects a sellout crowd and members are aKhrbcd to make their table zcservar> tions early.

JOHN P. COYNE, Secretary

= COLOMBIA i The Club held its first meeting on Fd>. 4 with

a picnic at Vra. RAMON DE LA TORRE's Hadenda. At that meeting the schedule for future activities was discussed.

Several members of our Club have been re-cenUy married: LUIS EDUARDO LAVERDE '65 married Miss Maria Teresa &Iazabcl in Bo­gota, Dec 10 and ERNESTO GUHL was mar­ried to Miss Mercedes Corpus Uribe in Bogota, Dec 8. The De La Torre's are the proud parents of a daughter, Christina, bom Nov. 17.

—ERNESTO GUHL, Secretary

^ ^ COLORADO SPIUNGS ^ ^ The present officers of the CJorado Springs

Oub are: Pres. MALHA&I M. WAKIN '52 {Lt. CoL USAF); VP Wn.LIAM J. DONELAN '29; Sec CHARLES F. SPICKA '54 (Major USAF); Chaplain Frank J. Gilchrist (Lt. CoL USAF). A business meeting was held at the home o{ the president on Nov. 19 prior to the start of the MSU-ND game. Flans for the year were discussed and a ciatc was set for the annna' Communion Breakfast. Those attending the meet­ing and staying to watch the game were: FR.4NK CUSACK, CHARLES LOUGHRY, DON.^LD SMITH, MALHAM WAKIN, OTTO HILBERT, CHARLES SPICKA and ANDY WYRICK.

The annual Communion Breakfast was held' at the USAF Academy Officers' Club on Dec 11 following Mass in the Cadet ChapeL Those at­tending the Mass and the breakfast wiere: WIL­LIAM DONELAN, JAMES JOHNSON, J. PHILUP ABBOTT, MALHAM WAKIN, OTIO HILBERT, THOMAS DONOVAN, R.AYMOND BUBICK, OIARLES SPICKA, DAVID SCHEEIZ and Chaplain Gilchrist.

Twenty-seven ROTC students and £iculty mem­bers from ND visited the USAF Academy on Jan. 13. The group toured the Academy and were briefed on the Academy prc^ram by two graduates, Lt. CoL Mai Wakin and Major Charles Spicka.


DAYTON A smoker was held Feb. 16 at the Kennedy

Union of the U. erf Dayton for a viewing' of the "1966 FootbaU Highlights." TOM LANDGREN chairmanned the affair wluch was followed by a brief business meeting.

Our deep sympathy to the wife and daughters of BILL HOYNE, a wonderful friend and fellow Alumni, who passed away Feb. 3.

s DEARBORN, A general business meeting »*as held Jan. 6 at

the home of RAY DeFAUW. On the agenda were announcements of the ND-U of D basket­ball game held Jan. 21 for which the Club pur­chased 30 tickets. The annual dinner-dance was rescheduled for sometime in April.

The Stroh Brewery party was held Feb. 15 and 30 memben attended the festivities at the Stro-baus.

-BOB MISSEL, SecretaiT


DECATUR, ILL. O n Jan. 26 Pres. NICK NEIRS convened a

luncheon meeting with officers and directors J . D U N N , J. U H L , P. SOLAK and S. G. GRA-LIKER. T h e calendar of c\ents w-as formulated at that time and the events and chairmen are: St. Patrick's Day party, EUGENE FOR.\N; U N D Night, Dr. ED KOVAL; Club trip to the N D -Cal game, JOE DONOVAN; annual meeting, NICK NEIRS; Communion Breakfast, PAT NOLAN; August family picnic, JOHN D U N N and NICK NEIRS. It was also decided to have monthly luncheon meetings.


'HJNT, MICH. The Club has elected a new slate of ^officen:'

Pres. EMERY A. SHERWOOD; First VP.-THADDEUS MANYAK; Second V P DONALD , MacDONALD; Sec.-Trcas. WILLIAM ' F.' 'Sf t - ' NARDO. The Club's schedule of events Jus-alsb^,

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ DELAWARE ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The Club held its initial 1967 meeting on Jan.

20 at the Univcisity and Whist Club in Wilming­ton. Sc\"eral members attended an informal din­ner at the Club before the meeting which was attended by about 20 members. Major topics of discussion were: counseling of prospective students from the area in conjtmction with the local high schools; committee for U N D Night; future Club acti\ities — dinner dance, co*cktail party. Com­munion Breakfast and summer picnic

—PAUL F. LOVELL, Secretary

'UEGNER',- 'piSifJ^fatjiM^.ofr An-Amcrican- Tom, • - ' f i l £ l^^^HAI; i rERv- tOM^ M U L G A H V ; J O H N . m e R E Y i r ' B O g H A S U L t O N ;JR.; J O E XIESEC,'


"'COUlJSELL,i JIM FALLON JR. and JOHN . . . . . . , , - - . . . _ , i . . ' : ' ' D S l X y E N ; " o v e r ^ 700-'Alumm and guests gleefully

been drawn up and chamnen appointed t o v b g d . ^ ^ h ^ f ^ ' i - ^r i iy trbunc^ the Trojaiis for the the conmnttees for ^ " o u s a t ^ n d o . • . ' i t o ^ g r ^ jNit ioS^^ is extremely w'if;^,';^''^" ,^^?'° '^^H ^ W S ^ ^ ^ M « l ' ' ^ ' - ^ 5 a of tSS^aciomplishment and it was so en-MAOTAK, chamnan and D O N M J ) J g ^ ; jj^gg^^gui^ry^^^^^^

J R ^ A ^ U ^ S ^ ' T " ^ ? ' •?"" . S « a M # ^ ! S l v - ' ; « ' : K i * i h g inbre away games on closed-circuit T V . JAMES S H E p Y c t o n n a n j ^ r m ^ f o o t ^ , ^ . . ! , - ; ^ ^ ^ Breakfast Dec. 4 Father S " ' w ' . x ^ . ! 2 ^ ' ^ ^ i ? ' i £ ; V ? H v 5 ^ i ^ S » ? \ U r B 5 a a i S a t u r e G S B , guest - explained the P. M A N S O m a n f W I L L l A M C s * n ^ r a © : ^ ^ J ^ , f - f ^ ^ f„ ^ ^ j ^ ^ , ^ y ;„ ^;^„ Communion Bitakfast, - D e c e m ^ i j ^ R A ^ O ^ ^ ' - g f r i h i - ^ E ^ Chairman M.\RK KELLY, <*'"CT?"v^, . ,^j j i . -^;s:KiJ£i=^iK=M^^^ arrangements with Brother

-mUMM>^iA^Pj;^^^^X:^iiB^)rESCi„th^ usual fine breakfast served

.GRANDsRARIDSi^/liND sit St. Charles Boys Home.

^^ ^ , _ _ . . . v.Gta the 'agenda-for Klarch is a S t ; Patrick's W E S T E R N i M l C H l 6 A l ! l i ' ^ ^ F 5 5 S 5 i * : . I f c i y paity for Alumni,-wives and guests with the

The C l u b s i i i i h c i . ' i t o V ^ f f i S i i d e ' j i f e i ' e K ^ showing : of the "1966 the foUbWing. •ofBiOT:t<WILl5Mi=Ev^€^IHRAtL^; FootfaaU Highlights. ^ „ . , „ „ „ „ '60, p r ^ d M t ; : J ( M E P H r i E . : : a O S T t - m ? s S ¥ f f i « , - U i ' - —NED E. F . BALDUS, Secretary JAMES-W^VeAmLfir'55;-•ti•eSaTCn-^^^^>i^"P^'•'g'- £


- r r^cSmixr r tCT c . . i = — M O N R O E , M I C H . • - ; : : » " g S ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; -I^j^ports of the Monroe, Mich. Club acUvities

' I M n r K W A P f i i l < ^ ^ = ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •- - 'i KC hcen rather light, but some of our membeis _, :v/:'-:'l7"A^^p*^v^f^^:^:^Z^':'\a6-mh3gc to make the new^. PAUL BR. \UN-Flans are".tokjngr^ha^_; fpr^the / iUIND^^ght ' to ; - , j^^ J ^ T ^

Basketball fans gathered Jan. 21 to watch the N'D team battle the U of D cagcrs with Coach Dec and the team at Cafe.

The annual retreat was held at Manrcsa Feb. 1 0 - 1 2 . JIM MOTSCHALL handled the de­tails for the weekend with the assistance of co-chairman JACK BREEN.

The 1967 annual meeting was held Feb. 22 following a dinner at the Book Casino Room of the Sheraton Cadillac On the agenda were nominations for election of seven members to the Board of Directors. Following the meeting the "1966 Football Highlights" was shown.

April 3 ; fDr: -THOMASf^P, ^.GARNEY ^will Be , and bter met guea speaken- C a i m a n - f O T - . A ^ ^ | . B ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ j j ^ , ^ planning a vacation

the Paradiso I y \ N E ; r JIMr.RYAN/^B^hsdiHS^ ^ ^ the later part of Februar conunittee this;.ycar/jVQthllDr.APAUL>?MIJM5^ • „ , „ , i ,„„t. , .

, • , , .--,^-^v-r^^-i-;^,-^-<'^-.-v—.^'-yt.-^i' ;^ • „ * . . « . . • - . /« , Notre Dame's claim to fame ,«

in Aca-Fcbmary. This

?^^ P^^^}i-'^~^^}M!^^:^^S?4^^'^^^ix*iikid.1bc s e v e n t y week and 10 hours a day ta? been r a H « 4 ; t o , 5 1 ; , m ; R « j , ^ r - a ^ - t o « h g ^ ^ „^,,, P „ ^ j , „ , „ ^ Co. L . E. defray the. costs p r « e e d v j f r ^ « h e ^ ^ ^ , ^ , ? = : 5 j , , g ^ i A N '«^^^ is looking well and busy with been t r a M f e r r e d . , t o : t h e ; s c h , o l a r s h i p . ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ . j ^ ^ ^„^ his best to eveoone.

_•• .... KENTUCKT. = vl^ew ^'addresses for Monroe Alumni: THOM.AS

•^^=.: :v<- iS£VSS3v^V;-B; ' :REAbY-, - '66L and his wife reside at 30 Vir-. -'62tJStoIe. ither-rems^pfJr^'s s;st»

ERIE '• The Club enjoyed their February outing when

we journeyed to the GlcnwY>od Ice Rink for a hockey match between the Erie Lions and the Notr« Dame Hockey Club. .As in the past, the event proved to be an enjoyable one. Among those who attended the e\'ent were Messrs. and Mmes.: JOSEPH BARBER '36, ROBERT B.\R-BER '40, THOMAS BATES '60. LEO BRUGGER '34, LEO BRUGGER JR. '61, HOWARD ESSICK '41, WILLIAM GR- VNT '45, EDWARD KERN '56, HERBERT KERN '54. JOHN McCORMICK JR. '53, RICHARD McCORMICK '55, TIM­OTHY McCORMICK '57, LEWIS SHIOLENO '49, J O H N SITTERLE '60. JOE STADLER '53, RON VOMERO, CHARLES WITTMANN '32, JOHN YOUNG '51, ANTHON'Y ZAMBROSKI '52, FRANK RILEY. Also attending were: Judge T O M B.ARBER '24, MICHAEL McCOR­MICK '61, D.AVE STOUT '62, and Rev. JO­SEPH HIPP.

—LEO J. BRUGGER JR., Secretary


The O u b held its second annual Sports Night, Feb. 24, at the K of C Hall in Stamford. T h e main attraction of the evening was the showing of the "1966 Football Highlights." We had about 40 members in attendance.

A business meeting was also conducted and ne^v slate of officers elected. The new officers who will take over in September are: Pres. WILLIAM E. HARRINGTON '48; V P DAMI.AN G. VAC-CARELLA '57; S e c LORING P. WEBBER '47; Treas. WILLIAM E. REIDY '53. The current officers will continue to work with the new leaders until September. Our Treasurer ERNIE BUCK­LEY moved to Harrisburg, Pa. where he is asso­ciated %vith &Ian Power, I n c

—ROY A. JANN, Secretary

Ctub Direetory-ALABAMA

John A. O'Brien, Jr., '51, 1465 Linda Vista Dr., Regent Forest, Birming­ham, Ala.

ALASKA John S. Hellenthal, >35. Box 941,

Anchorage, Alaska.

ARIZONA P i o e a - x - J o h n P. McShane '55, 3208

West Ehn St., Phoenix, Ariz. 85017

T O D D H p L L E N B A a i : ^ 6 2 o s t ^ e . : t ! » j ™ m a o f ! ; ; s g ; ^ Dr ^^^ he is Monroe's newly chairmanship for this ..year's, , U N D ^ ; N ^ i g h t . ^ - ^ v j t ; i a B p » i n t a ; a g i ^ THOMAS L.A-April 10 Father HESBURGH, wUl , jom,uS;m.^; ! -^ |5E .^ '61-J f i5 iii ^ ^ to 131 E. Front St., Monroe. Canterbury Room at Loumine.s . ,Exrative^ntu>>rbTHOSiAS: GRIEEEN 'M^ has joined his father

dd has pbns for many .di5dnguishcd.._gucs»... j J ^ g S T p ^ n r e i attend thU meeting, the biggest of ,.the .yOT./ . •..-^We':OT-;•plaiinihg.-i• U N D Night this spring.

JACK ZUFELT '57, head of our,scholarship, ,;plSs;are?uiaei^;.,;way7-"but;at:tlus .writing no date committee spent months with his other members. . iur!Vet'I>ecn''set."' '!'i"^*' '.•:''- .',T;i • ';, . '-dctetmining wliich student will be recipient of the ••'"'•""•••"""'"7SR(>BERTi.sLiURER-Secrrti award.

JOE BOWLING '52 completed the member-

Todd to

ship roster for all the members. —GERRY BOLAND, Secretary

^ ^ ^ GREATER MIAMI ^ ^ ^ The Club's new officers for 1967 are: J O H N



We are arranging for the Nov. 25 ND-Miami game in the Orange Bowl. Our hcadquarten will be at the Deauville Hotel which has reserved 300 rooms for N D Alumni. Those who are not operating through travel tours should write the Deauville Hotel early for reservations, identifying themselves as N D Alumni. The reserved rooms will not be guaranteed after Nov. I .

We enjoyed the "1966 Football HighUghts" at our January meeting. Among enthu^astic sports fans present were: Drs. BILL and JIM Mc-SHANE, BOB REILLY, JIM WILSON, DICK HOURIHAN, E D KELLY, D O N MURRAY, JOHN MURRAY. BOB PROBST, JERRY HOL-LAN'D, JACK CANANE, BILL MAZANEK, RAY POPP, CHARLIE MAHER, GENE K U -BICKI and others.

— JOHN W. T H O R N T O N , Fteadent


;ROBERTJ.SttURER,-jKreta^ : .

NEW' 'wfExito^^^^^; Albuquerque has nine Catholic•^urcK«Vi'nam'cd:/

in honor of our Blessed Mother including'Our^IiacIy'-of the Annunciation and Our Lady of the As- ^ nimptioD. Our Communion Breakfast might have been better attended if the Mass had been cele­brated at St. Bemadette's or St. Anne*5 instead <rf one of the above two churches. Two couples went to the right Mass but the wrong church. Sorry about that, folks.

Many visitors to New }kfexico last Christmas found some of our legendary enchantment on a luminaria tour through the country club area of the "Duke City." . \ luminaria is a brown lunch bag containing about two inches of sand and a lighted vigil light candle. Many people in this part of the country decorate their homes by lining their sdewalks and roof lines with luminarias about two feet apart. The efTect produced is^ often very charming. The focal point of this particular area is the home of ANTON R. HEBENSTREIT ' U . Pictures of it f u l to d o it justice but they have been printed in national magazines and on uncounted post cards. In a sense the Hebenstrcit home with its thousands of luminaria has become a nostalgic -symb<^ of Christmas in Albuquerque. »- ; .

Hope to see you at U N D Night. ^ - , - - : I r ^ < . —LAWRENCE J . OXONNE^jLViSe^tair^:-

-...-The .CIuV-hydtit*?.MiiualpLG6minuiii^"'.^iinday ^^ . -onj^c . .llJ=aV^iO^'£m^.:Str3kftS^^e'l; Mbflasicry • • •aiapd^,'_'CdJbrant;:qfj'JtIg'/ilS;;wp ;Rev^ RAY-

Through the efforts of Club President tJOHN-^ > f l O N D J J ? ^ I ^ ^ ' G ' ; ' 5 8 r § £ ! ® t < S ^ i f St. Joseph's SCHLOEGEL and a host/.ofi'energetic .tWtetV.-.C3thearaI,-j2?!QSelTiig^^ jini,"- sons of seUeis including GENE. ;SMrrH, , Dr. L E 0 N ; \ •;BoFirGTMEFITHH49 %«aMthrSfveftI" " ^

Tucron—I. "Buddy" Goldman, '36, 3932 E. Poe, Tucson, Aril.

ARKANSAS Fort 5mi/A—James A. Gilker,, ?48,

3715 Free Ferry Rd. , Fort Smith, Ark.

Liufc Koct—James E. Madigan, '43, 4617 Crcstwood, Little Rock. Ark:

CALIFORNIA BaterJ/ieM—Richard L. Bamett, '56,

1415 :i8th-.st.,-?ApiS3i6j5fiaiCTffiaiy; Calif.':. . -.-j ;.';>..">i'"?f=x=f^-

CCTYr«/f-Ha}6IdaA.(jBiir"-CJ29Li(S gq tay).. ,24J0i;TiilMK.'St^ «;SS»S5

• Calif.-, -*;* i;'s,i4lfi='.pi'fgj;j Lot ilntefes ^TTiomasAWj-iPowtrs,'7:


'~Oro«/*L .Gouttlj^^^Thomas J. Getzing->i: j?*^ '53, 2212..-E; -.Wilshire Ave;, rp.;'FuUerjon; Calif; ~ - . ^ s . •" ~ ~ r^S?^™i®5=Ef3nk Gereniia Jri '60, i iS8424 Lak-ei'Eor^ Dr.- Sacramento, fi/-@!iLH!S5jpJj;_-.c:;•.•• V,----, -' '^aiij^^ieifo'^^ Johit. B;5 .Mot^n; '40, ••l^lSn MsjiE Stji La X L ^ Gslif; ;" NoTtKeTn-^^ThomiS^ i''J3viKoTiaiiX3?55;.'i

Capital ;EiiwK5gK.Gorip?3220riMoiit?-;

§omery-Se,~San^tFtanciscS?ealiI-.C; 3^!52f.5757"limiilla Ave.-j IjJorthridgef 4104. • •• ."• VTv^t^^^lL^<?;.•Gafe^;;^:;:5iI^

. . ' • * • - ' '.~ •'. r •A'i ' i i r jVfi i ' i f .7»'*»'o/rin AO~z-r'.koow. ••-'^^mmmimmi m

.;The attcn'dance included: , , jra5cy;' '(;^fC;'50) and ,BOB GRIFFITH '49,

.•^>daufife/-Minn4arid:5on Andy; Mary and FRANK • :yWi$liliAGE-r.^23""Eii5b'e'tli' and GUS VAIU.AS fe'47tyand;iS)5B5TpmVand^J^^^ BOB StNCAVICH ,\Kl5Q»JSIL;59h^:aiLd^]mptKcr;'Edna; .Evelyn and BILL ,M'^"^.'^^-^^^''''''53,'^daugHtcrv.Ma^,'Theresa and sister ''-\:'^I?Syi^?i^Aftw;-;M^~jthe;'group^^ at Elby's F -'RegSiraiSc fo£^bre5ltfast>?"». ,ij'. [

A. JOHN p i ; P 5 ^ E ^ ^ 3 ^ m ^ , y c c t r i c a ^ ^ ^ • neering ^60; A^IIC .on:^'b . iBin^>@|[^TPajt^^

had dinner ariH- a.; R l c ^ n t j i ^ « n i n g t -with^/tHie . .Holy Cross Fath'cre at N ^ ^ ' p S m c =-Gol;\;i^^

on Feb. 13, Jqhii is aMqciat^rj^th'."JLincr?Afi^ .' - tcrial industries of AAni^fi^^:?lwjii^i?^vis?suFM

; plyiiff distribution equipment'.CifofivX.th'e . relMtnc' ; power lines now . gomg ^^^^inf/<j^lu^i^^ 3?^£c,

. Glockncr name has been •a:'fMniliSv,oni^^

Phoenix. "One Wonderful Irish Evenuv ," pn>-daimed ia Gaelic, was the theme oC the New Year's Eve festivity. Two bands peifcHined to an overaow crowd of 225 couples. JOHN P. MORAN, chainnaa of the dance, received angular T^ha as did the sponsors and all who asnsted him.

The 140 member Club, headed by Pres. J O H N P. &fcSHAN£, recently awanled Michael Snares from <Phoenix a scholanhip to the Univeraty.

—JON W. SMITH, Secretary

PinSBURGH = On Feb. 1 the Club held its third annual smc^er

at the Park Schenley Restaurant In Oakland. The evening program began with a social hour fol­lowed by a buffet dinner and a showing of the "1966 Football Highlights." BILL GOMPHERS was chairman for the event.



Col. in Washington.; 'r Johni •^•:marri^•^vEieanor^ • Murphy (SMC *6p) i n ^ u ^ c j ^4961-.^--"Sw^^^w

have tlirce chiIdrcni_Ajexa^c£.'5j: Tirac7^?3-'^.a^ Margo 4 months. John's pracSt businea i. laip}^. began in Bangkok and^ after spcmding/Three/.wc^ in Pakistan, the subsequent itincrory inBudcH.jBci^-; niti Madrid and Barcclonai, «i_ding u ^ ifiC=Mil-j,' waukcc just before Easter; .'"' vj; -~ \ i~^: ii' v^Tj '

The Club has pbns for a IJTS^'Nig^t itf':W6^^ This will be its first' fbrnial bbs^^nce icif.l&er-., occasion and, for a starter, vwiU .bc; on ay mod«t-^; scale. Any .Alumnus located m^ the gcnwSi' a^aj,' will be welcome aiid « n : get detaiis b^^witiiig-'-" tlie secretary c / 6 Notre Dame. GolIcge;^Pqst Bmcl No. 5, Dacca 2, fokistan. TiKai ^Ifiternati^al'" Airlines has service to Dac(^ frp™ Bangkok;-'', " "

. ^ R e v . F> J.BiJRTOS G^, Scac0y

PHILAgEtfHliLZ;^.tr -• PATRICK \ y , knTJ^EDGE: . i58- i sgf f ic} i^w president of the Philadelphia jGluK\>Ke>!wasrcIected by the Board of Gbyernpn .Jan^Jl.O^-'in* rccogm^ tion of devoted ' semce* t<> jth"e;^G|ub"and^ -.Uni-; vcrsity over, the y e ^ . ^ Oth'er-\Cofficers>-for- '1967' are: GERARD A./VOITS53i^ VPTiJSEdR'GE-jV.

•>: MiTeHELL;' , j fc -^: !58 ,^3^i^^^ :'. .MITCHELL -.-'6p,^sMrc?^x^govcra5rs•. wcrV'^^

- fijr a two^Y^-'teiro^tjy'^thecnSnbeis^—-EDWARD ; B. BRO^bEWfeKvi^sfe-'jASlES'-P.' LEYDON M9, -'-GE0RGEL;}flITCHEl!L; 'GER.\RD VOIT, JAMES .^;E?'^6lT VoS'Knd'WILLIAM A. WHITESIDE KJR:'~*'5i; Holdover governors are BARTON B.

'JOHNSON '48, PAT KITTREDGE, HENRY A. "JACK" HENRY, RICHARD LEBERiL\N '64, QUEXTIN STURM '43 and JOHN F. VOIT '51. CLIFFORD PRODEHL '32 is permanent chairman of the board.

Club members offered a heartfelt vote of ap­preciation to retiring Pres. Whiteside, whose aggressive and progressive administration the last two years has seen the Philadelphia Club reach new heights in dues-paid membership, in com­munity recognition and in service to the commu­nity and the University.

Voting for the prestigious Knute Rockne I f e -morial .\ward given by the Club to the outstand­ing student athlete of the high school football season in the Delaware Valley produced an un­usual result when joint winners were chosen. By amazing coincidence both boys are quarterbacks; both are from the same small Delaware Valley city; both are outstanding scholars and they are

,-i.bosbra pals. The winners were Sylvester "Pancho" . ^^Micir. of-,Bishop Egan HS and Rick Lev-is of "'• AVTO^rmViWilsoii JHS,'- both in Lcvittown. JOHN

'^>~ OXEj i ^ ^ fint wnncn-^f^Hejaw-ard.* -_, .

The • firet aSruial>~;I^V,'i.':y^J^i^Evej 'daiTc^ to , • '- raise piXKiceds lor»the. Gjjub;:scholai?hjpVfund. re^

ceived a trcmchdpus respoMc rand'.'acceptance"• by-^ Club members ami' guKts a t ' i^ iTT^nc^' i^^m'" ,

Afore than 100 couples enjoyed a wonderful . evening, of dancing and dining at Oak Hill Coun­try' Club on the second to the last evening of 1966.

''Many old acquaintances were renewed and not s •few, new acquaintances were made at the atigw^l

^Christmas dance. The variety and quality ot the ^J)uffet we're exceptional as were all the arrange-JlcMnts. Our hats are off to the Women's Group -•;for^a .fine evening. Even the ang-along for the ^ Q s t ^ reluctant to leave was to the piano tunes ,'of.^I^tc-'Connolly's "best decision." ' "^'^SX- y^ ^ ***^° reserved for our U N D Night

I'l^dniner.land assistant head football coach J O H N ^RAY.>:'will''be on hand to satisfy the appetites of " ^ o s e ^hungering for news of next year's squad.

' . ' ' —DAVID MILLER, Secretarr


.THE- NOTRE DAAfE HOSPITALrrY CENTER ^WELCOMES ALL COMERS 7 DAYS A WEEK. AVHEN'IN ROME: LARGO BRANCACCIO 82 .(Near Central Rail-Air Terminal and St. Maxf -AjtJjor-Basilica) TEL: 730.002.

. \Our pridc-and-joy of the Christmas season was -the ordination to the priesthood of Holy Cross

Father EDW.ARD KRAUSE JR. Piipa E D KRAUSE SR. '34 appeared in Rome for the blessed occasion with Airs. Krause and family.

Our next privilege and pleasure was to w ^ come Fr. LAWRENCE BROESTL CSC, director of the N D Sophom*ore IVogram at Innsbruck and 21 smart sophom*ores. Joining them In Rome was the ND-St. Mary's contingent at Angers, France to the tune of 19 bright boys and girls. For them and all holiday visitors we held open house folloiving Afidnight Afass in the Basilica of Santa Maria Alaggiore with eggnog and Italian Christ­mas pastries. Following the Pope's (Class of '60) Mass at eleven, we gathered the hungry sc^ho-mores again for appetizers and turkey dinner a t ND's Roman dining rendezvous, the Scoglio D i Frisio Restaurant next door.

Other winter visitors have been: GEORGE WEXDT '44 and wife; daughter of Dr . H . B . HALEY ex'44; Br. RON.^LD DRAHOZAL CSC, parents of JOHN JR. '53, RICHARD '55, T I M cx'57 and PAT AIcCORAIICK '64; parents of TOAI '64 and KENNETH KERN '69; Lt. PAUL CHARROD '64; Prof. EDWARD GOERNER and family; RICHARD SHEEHAN '&4, MS*66 and vASc; uncle of ALAN FLANNIGAN '66; honey-mooneis NICK VARALLO '63 and wife; STEVE KNAUF '66; JOHN KROHA '59 and w f e .

Alumni and students from other colleges leaning on N D in Rome: LaSalle, Georgetown, Stanford, Pomona, Rochester, Harvey Aludd, Providence and Afanhattan.

—VINCE McALOON '34, Secretary

• SPOKANE, WASH. • Club membeni their mves and friends to the

number of 62 enjoyed another potluclc supper on Feb. 1. The affair was held in the well-appointed

'facilities of the Inland Light & Power Co., of 'wHiih 'VINCE SLATT '43 is general manager. Sirs.' Kay McGonigIc, wife of Club Pres. Dr .

. D E E ' ; J ; McGONIGLE '52. and Mrs. Pcgsy Slatt

were ia ckage of ai i i i igemenls' and the preparation a{ a veiT salisfpns mean aad its serving by the ladies p i a e a t .

Following the supper the "1966 FoodaOl H i ^ lights" film was viewed by all with a n c h pfat-sure. Club memben present were: E D BETHKE '28; JACK H E S K E I T '63; FRANK H E S K O N •35; Dr. CURKAN HIGGINS '49; Dr . BOB JOHNSON '41; CLAIRE KEARNS "Si; T O M LALLY '06; Dr . BOB MAHER 'SS; Or. DEE McGONIGLE '52; JACK MICHAUD '48; GARY MYERS '59; JOHN O'NEILL "29; HAROLD SHEERAN '50; DICK ST. JOHN '56; VINCE SLATT '43; Sister M. MICHELLE FCSP '62 and JOE WALSH '14. A b o attenSng were the parents of the boys from SpiAane who are now at the University.

Hans are being made for the Chb's obsemnce o{ U N D Night for which a University representa­tive is expected t o be the guest spoker .

—JOE WALSH. Secr-Treas^

= T0LB)0 = The Chib sponsored the appearance of Notre

Dame backfield coach Tom K g n a and AD-Ameri-eans Nick Eddy and Capt. Jim Lynch at the West Toledo K of C on Feb. 5 . The "1966 Football Highlights" was sho«m and a question and answer period (oDowed. T O H WELLY and BILL MOKLEY «rere o x h a i r m e n of the event.

'TWSA The Club h d d a Communion Breakfast Feb. 12

at Christ the King Church. FoOowing the meal the Club enjoyed the showing of the "1966 Foot­ball Highlights." The occanon brought forth the largest turnout of its kind in several years. Sev-cnty-nx members and guests broke bread and gkated over the picture. Guests included Chock Dreas, head football coach at Bishop KeUey HS, Angdo IVassa, athletic director and head football coach at Cascia Hall ftep as well as Sammy K g n a , Tom's brother. Among the d u b mem­bers present were: BILL WAREN JR., BOB SIEGFRIED, BILL SHEEHAN, BOB SHEEHAN, JOHN MADDEN, JACK CHARON, FETE Mc-MAHON, CARL SENGER. BOB LAIRD, GERRY DONOVAN, NORTH WOOD, DAVE THORNTON, JACK CONWAY, D O N HAN-ISCH, JOHN JOYCE, JOE MORAN, JIM GWINNER, WAYNE WAHL, BERNARD CAR­NEY, LARRY SCHMIDT, JOE McGRAW, JOHN EDWARDS, GEORGE MILLER, RAY MILLER, BILL SHERRY JR., CLAY MURRAY, BOB KRUPPS, BARNEY SULLIVAN and others. STEVE DILLON ex'07 enjoyed the fihn at a private showing and joined us for Mass and Holy Communion.

The Club offers its sympathy to the family of Mrs. Helen Bennett Shaw who passed away on SA. 7. She was the mother of JOHN BENNETT •37 and ROBERT J. SHAW '47.

- B A R N E Y SULLIVAN, ftesdent

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ VIRGINIA ^ ^ ^ ^ s Fr. HOWARD J. KENNA CSC honoted us

by celebrating Mass at St. Bridget's Church and then addressed the Club at a special breakfast. Father Kenna and our o tm CHARLIE SCHLIECKERT recalled thor undergraduate days together. BERNIE NIERLE supplied the home­made sausage which is becoming the food symbol of our Qub. CHARLIE LAFRATTA made sure that Father Kenna was able to visit Williamsburg.


^ ^ WASHINGTON, D.C ^ ^ On Dec. 10 the Club heU its Father^^n Com-

mumon Breakout at Holy Cross CoL This year attendance was one of the best ever as over 50 Club members and their sons showed up. JACK LOWE was chairman of this successful event.

The showing of the "1966 Football Highlights" was scheduled for the Starch 3 meeting at which time the Club will h i ^ election of oflBceis for the coming year. On March 17 the Cfaib will have its annual St. Patrick's Day party.



CSim Gabriel VaUn S ' William T; Huston, '-51,-612 S.c-FlSwcr St.f :

- S u i t e 7 % Loi; AngcIg^W-, GaHfT^, San Jist^^tit Millen '57. 155J;:Gua^i

- ' dalajara St;, San jpsei Balifv 95124; '•>

;; 5 •'. - '•" COlJORi^^Jj^gS^:' : Cotdfidb Sprihgi ^ LtjGqh'Sfajhanr ' ; , : Mv.Wakigi '52> Q u a J ^ No; ^yfiE,^ , •' - • Air Force -".- AcademY.'iCr Gbjorado'; . •, • Sprtng5;Pealo;.r,.^-;^j;>i^^>l->5"%;^f'^4^

': AtuMi u s msM'i^-^'M^X'^i ••'-';

'Cirlirirl—'.Ediraiid^M.. Slahoncy, '52, :-i?950':Bfra'dv5y;?pcnve"r, Colo. 80201

;CoiifeSciit'.iK'a//<r>f-Robert L . Mc-•^yrGoianck';^;;56,"I5 Drury Lane, W. ^iV?Hartford,'"Conn.'

'FiiffiitdiCourtly^^ordon J. DiRcnzo >"• !56iT7197r-Br6nso'n' Kd., Fairfield, K'-'CSSn.K"'

Naugatuck — Thomas K. Hubbard, '56, P.O. Box 525, LitchfieU, Conn.

Ntm Haveit—Dr. Robert T . Warner, •53, 1960 Whitney Ave.. Hamden 17. Conn.

DELAWARE Robert E. Daley '58, 1212 Crestover

Rd., Graylyn Crest, Wilmington, DeL 19803

DISTKICT OF COLUMBIA Walter J. Btennan. M J ) ^ '41. 700

. Duke St . . Alexandria, Va.

FLORIDA Cralriif Flo. — Wil&am H . Ricke, '36.

2045 Fafanouth Rd., Maitland, Fla. 32751

Fl. £aiuf<n{afr—Robert P. BlaiUe. '56, 4411 N.E. 15th Ave., Ft. Landeidale. Fla. 33308


Greater Miami—John W. Thorntonr '50, 9th Floor Dade Federal B lds i Miami, Fla. 33131

North H a . — Robert W. Schellcn-bcrc, '48. 6842 San Sebastian AS?:. Jacksonville, Fla. _

Paltn. Beacll C<>unl>^-John W. Dell '62, 153 S. Worth Ct., W. Palih Beach. Fla. 33405

Pcnsacola—Leon V. Dulion. '54.. 646 Whitney Dr., Pcnsacola. Fla. 32503.

New Mexico—Paul R. Fanner, Jr. St. Pctersbure-Tampa — Mark E.

Mooney, '26, 4525 Gaines - Rd,, Tampa, Fla.

GEORGI.A. • Atlanta—^J. Tliomas Gunning ^57,

4253 .Ashuoody Trail, K.E.^ Atlan­ta, Ga. 30319

HAWAII Albert Lum '57, Chaminadc College

of Honolulu, 3140 Waialac .Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii 96816

IDAHO Francis H . Hicks, '49, 1180 Phelps

Circle, Mountain Home, Idaho. Idaho Falls — James i l . Brady, '29,

P.O. Box 2148. Idaho Falls. Idaho.

ILLINOIS Aurora — John G. Brj-an, '54, 111

Downer Place, Aurora. 111. Central Illinois—^.Albert O. Eck, Jr.,

'58, Old Jacksonx-illc Rd., Spring­field. 111.

Chicago — William D . Reynolds, '04, 9539 Monticello, E\-an5lon, 111.

Decatur—Nicholas J. Neiers '58. 11 Third Dr., Decatur. III. 62521.

Eastern /(/. — Richard J. Miles, '56, 3810 East Rd.. Danville, 111.

Fox Valley — Geoige R. Schmidt, '29, 620 Summit St.. Elgin. III.

/o/iV(—Richard E. McHugli, '43, R.R. 2, Manhattan. 111.

McHenry County — William M. Car­roll. Jr.. '43, 329 Lake St., Wood­stock. 111.

Pcorio—Louis Zumbahlen '49. 2903 N . Easton PI., Peoria. III. 60604

JJorA/orrf-John F. Su-anson. '52. 426 Seventh St., Rockford, 111. 61110

Rock River Fa/Zo — Paul L. Bcrtet-lini, '56, 609 Crawford -Ave., Dixon, III.

Southern Cook County — Robert X . CafTarelli. '55. 20851 Sparta Lane, Olj-mpia Fields, 111. 60461

INDIANA Calumcl Dislrirl—Robert J. Welsh

Jr. '56, 400 East 5th Ave., Gao". Ind. 46402

Eastern Indiana — Thomas .Adams, 1521 E. Walnut St., Muncie, Ind.

£/i7iarJ — James D . Ash, '33, 1151 Strong Ave., Elkhart, Ind.

Fort Wayne — John -A. Haley, Jr., '51, 6735 Hiltonia Dr., Fort Wayne, Ind. 46809

Indianapolis — Robert L . Kessing, Jr., '49. 5646 N . Delaware St., Indian­apolis, Ind. 46220

Michigan City — Robert E. Miller '57, 1524 Springland .Ave., Pottawat-tomi Park, Alidiigan City, Ind. 46360

St. Joseph Valley—Edn-ard T . Mc­Carthy, '53, AlcCarthy Insurance Agcncv. Marycrest BIdg., South Bend, Ind.

Tcrre Haute—Richard Cronin '47, 2340 X. lOih St., Tcrre Haute, Ind. 478M

rri'-S/a(<: — .AI H. Harding, Jr., '59, 3018 East ifulberrj-, EvansvUIc, Ind.

IOWA Burlington—Vcm H. Brinck '48. 501

N . Sbith, Burlington, Iowa 52601 Des Moines—^.Anthony M. CritcIU '52,

619 Savings & Loan Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa 50309.

Dubuque—Rev. William Ktmsch, '37, Our_Lady of Seven Dolors Rectory, Fcstina, Iowa.

StouX'Land — Raymond B. Duggan, '43, 3244 Jackson, Sioux City 4, Iowa.

Quad Ci<i« —John M. Nolan, '54, II Sunset Circle, Bettcndorf, Iowa

KANSAS Eastern Kansas—T. Henry Dcx'lin, '49,

2203 College, Topeka, Kansas, .ya/ma—Albert J. McLean. '31, 1410

Highland Ave., Salina, Kan. M'irKia — William T . Da«t t , '55,

204 Bitting Bldg., Wichita, Kan. 67202

KENTUCKY Robert G. Huetz. Jr., '58. 12310

Davidson Dr. , Woodland Hills, Ky.


LOUISIANA New Orleans—VaxA E. Hurley '56,

225 Baronne St., N e w Orleans, La. 70130.

Northern Louisiana—Dr. £dw:ard R-Morgan, '44, 803 Jordan St. . Shrcveport, 1 ^

MAINE Anthony E. Silra, '56, 224 Walnut St.,

South Portland. Maine.

M.\RYLAND /jD//imor<^-Jamcs Mutschellcr '52, 305

E. Highfield Rd., Baltimore, Md. . 21218

MASSACHUSETTS Berkshire County—Harold C. Mc-

Kenna '61, 142 Benedict Dr. , Pitts-field, Mass. 01201

.Boj/on-Robert L. Jfarr '58, 25 " D " St., South .Boston, Mass. 02127

Pioneer Valley — William A. Hurley, '28, 33 Elm St., Springfield, i lass . 01103

MICHIGAN -Battle Cr«i—Ra>Tnond R. Allen, 40,

-, 1009 Security National Bank Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich.

Berrien'County—Dr. Paul Leonard, '43,-;413 S. St. Joe, Niles. Mich.

Blue Water District — William L. WilsoTf,; '42, 4080 Gratiot Ave., Port Huroif, Alich.

Ocarfcorn =r Charles B. Kitz, '58, 70} Sandra,) Dearborn Heights, ^lich. 48127

Driroil — G> M. Vcrbicst, '20, 1101 Washingto'n- Blvd., Detroit, ^licli. 48226 ~ ~

FZin/—Emery -A: Shcr^vood, '38, 123 W. Marehg^r Flint, Mich. 48505.

Gogebic /iange-^Eugcne R. Zinn. '40, Wright & Zinn, Michaels Bldg. Ironwood. Mich; :

Grand Rapids and Western Michigan —William F. T f i ^ l , '60, 1117 Un-der^vood St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506 'Z

Hiawathaland — Donald T . Trotticr, '44, 604 Ludington St;, Escanaba, M c h .

Jaekson — Cyril J. Hartman, '23, 612 Webb St., Jackson, Micht

Kalamazoo — George R.' "Laurc '38. 8212 Shaver Rd., Kalamazoo. Mich.

Lansing — John F. Powers, SJSS. 1500 W. Washtenaw Ave., Lansing^Mich.

Afonroj-^Huch J. Laughna, "40, 1587 River^'iew, Alonroe, Alich. T,:, -

Muskegon — Stanley R. Tyler, -Jr., '58, 2211 Renecr St., Ifuskcgon, Mich. C

Northland—Henry J. Laucrman, '23, 1975 Riverside Ave., Marinette;'" Wis.

Saginaw Valley—Eugene J. Case Jr.~ '56. 404 W. Genesee Ave., Saginaw, Mich. 4B602

Top of Michigan — Edward L. Molo­ney, '17, 416 East State St., Che­boygan, Mich.

AHNNESOTA Twin CiliM-Albert D . Eilers, '53,

2019 Kenwood Parkway, i l inne-apolis, Aiinn. 55405

MISSISSIPPI William H. Miller, '30, 755 GiUcspie

PI., Jackson, Miss.

MISSOURI Kansas Ci(}^Charies L. O'Neill, '57,

6820 Dclmar, Shawnee Alission, Kansas.

St. Louis — Joseph B. McGlynn, '55, 7319 Chamberlain, University City, Mo.

MONTANA Robert T . O'Leary, '54, 2920 Floral

Blvd., Butte, Mont. Billings—Claries J. Hcringer Jr. '49.

•P.O. Box 486, Billings, Mont. 59103

NEBRASKA / Omaha and Council Bluffs -— Robert

A. Rohling, '50. 5501 Haracy, Omaha, Neb. 68132

NEVADA Rex A. Bell, '57, 304 Fremont St.,

Las Vegas, Nev. /, ~ •

NEW JERSEY " Central — John R. MuIIcni '53,

R.D. 3 , Somervillc, N.J. ~ New Jersey Shore — Peter J:M. Bel­

mont, '44, 160 Riveredgc Rd., N e w Shrewsbury, N.J.

New Jersey—James A. Sebold, Jr., '50. 507 Bloomficld Ave.r"Montclair, N.J. ~

South Jersey — James B. Cai^on, '56, 624 Clinton Ave., Haddohficld, N .J .

NEW MEjaeo Paul R. Farmer, Jr. 253, 2507 Carol,

N .E . , Albuqucrquci N . M . 87112.

NEW YORK Albany — Frank E . O'Brien. '58, 99

Brookline Ave., Albany, N.Y. Buffalo — Edward C. Cosgrove, '56,

53 Reed Ave., Lackawanna, N.Y. Central — K e « n J. Ryan. '61, 400

Northlicld Way, Camillus, N .Y. 13031

Golden Circle—Jama F. McVay, '42, 49 Parkway Lane, Bradford, Pa.

Mid-Hudson Valley — Tliomas E . Digan, '52, 40 Fuller Lane, Hyde Park, N.Y.

Mohawk Valley—John F . Woeppel '53, 29 S. Richfield St., Mohawk, N.Y. 13407

New York City—Gordon L . Forester, '47, 24 Ward Ave., Westbury. N.Y.

Rochester—WilVam D . O'Toole, '39, 101 Mayflower Dr., Rochester, N.Y.

Scheneelad}-—Ri)hen J. Cichodu, '56, 272 Closson Rd., Scotia. N.Y.

Syracuse—See "Central New York." Southern Tier — frank F. O'Brien,

'34. 201 Federation Bldg., Elmira, N.Y.

Triple Cities — Frank Xf. Linehan, '45, 2 Elizabeth St., MR 97, Bing-hamton, N.Y.

NORTH CAROLINA Donald J. Kelscy, '48, 1115 Wcst-

ridgc Rd., Greensboro, N . C .

NORTH DAKOTA Wniiam Daner, '53, 1106 S. Highland

Acres, Bismarck, N . D .

OHIO Citron-James D . Dettling. '61, 230

Dorchester Rd.. Akron 13, Ohio. Can/on—Charles N . Koehler '57, 2916

17tli St., N.W., Canton, Ohio 44708 Cincinnati—Robert B. Frolicher '54,

6619 Rapid Run, Cincinnati, Ohio 45233

Cleveland—Fred S. Naegele. '48, 1075 Sylvan Ave., Lakcwood. Ohio 44107

Columiuj—William F. Slite '61, 841 " F " E. Granville Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43224

Dayton—Thomas W. Eiscnhauer, '58, 4724 Ackennan Blvd., Da>-ton, Ohio 45429.

Hamilton—Jerome A. Ryan, '41, 353 South D St.. Hamilton, Ohio.

Mansfield —Herbert J. F n e . '40, 740 N . Henry St., Crestline. Ohio

A'or(/iaj«tcrn — Walter R. Bcrtiard, '30, 433 Johnson .Ave., Cclina, Ohio 45822

OAio KB//*)'—Robert R. Sincai-ich, '50, 134 Grant Ave., Wheeling, W. Va.

Sandusky — Richard C. Hohler, '47, ' 2603 Eastwood Dr.. Sandusky, Ohio. Tiffin — Fred J. Wagner, '29, 152

Sycamore St., Tiffin. Ohio. -Toledo — J. Blaine Wiley, '57, 550 :. East Fifth St.. Perr>sburg. Ohio Youngstown — George .A. W'elsch, Jr.,

"48, 2540 Sky^rae'Dr., Youngstown, Ohio •

e OKLAHOMA OklaKoma City — Daniel J . Kelehcr,

'58."=^4201-N.W. 61, Oklahoma City, Okb . !-

Tn/ja-rBemard J. Sulliran. '39, 717 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, OUa. 74103

: = OREGON Dr. Ed>ra'rd AL Scott, '46. 3632 N . E .

Davis, Portbnd. Ore. 97232

/PENNSYLVANIA Central Pennsylvania—^Dr. George W.

Katicr, '41, U.S. Bank Bldg. Jojinstown, Pa.

Erie"^^ Richard T . AlcConnick, '55, 4425 Cherry St., Eric, Pa.

Haffisburg—Joseph Ellam '58, 4106 . 'Ilillsdalc Rd., Harrisburg, Pa. 17112. Lehigh Valley — David E. Nolan, '55^

• :. 835 Edward Ave., Allcntown, Pa. . 18104

Monongahela Valley—^Louts W. Apone, '41, 321 Market St., Brownsville, Pa.

Philadelphia—Patrick W. Kittredgc, '58.' 1500 Seven Penn Center Plaza, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

Pittsburgh — J. Peter Friday. '50, 821 Ella Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15216

Scranton—Eail E. Holmes, Jr., '54, 105 Belmont Ave., Clarks Green, Pa.

Wilkes-Barre-^iaymand J. Sobnta '49, 760 Miners Bank Bldg., Wilkes-Bartc, Pa. 18701

Williamsport — Joseph F. Orso, Jr., . '55, 822 Franklin St., Williamsport,


MASSACHUSETTS Francis J . Conforti, '43, Education

Funds, Inc. , IQ Dorrance St., Frondcnce, R.I.

SOUTH CAROLINA Joseph D. Judge, Jr.; '51, 22 i foorc

Dr. , Westwood, Charleston, S.C.

TENNESSEE Chattanooga — Edward F, Davis, *43,

506 Barrington, Signal Mountain, Tenn. 37377

Memphis — Roy E. Gillia, '56, Peat Manvicfc Mitchell & Co., 2500 Sterick Bld^., Memphis. Tenn.

Nasbvitle — William J. Faimon. '54, 6705 Rodney Ct., Naslu-illc, Tenn. 37205

TEXAS iJa/faj—John C. Rogers '55, 4746

Twin Post Rd., Dallas, Tex. 75234. a /"aio—Edward T . Jennings, '53, 312

Olivia Circle, El Paso, Texas. Houston — Christie S. Flanagan '60,

1915 Briarmcad, Houston, Tex. 77027

Midland-Odessa — John L. Buckley, '38, 2212 Han.-ard Dr. , Midland, Texas

San Antonio—S. Chilton ifaverick '61, 3222 Howard, San Antonio, Tex. 78212

UTAH William C. Allen '57, 652 Alola Rd.,

Salt Lake City, Utah 84103.

VIRGINIA Bernard E. Nierie '58. 8652 McCaw

Dr., Bon Air, Va. 23235 Charles A. LaFratta '47, 1301 Alsatia

Dr., Richmond, Va. raearaler-Phi l l ip L . Russo, '49, 153

Cedar Ln., L>'nnliaren, Va.

WASHINGTON Spokane—Dr. Lee J. McGonigle *52,

South 4422 Magnolia St., Spokane, Wash. 99203

ir«/^i-n — Thomas P. ^^ay, '55. 3632 Tenth Ave. North, Ronton, Wash.

WEST VIRGINIA Cyril M. Reich, '39, 903 S. Drew St.,

St. Albans, W.Va. Central — John D . Julian. '40, P.O.

Box 2063, Clarksburg, W.Va.

WISCONSIN Fox River Valley—Russell E. Skall

'50, Skall's Colonial Wonder Bar, Inc., South Memorial Dr., Apple-ton, Wis. 54911.

Green Bay—I>r. Daniel W. Shea '48, 718 E. Cass St., Green Bav, Wis. 54301

La Crosse—Dr. Philip H . Utz, '48, 300 First St. South, La Crescent, Minn. 55947

Merrill—Augustas H . Stange, '27, 102 S. Prospect St., Merrill. Wise.

Milwaukee—^John A. Schloegel, '54, 5976 N. Bay Ridge i\vc., Mil­waukee, Wis. 53217

Northwest Wisconsin — Ben M. Siri-anni, Jr.. '60, 2719 Keith St., Eau Claire. Wise 54701

South Central — Tliomas M. Hinkes, '51, 5414 Dorsett Dr. , i ladison. Wis. 53711

\VYOMING Patrick H. i leenan, '49, Midwest

Bldg., P.O. Box 481, Casper, Wyo.

FOREIGN CLUBS Canada — Paul H . LaFramboIsc. *34,

St. Hilaire Romillc Co., 212 Blvd. Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.

CAiVc—Michael E. Curtin 'Gl, Tn-dustrias " C O I . V S.A., Casilb 6-D, Vina Del Mar, Chile.

Colombia—^J. Ramon de la Torre '57, Callc^ 78, N o . 8-02, Bogota, Co­lombia.

Ecuador—Jaime Pinto Davila '30, P.O. Box 2107, Quito. Ecuador.

Manila — LawTcnce J. Gotuaco, '54, P.O. Box 1152, Manila. Philippines.

Mexico City—Richard C. Leon *44, Monlc Karacrum 225, i l cx ico 10, D.F. Mexico.

Nicaragua—^Noel Palhls _'49, Apar-tado 2119, Managua. Nicaragua.

Pakistan—Rev. Frank J. Burton CSC '33, Notre Dame College, Dacca -2", East Pakistan.

Panartta — Lorenzo Romagoza, '45, P.O. Box 830-F, Panama. Panama.

Peru—Enrique Lull!, '45, Curco 440, Lima, Peru.

Puerto Rico—^Julio Vizcarrondo, Jr., '56, P . O . Box 9004, Santurcc, Puerto Rico.

Rome — Vincent G. SfcAIoon, '34, (Secretary), Palazzo Brancaccio, I jugo Brancaccio. 82, Rome. Italy.

Tokyo~Rcv. Peter T . Mori^vaki. S.J., '65. Sophia Univeraty 7, Kiocho, Chiyodak, Tokyo, Japan.

Venezuela—Nfcrvyn J. Gorman Jr. '39, Apartado 1651, Caracas, Ven-czucki.



m m

What do you think of today's college student and the academic environment in which he lives? Haw much different is it from the days you spent at Notre Dame? Do you like what you see and hear? Do you think that the students' midliple "freedom" campaigns are controlling higher education today?

. Or that educators and students are now only Defining to realize the potential of a university community?

• *sc; These are questions alumni across the country !;Stf asking themselves as they become increasingly 4^g^e^.exposed to life on US university and college icampiises. .,,Ji?:ii.nrjhe. last issue of the ALUJINUS the editors of i-hexrnagazine presented Ambrose F. Dudley's "ThtlLost Image." Written in 1965 the author direetlyr challenges • college athletes to reverse the "beatiiik'' trends on campuses today by assuming grealef^siudenl leadership roles, an interest he says

. that Sthletes seem to have abandoned.

.; 3 ' TJigugh elected president of the Notre Dame ','Aiujnfii Association in January, Bud Dudley wrote • th^Sflicle to reflect his own personal views. It was 'witli^'this understanding that the ALUMNUS re-• pnnted it, at no time intending to imply that his „ views represented that of the entire Association. ' ' ,7 Immediately following publication of the ' January-February issue. Alumni reaction began .working its way back to the campus. Most letters opposed "The Lost Image." But, perhaps most significantly, the letters expressed each author's own carefully thoughtout image of higher education and today's student. In very few cases did the rebuffs even hint of a personal attack which can so often characterize responses under these cir­c*mstances.

For this reason and because the issue to which these sources addressed themselves is vital to the Notre Dame family, the ALUJINUS presents part two of "The Lost Image": the emergence of Alumni dialogue.




world df racia^

THE RECENT article by the new AluffiSJ^ Association president brought home the communications gap that lies so many of the cliches in common ciifreiicyi

Both Mr. Dudley and today's students refer to ;me University of California at Berkeley to illustrate their individual points of argument. As a Notre Dame graduate at Berkeley, I would like to try and dispel some of the fog that hampers discussion between students and alumni, and, perhaps, contribute a bit to the concern we all share for education at our Alma Mater.

Here in Berkeley, it is popular to say, "Never trust anyone over thirt)'." Thomas P. Carney, past president of the Alumni Association, really expressed the same idea, from the other side, when he said, " . . . Anyone who graduated more than five years ago has no concept of the changes that have taken place on the campus," The point really is that the changes haven't taken place solely at Notre Dame; the changes are in people, especially young people, and it is rather important that everj'one see that. For no effort is going to reverse these changes. More, Notre Dame is not going to be a backwater, in spite of alumni nostalgia; it is a leader in these changes.

I have stood in Sproul Hall plaza at Berkeley and heard declared Communists proclaim a student strike to be the forerunner of revolution. As a budding capitalist, I am more than a little scared by such talk. But that revolution, I think, can be circum­vented with wisdom. It certainly is not the source of the changes I mentioned earlier. However, the danger, I think, is that observers from afar confuse the two. In such confusion, the fear can become reality.

There really are two sorts of student rebels, but the distinction is subde. There are the idealists, whose

^^lapial^.idraviBg fiSJce i l flie realizadon A a t they have £l?=.4sSaSiif* *iS:»;MVo 'c:gn offcii^b^ valuable, that

needs IQ be seotii They aren't


; ;iwi^%et^''ffi§^fti they ihgy not admit that; but they ' fa^Ci^^e j ^ i ^ ' ^ "M^^j" Mdj i& IBaBy eas^, are re-^sp3r§lble2'?or-lti^^j^dc: "^^ adtidn" right how is 'd^^^^avM^im^^ii^ii<'^^7--'0 •<: }<^^ •••;

•^rTlie^iti^^l&S^vQjg^^ o ^ Thi^ resent the stu-.pim£y&°oflS^QiSlwho~fea ^ think they see^/l6^ie{iIne^tKSr5'are^riaht:~ Biitliisiial^ are just- "d^ipojit^'^ffiSthygLeaiy-Tywsion.''^^^ i ^ that ddes-viplraceitcg^Ge]^ted;nS^^ fe; jlistified.They delight•ih'ffie;.i^Gor|;tlfeyi<aix)us(;'"wii&iihdr beards,

Jahd; aK.aifid; poUtics. If MSerpMi^diafcajiGa^^^

ture. Verv often, the crazv, fi^e 'life'"th'ey^leSd''is{hdri> meant to offend, but to satisfy, to promote*a Veiyl.' beautiful concept of love. '_ , ...•.>

But here is my point, and you may be surprised^ at it: the traits of both sorts of rebels most often are found in the same peison. The same confusion that lumps them together in an adult's mind, combines them in a youth's. There is no real danger for anyone who tries to listen.

It is entirely possible that many who may read this don't believe that education can be improved or that the seeds, at least, of great and ongmaJ ideas exist among the yoiihg' In that case, >ou should turn promptiy to the iports page or class notes, I need some cbnce^ions tormake my point.

The^f&t of the matter is that students have besfun to eai;e-'abQut^not only their own state but that of dti|leIS^mVlhe^^world They care enough at Berkelev to-iprp^ae|;inore Peace Corpsmen than any other jCa^masj^Kough'at Notre Dame to send missions to -Mississippi^;


48 iz-c ' • ^ f



[student politics,

'^problems and poverty.

J/te i '4?

f} 0 KffS 2I>

When a Mr. Dudley pfot^g tlhg txeSds 6nuti^^^s|'^'Vr-'- j^tudents consolidated all of their grievances and ipus, he seems to be p^rotsting Jhe &'y®ly A^t^^^ some of which were unreasonable. Once

such a show of power appears effective, the same tactic is tempting in further disputes. But if the •Administration had treated the students like intel­ligent humans, the concessions they eventually made

campus. of students in the world which th,^ JHultiVSggupy^ f some day. Perhaj^ he thinks there is ngogeicS^^'a.. aspires to found another Liberty B@*vl; he is ;prS|iam^>^' wrong, for entrepreneur abound, more tha^jsyeriiBiif-';'' many of the athlete leaders he hopes {orjhayigjiot^t. callings; witness the Notre Dame.fJ^tball'i|ila^;eS7wfiq have given summers in Chile fGti thei, gampus^J^nS;] CILA or the others who tutor, in Sguth JfefIdv/5;3^Sr/., leadership isn't in the frustrating AvorM^feri^tleiit ^ politics, but in the even more fnistfatiiig .xeal^^vbrld of racial problems and pdveftv.? Irir^jsjjs?;^-^;; - •?•

: I have fought some, Ipnely;jbatjIp^at5Bel;k.elfey;. try­ing to explain to friends^whj^p&p^^^ couldn't undereta4d%IiaLt:?mey;:'we^^ Not all my friendsr-'are :A'eiv; AV3S& pretty bitter at the treatrneritfthe^JreGeiv^^ they offer their ideas

. tb'the;worId.;\.;^ piece, I am merely asking thati yqu ^ that they can often be right; npt^;alwa)3,;rbut;.ofe must learn also, but too often'the iha^^^bee^^^^ with no fair hearing.

• ':: He-Erfee ^ ^ a classical example of whait'-h'appehsfiwhenV"studerite are treated as idiots iiigtieaa;.!gf;intdligenfc .The; original issue con­cerned an arbitiary/^apjjli4atidn;;;pf^ campus rule. •, Such^ ai sQdden''%KSr ^ re­quires some explanation^ :feat^bne,%va§'^;p;^duGed. _. If one administrator had siniply sztid tRqt gpifimimityj^;. pressures had.become tbo strong t^it&lerat(e''stM|^"

would not have been required. Almost all of Berkeley's present problems have grown out of the essential blunder made in 1964. If one wants to create bogey­men, one must remember that anti-American con­spirators are not magic, but they are clever op­portunists.

The Administration at Notre Dame has managed to be a good bit shrewder than that at Berkeley in the way they grant reforms. This may have been discouraging for my generation there, but in retro­spect, I am grateful. Little that we ever demanded was granted immediately; but a fe\v yeais later, changes would be made. Students can afford to lose a few battles if the war is won; administrations must win batdes and lose wars.

I ^vill close with a thought from Timothy Leary, who is as false a prophet as exists. He claims that much of the opposition to LSD comes from those who fear the expansion of the mind. I would only say that the mind is going to always expand, w th or ^\rithout LSD. He may be correct that people fear such a prospect; I would suggest that we face the facts. Given a people with the leisure to contemplate, land given ready access to the accumulated knowledge <6f our race, youth will always be on the frontier. 'And be it Indians or Socialism that looms at the

political activity in Berkeley ' the stiidentS~\Vvo,ald<hav&"if;;' protested, but the consequerices 'may Svejl %Jive?b'eeiSiv 5 different. Instead, privilege to'\vMch the aM\% sfellji ^ ^ it is always going to be scary. It does no dents had grown accustomed wefesuddieiUycinilLIed^^ to ignore it or to turn away; one must always with no reason offered, A strike resultgd and tjie^tfutlf .^i|§;:iface the unknown. Better to do so prepared than be eventually became known, but ih the meantjmig .t&fi ^^

•"• ' '• •-• . - , . V'.•• „;.-%-'--p-5'-..-vf'rfi$;|r '••• J . P E T E R C L A R K ' 6 4

. • ;* • . • . , , - " • "" j ; ^ '}><555^5iS?S'.|;'r(-;^/Beter-Gfarfc, a cum laade graduate in chemical engineering, . J ""' o '- - = '". ."':'• ~'i'^W'Sf^!C>-^\^w:,is:a candidate for a PhD at the University of Califomia,




I T IS distressing to many Alumni like myself to read the one-sided and pessimistic evalua­tion of today's college youth as presented^ih* "The Lost Image." Without detracting, froi^v

itfiSlwasjjaniiamazmff! statements mcKt: amazing"


' ^ jHaE^E^^Ki ^!^?SS"^t^^*?wM ySofii one who, - Si Cp?<!5 i^asfij^^Mrat: g f iSie i^umni A^peLationi }'

: ^ ^ d ' the author's distinguished career, one can only r e g r e t ^ ; 4 ; ^ ; ^ ^ B l J ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ offer these thoughts

»ple h e - l ^ t . ' V - S S i f g ^ i s ^ ^ l O T n e ^ h i s m^ i his apparent lack of hope in the young peopl served over the yeais.

There is only one kind of person that should the cause of wony in our present society — the^OTiej?" , who sees gigantic plots behind the ordinary workij^;^^^ of history. This person is tj'pified on one hand^ByV^g; Mario Savio of Berkeley who advises his disciples ,to|.;;4.v "trust no one over 30" and on the other liand'>D 'ii\« ; those like Mr. Dudley who thinks he lives "iii*an^-Vy era in which extremists have succeeded in cdnfiising;:^?' the administration" and who shudders at the thqughty^X>; of "bearded young bohemians who wear saridals?and^y \ smoke marijuana and hang out on Manhattan's'IbwerS/'YJ East Side. - •;- >•'

Well, I am not bearded, nor do I wear sandalssori-•'-smoke marijuana, and I hang out on Manhattan's]" -'\ upper East Side. But I have not lost faith in today's?'•; . young people. In fact, I believe the college student'.. % • of the '60s is far more committed to authentic Chri^' tian values than my own "unconcerned" generation'-of the '50s. The commitment of the '60s is not bland acceptance. In fact we have only begun to realize that authentic Christianity is a radical witness (in the best meaning of that term) that is never content with the status quo. Mr. Dudley observes with satis­faction that "90 percent of today's students are not too changed" from those of past years. If that is true, and I fear it is, then I maintain that this is the real failure of our educational institutions. For edu­cation exists only to change people from callow youths into people who live in the mainstream of their history. Mr. Dudley apparentiy fears the rapids of the mainstream. It is to the credit of many college students that they do not share his fear.

\Vhat does the educational process mean, in prac­tice? It means we must have institutions where in­quiry is truly free, where patriotism is not an excuse to eradicate all but one political viewpoint. I t means we must have institutions where even "the philoso­phy of Communism is tolerated," for tolerance is the hallmark of education. Prejudice, on the other hand, is education's worst enemy.


Holder of bachelor's degrees in both English and philosophy, Don Brophy is an associate editor of Paulist-Newman Press in New York City.



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incredible assertions

lrefpj)hy is taught at the University :#g5Galtf6ima{^^f Ber ^ is no longer

rr^i^^^ml^vfoij^feve tibat a univereity is the bastion • jv^: fte^OTa '!of inquiry^ a place where all things can '/'^li^aiftinedyknd reexamined; It is also believed at ,4f Bekdey "ffiat the American dream is strong enough ij tg wgtifefend any reeacam The results of these l ? M i i ^ g) far have been impressive as exemplified in ? the'-560 y C Beiidey students who are now serving :ijin:^0¥(aiciC6t^, more than from any other cam-

r^A::;j<»>nIIfe^were^n^ guiding and partici-r ' j ^ M g ; i n ^ e s6<alled "Filthy Speech Movement" of 'y:965j^,'^UG B^rkieley. Of the nine, only three were ^iSgidgiSi^;^! me-university, not too lai^e a number l l ^ n g a f ^ to the'27,000 students on the campus. All i 6nine,;Sf Ibffe'paifticiparits in this misguided affair were njgraSi^ajJjy local police and the three students were •/;cU^nu^i»^frto the university^ By no stretch of the -Aim^^nation si[ei« the participants considered

campjK?ljradJr5.'vl- -'•?T^CTep aQne7 spme words which many people

might coriaderrmqrehiihjwitant t^ of the US Military Academypi"I3utyi :Hpn ^ which Mr. Dudley has chosen-to taU'.''thbse g ^ t e s t of words." How about Love, Underetanding,ahd)Peace?"

• Why the general respect for athlete has waiied can be a matter of some disagreement' When I was at Notre Dame those juvenile, animal rites of spring called Monogram Club initiations might hiave had something to do with it. You remember, the exhibi­tions of All-America football players makiiigVsppho^ more letter wiimeis eat shavmg cream and cover tiieir faces with sHbe polish.

• " I certainly hope that Notre Dame will remain a place where freedom of thought, mquiry and dis­cussion ^exist in an atmo­sphere of Christian love and tolerance for other people and their ideas. It 'is to such a school that I would one day want to send my son.


Ron Blubaugh, father of three children and a holder of a master's m joumaltsm from Northwestern, is education writer for the Sacramento (Cahf) Bee.



freedom of inquiry?*'

: .- IlB=-= arvTEebruary: issuedpfF thewAiiUMNUSr. -The :' - : ; ^ cpressxwhic-h the yAEUMNusr5eiyes"-io,\-vice-


arid Christianity. " L't; Mlk-^-:SSton?se^^at^SftMhy: We're Here" is at its bfesf naive .«,'3LndfiihtJri6ilwayi' is it a credit forJNptre.Darite/to"^iMg^^ versity. Finally — arid I reahft-timt imreS'lSnnml danger of offending flie |ensiMfi|ijre of rfe;gy/ireada^ -^ I find the obituary notice f®3^^ TvCGa^Uriinxthe/-; worst of bad taste. - , _ ; , . . . - ; <; v iriP(>5?,«;

twdv&-letter man is to be hnnosexual -r- and this seems to be all he can understand of why he doesn't like "malctmtents and beatniks." Because he doesn't have faith in the aUlity of intelligent men to finil and defend the truth, he is mortally afraid (d ccaxt-munism and agnosticism.

I have always been imder the impression that among the greatest words were love, not duty, and justice, not honor, and man — our "neighbor" •— not country. Mr. Dudley has opted, it seems, for thie serviceable virtues, not the moral ones.

It is not that I am opposed to athletes or athletics. -Indeed, my credentials in this r^;ard are peihaps as

Ail of this is representative of %efnMa!naiMf?is- - 5gdod as Mr. Dudley's. I am not the father of six difference Ijetween Mr. Dudley's poiritT of 3 i /C nd ^ mine. He would say that "Hill 4|@",is . ^s|i ^ eulogy for a great American — and I wouMrla^lSiktj^-it is a piece of vulgar piety jmd alnicSt p; mSpggHi&> : mock patriotism. I did not ImoW J . ,j>,;Ga Ut;c; ^ ^ I had, however, I would prefer to reniembgr,iliiinijas2 somethinar more than "a coiribat Marine' -iiwho-"planned to make the Marines his life's AwSflSs' r. feel sure that there must be more to say of iman^S ; a Christian, a graduate of a distingyished. CatnoUfc , university — than tliis. ,: --^^^-C^ri^^t^S^

Part Two of the war propagaiida eanip»£ugn?COTri' . in the amazing story of a. bombihgf turi>^/:^tT<^fi^ Sexton. If Lt. Sexton thinks that ffie/efidJJSf^Kis ^ about fighting in our; airrentv-w he realizes that Aeisprivoarsidei ffiferiperha^ deserves the indirect charactCTrSuicide which he has written. Lt. Sexton's dramatic a^eirtion of seif-justification, that "the mret: iriiportant thing is that in the execu­tion of your riii^iqn many friendly lives were saved," is a statement representative of an insensibility to the nature of our, problems in this war — to the nature and value of- huhian existence generally — which need not be distributed to the public.

Hubert Hiiriiphrey wonders why God-fearing men and women, young "and old, oppose this war. Mr. Humphrey quotes tile Seniipn" on the Moimt, ac­cording to the ALUMiiiujs7:'fv'nnie'= Scripture says, 'Blessed are the peaceniakfei^i'xi^ot'tiie peace pickets, not the peace walkers, not the-peace" pamphleteers — the peacemakers." If Lt Sexton is a peacemaker, thai certairdy I prefer to place my hopes in peace pickets, peace walkers, '^ci peace pamphleteers — and I trust that someday,they won't get "lost in the shuffle" at Notre DariieiV

But if Mr. Dudley-has his way, there will never be anything other thcUi a shuffle — or perhaps a forward pass — at Notre Dame. Mr. Dudley's idea of the world is a fuzzy orie artificially blocked out on the stripes of a flag"6r a-football field, with pure wliite stars for all the;;athletes. H t thinks in terms of "robiistness" as-tiiough to be";, itiiferwise than a

• --" -,'• , . . ' v ' ' • -' ' -••'. •.'''^\.2-'X'i-

ALUMNUS MARCH 1947 APRIL . • . .>^ i - ; i r . j ' : '^ '^ : i^

.children, but I am a three-time graduate ol Notre 'Dame. I served on active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps for three years, and in the inactive reserve for

:fiye more years before reagning as a permanent cap­tain. I have been actively engaged in the fidd of athletics for 27 years — ance I was four years old — as player, fan, professional scout, and son ci a promi­nent coach and athletic director, Ted Homback of Western Kentucky Univeraty. I still play tennis and basketball r^ulariy, and I am still an avid qmrts fan, and I am still the S<HI of my father. I have traveQed extenavdy over the worid (as far as Bdrutj Lebanon in 1958), and I hdd a Rotary International fellowship for study in Ireland in 1961-62. I am now an assistant professor in a distinguished American university and I spend a great deal of my time deal­ing happily, though sometimes critically, with bright young people.

I have known and know now a mmiber of college athletes who are fine, upstanding young men. But to my knowledge, cdlege athletes have never as a class been the "leaders and men of responsibility" on university campuses. Most of the monogram dubs in our universities would be hard pressed to find any­one with both the time and the talent for such activities as student govenmient or student journalism. Most athletes spend thdr time — and they exercise their talents — in the activities which their profes-aon requires of them. Few of thdr fdloW students hold this against them, really, or are jealous of them

even concerning thdr priv­ileges. Certainly what dif- ferences there arc between the athlete and the student carmot be exjdained by Mr. Dudley's masculinity theory, that, the "angry young men" aire "jealous" <rf the athlete's "athletic ainlity"; most 61 Mr. Dudley's "so-called intd-lectuals" have more im?


"Duty, Honor and Country . . .

t , why not

Love, Understanding and Peace?"

portant things to occupy their minds than the jealousy of the 96-{K)und weakling;'

It is unfortunate that Mr, Dudley has chosen to libel the students in our universities as he has, de­nouncing them as immoral,-/godless, and unpatriotic young people, and attempting.to suggest that they are communists, sjinpathizers, dupes, and fellow travel­lers — and all because some of'them, wear beards, and don't dress in Uncle Sam suits.

Does it really make it so to "want to believe" that athletes are "not merely men of bra^yn and skill but wholesome American youngsters who'were taught the significance of the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and other fundamental principles of religion"? How are the athletes filling their "normal roles as leaders and men of responsibility" and demon­strating their wholesomeness in betting scandals, cheating scandals, and slush-fundings? The generaliza­tion won't work — though it is as unfair to malign athletes and athletics generally by reporting the sins of the gambleis, the cheaters, and the solicitors among them as it is to pretend that the athletes in our uni­versities are the pure heart and-the dedicated hope of our student bodies. '•'"

It is not my intention to afgiie against athletes and athletics; but I must answer Mr. Dudley's flabby case against students and for athletes. And it is in a like spirit that I must argue .'against Mr. Humphrey's blasphemous name-calling, and against the false and pious praise paid to the memory of J. J. Carroll, and against the metaphysical obscenity reported as the words of Lt. Sexton. Notre Dame deserves more than this — and we o%ve it to ourselves to demand more.


Awarded bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees from Notre Dame, Bert Hornback now is an assistant professor of English at the University of Michigan. • ••


BUD DUDLEY'S essay "The Lost Image" certainly has captured the spirit of the Vatican Council. Unfortunately, it is the spirit of the Vatican Council in 1870

rather than the magnificent effort of an awakened, inquiring, and "dissatisfied" Catholic Church of this decade. Perhaps more apropos, Mr. Dudley's essay could be at home in the "American Legion Mag­azine" "Reader's Digest," "American Opinion," or in an old Ronald Reagan campaign speech, but it is disturbing to find it offered as a philosophical ex­ercise by a semi-official spokesman of a large educa­tional institution which has taken so many strides toward becoming a great university.

We know and care little and are affected not the least by the gladiators of Rome or the medieval jousters or the logrollers of the 19th century. But we are profoundly affected by the thinkers and the angry men (with or without beards) of another area — whether they be Socrates, Aquinas, Beethoven or Marx, Darwin, or Lenin, or Christ driving the money changers from the temple.

Perhaps we could point up Sparta to Mr. Dudley — fine athletes all — and perhaps best known for their contribution to the destruction of Greek civiliza­tion. Bill Bradley and Pete Dawkins and many an unsung Notre Dame scholar-athlete have great sta­ture because they were able to keep athletics in per­spective through the realization that scholarship comes first and athletics a desirable but distant second.

Like many, and I trust most of my fellow alumni, I am immensely proud of my univereity for its great strides in faculty and curriculum; for the ever-in­creasing intellectual caliber of its student body; and for its leadership in the thorny issues of the day whether it be the Peace Corps-, civil rights, or its study and dialogue with other faiths, and economic and political sjstems including Marxism. I am proud of Notre Dame for its realization that 3500 full study spaces in the library are really more important than 59,000 full seats in the stadium; and that Danforth Fellows have at least equal status with All-Americans.

I am proud that the University has realized that inquiry, dissatisfaction, and dissent from old and established ideas and resulting changes to meet to­day's problems are as important to the President of the University and to the Theology and History De­partments as they are to the coaching staff.

I am proud of Notre Dame because it recognizes that smug satisfaction with the same old safe medi­ocrity is impossible in a great university and that new and even radical ideas cannot be only tolerated but are essential.

I am proud of Notre Dame because of its under­standing that college students are not boys to be re­strained with cloistered discipline and that the uni­versity is not a military school or a boarding school for delinquents. A university is not a machine where students are to be stamped and propagandized with



unexplained and unanalyzed slogans whether they be in the name of "duty, honor, country" or Catholi­cism. A great university offers a dialogue between student and teacher where the process is to explain, explore, criticize, reject, complain, dissent, and if necessary, to rebel. Only if Notre Dame continues to serve these purposes can it produce the "man for all seasons" in the 20th century. The day of the Babbit and "jock," the conformist and the promoter is hope­fully past at Notre Dame. The era of the Man has dawned.

When Notre Dame is dedicated to impregnating the acceptance of Catholicism or American life of today as the millennium by suppressing dissent, by accepting what seems to be Mr. Dudley's definitions of duty, honor, and country, we can return the plains of Indiana to the Indians. Away with the Hesburghs and the Shusters, the Noonans and the Rossinis. We can make the library an annex of the Rock and, oh, yes! Ara will have to go, too. His defense has been described as "radical" and his offensive formations are often strong to the left!


Rege Murrin has been prac­ticing law in Pittsburgh since his graduation from Harvard Law School in 1959. The father of three daughters, he also is a candidate for a LLM. from Temple Uni­versity.

WE ALL agree an athlete is measured on the field by his accomplishment there. When he walks off the field into the pertinent areas of life, he has

to be measured there, also, by his accomplishment. I, too, like to see fine upstanding young men lead our youth. If the athletes of today speak to the issues which command the attention and concern of stu­dents, they will certainly find the students behind them. I cannot agree that many of those to whom our young people now look are not themselves fine upstanding people. To us they may not look like the leaders of yesterj'ear, but perhaps the problems and concerns of today attract and need new tj-pes.

Intelligent students today will have no more of our pulpit oratory. They are calling our hand — "put up or shut up." Surely, we have the Ten Com­mandments and the Sermon on the Mount as guide-posts; so have we a multitude of papal encyclicals, bishops' statements plus an abundance of stated pa­triotic goals. However, the adults' day-to-day living of these commandments, sermons, encyclicals, state-


ments andispitriotic goals doesn't, in the eyes of to­day's yputhj?quite measure up. Today's youth really listens to what'the adult world says, and then— unfortunately fdr{many of us — really looks at what we do. Small %^nder, given the "credibility gap" they find, that nijny are cynical vuibelieveis. They turn away from jJSyjaSnd from that which molded us, and attempt to find^her methods of making a "good world" with a bettpv America. "Is America today really the 'land of th&^free'?" they ask. Watts, Cicero, Chicago's Lawndale,^d Gage Park shout, "No!" Four letter words send ^JMto a tizzy, but the students watch us close dpw^ a Hollywood teen-age beatnik club a few doors foom the Playboy Club — only to find us replacing the'teen-age club with a topless bar. That doesn't mjikeifsense to our young people; it shouldn't make s e ^ : to us. I am thoroughly con­vinced that youth^ants goodness — real goodness — and that halting.^Sld stumbling along the way, as certainly we hav;ejTthey will reach their goals. Theirs are the honest . pp&i minds which are needed and I feel today's universities, for the most part, are pro­viding the afrnt^phere necessary for their devdop-ment. Youth today has its heroes as we had ours, but their heroes ar^?more immediate and have won their honors in thcf battles which concern the young.

It obviously is wrong to disagree with anyone who says Wjc' should serve God and coimtry. But how do we'do it? Frankly, I'm not content to show my eight?children pictures of MacArthur or George Washington to instill patriotism. Nor am I excited to illustiiite Christian charity with stories of Damien the le^'r. Not in an era which produces a Rev. James Reebj housewife Viola Liuzzo or seminarian Jona­than Daniels who died here — right here in the United-States — for the loftiest Christian principle: love of one's neighbor. Am I to tell my children that the story; of our Foimding Fathers is more pertinent to America than the revolution for human indepen­dence they see exploding all about them?

I arniconvinced that I can entrust my children to America's academic community. And as long as educators like Father Hesburgh urge university gradu­ates (Univ^iof Illinois, June, 1966): "Commitment, compassion, i consecration — wherever you go, what­ever you do, thSe three values are sturdy companions along the way,"~we need not fear the "robust" nature of our American colleges and universities.

'-it' JOHN L . WIGGINS '43

Jack IVig^ns, secretary for the Class of '43, is a regional sales manager for the Philip A. Hunt Chemical Corp. Father of eight and a native of Chicago, Jack now lives in La Crescenta, Calif.


I AM 22, unmarried, and have been a student all my life. While in high school I ran cross­country and track but never participated in any organized team sportsV I admire and, I

suppose, secretly env)' athletes for their physical abili­ties. I've ob\'iously never fought in a war, nor do I wish to. Only vaguely do I remember the Korean "conflict" and the threat of Stalin to Western Europe. The McCarthy debacle appears to me like Cromwell's devastating march through Ireland. The Senator came to save America; instead he left destruction and tragedy where he trod. I hope this background will enable Alumni to be tolerant of the several points I would like to discuss.

The first is the relationship of the university to "dut}', honor, countrj" (General MacArthur, fare­well address at AVest Point). The job of the univer­sity is to help to teach the student to analyze situa­tions objectively and to keep an open mind while seeking to resolve these situations. It should provide an atmosphere in which he can observe various ethi­cal codes, reflect on them, compare them with his own, and after this reappraisal decide on some sort of system of values. Using this code as a guideline, he can see there his "dut)'" lies both in professional and personal situations.

At Notre Dame the code which is most strongly fostered, both because of the relatively hom*ogeneous nature of the student body and because of the nature of the institution, is one based on the importance of the individual person and indixddual involvement with the problems of others. This kind of commitment has prompted many ND men to enter such activities as CILA, neighborhood self-help programs in South Bend and Chicago, and the Peace Corps in order to get to know and to understand better the problems of others and to try to help out when possible.

Unfortunately, the concepts "my country, right or ^vrong" and even "my church, right or wrong" are not necessarily part of this Christian commitment. Might not a person honorably follow his duty and object to an Asian war which is being fought pri­marily to maintain his country's ideological sphere of influence? Might not a person logically question his Church's traditional stands on birth control and

divorce after being confronted with the suffering caused by overpopulation, illegitimacy, and unhappy marriages? To my way of thinking constant reevalua-tion of tradition is the mark of an intelligent man. Indoctrination is not education.

This brings me to the place of the malcontent both in the univereity and in society as a whole. If it were not for the agitation of "so-called intellec­tuals," change in entrenched institutions would be slow, if it occurred at all.

Agitation in the 1930's by labor leaders, some of whom no doubt were Socialists and Communists, changed for the better the lot of the workingman in the United States and in the world as a whole. Dedicated civil rights workers have forced a com­placent middle-class society to reevaluate traditional attitudes toward American Negroes. In the Middle Ages, Martin Luther's stand against a degenerate, temporally oriented, religious dictatorship prompted much-needed reform within a corrupt institution. Modem theologians, both within and outside the Roman Church have caused the Church to reevaluate its role in the modem world. Malcontents, rabble-rousers — all have a very important place in society; and I, for one, am willing to tolerate a lunatic fringe provided that such an atmosphere of ferment pro­duces social progress. The university, as a more or less closed society, provides a logical forum in which to argue about the ways and means of social reform.

This brings me to the assumption that athletes are somehow uniquely fitted to be campus leaders. Is it because they usually have short hair and do not wear beards? (Long hair is uncomfortable inside a football helmet and a beard would be just one more thing to grab.) Or is it because they always dress well? Or is it because they are accustomed to taking orders from a coach or a quarterback and following their assignments for the good of the team? Obviously this is the only way to win a game. But is it any way to run a college campus or a nation? I think not.

I have known personally and know of many ath­letes both at Notre Dame and at Indiana University and have found them not much different from other students. Dick Arrington, Alan Page, and other ath-

"At Notre Dame the code

which is m.ost strongly fostered . . .

is one based on the importance of the person

and individual involvement with the problems


letes took an interest in the South Bend ndghborhood programs while they were at Notre Dame. On the other hand, there were some athletes, often not the best, who talked for hours, in minute detail, about their latest romantic conquests in South Bend. There were also many who worked about as hard as most of us, enjoyed themselves occasionally, and had a fairly normal college experience except that they were in the Sunday morning papers. At Notre Dame the athletes are a moderately good cross section of the student body, but let's not forget that this is not always the case. At many schools the reputation of athletes as moral degenerates with substandard intellectual capacity is well deserved. Many schools treat athletes simply as professionals who take courses mainly to fulfiU NCAA rules. ^

A trait that many athletes have in common, which could be put to good use in campus activities, is an ama2ing drive and dynamism which they carry over from the playing field into their everyday hfe. So much time is required of them by their coaches, however, that most have a hard enough time keep­ing up with their course work let alone getting in­volved as leaders in campus politics or publications. Due to increased study loads and competition, col­lege today is much different from what it was twenty years ago. This cramped schedide for the athletes is the fault of the big-time athletic system and not of the athletes. Maybe this is why the Ivy League, sneered at by most Midwest sports fans, produced a Rhodes Scholar-athlete.

Frankly, I'm tired of people who get all bent out of shape when they see a guy with long hair or a beard. Many people, and I'm afraid that Mr. Dud­ley is one of them, jump to the conclusion that any­one that criticizes the status quo is in league with Satan or in some other way anti-American. Real life is not a football game. You do not run roughshod over people just because someone has something you want, whether you are playing at home or in some­one else's back yard. In some instances people ought to admit their mistakes and retreat as gracefully as possible rather than attempt to pull the game out of the fire for God, country, the subway alumni and the puppet master.



n ' >••"

Tom Hanley was a geology major at Notre Dame and cur­rently is working towards his PhD at Indiana University.

of others."


PARSEGHIAN Man with the answers


Season for Questions Five months after the awarding of the national championship to the Notre Dame football team, the signs of victory linger on. "ND—No. 1" stickers still cover the campus on everything from dorm windows to car bumpers. But now spring is in the air, and attention is turning to the 1967 season.

The canvas is up enclosing Cartier Field behind a wall of secrecy. The well-padded silhouettes emerge daily from the varsity room and trek their way across campus to the practice field. Mingled with their shadows in the afternoon sun are the shadowy thoughts that are the hallmark of spring football. Primary in everyone's mind is the big question: "How will the team look this season?"

The loss of key varsity men raises the big question of who; will step up to fill the holes in the lineup. Aiailyses of strengths and weaknesses of the team and individuals will be the foremost task of the coaching stafif during the short-lived spring seascm. Untried players will vie for posts in the opening lineup against ihe vet­erans who will have to prove anew their worth in the line and backfidd. Finding out just who will be the 11 men on the fiield for kickoff Sept 23 is what spring football is all about


This year the Irish eleven lost 10 players who were each mentioned on at least one All-America team. One of the biggest gaps Coach Parseghian will have to fill is in the backfield where Nick Eddy and Larry Conjar set very high standards. Hopefuls for the backfield posts include juniors Bob Gladieux and Tom Quinn and first-year-man Jeff Zimmerman. Team Captain Bob Bleier is sure to return to his right-halfback spot

The center position finds four contenders for George Goeddeke's old post. Junior Tim Monty and senior Steve Quinn will vie against sophs Larry Vuillemin and Terry Brennan. Veterans Roger Fox and Tom Mc-Kinley are out to be named regulars in the guard post vacated by Tom Regner. Giving them competition this spring will be a trio of sophom*ores— Randy Harkins, Jim Reilly and Jim Ruzicka.

At the ends the Irish have an abundance of veterans. Juniors Brian Stenger, Curt Heneghan and Paul Snow are front runners along with senior Kevin Rassas and newcomer Nick Furlong. Senior Mick Kuzmicz and soph Tom Lawson are out for the other end post

Last season's sophom*ore "super­stars" Jim Seymour, Terry Hanratty and Coley O'Brien will be returning to tibe Imeup as seasoned veter^s with a lot of their own records to break. Seymour is No. 1 candidate at split end where he earned All-America honors and broke ND records for most passes caught in one game and inqst yards on receptions.

The Mme question that plagued followere of Irish football in '66 is back this year: "Who will call the signals?" Both Hanratty and O'Brien


will be vying for number-one spot and neither will be content to rest on his laurels of the past season. Hanratty finished with a .531 com­pletion percentage and threw 147 passes for 1247 yards and eight TDs. O'Brien has a .512 completion record with 82 passes for 562 yards. In his only start of the season at Southern California he tied the ND record for the number of completions in one game with 21 tosses good for three touchdowns.

The big defensive question at the close of the '66 campaign centered around the return of Coach John Ray and AU-American Kevin Hardy. Both were caught in the quandary of opting for another season with the Irish. Coach Ray was offered several head coaching posts but turned them down in favor of molding another outstand­ing defense for Notre Dame. Hardy debated a return for another season of eligibility. He'll be missing from the spring gridiron, but only because he's a veteran on the baseball team.

In '67 Hardy will be the only returning member of the defense's front four. There is speculation that three sophs may join him in holding back the opposition: Jay Ziznewski, Mike McCoy and Bob Jockisch. Returning to maintain the defensive line are juniors Eric Norri, Chuck Lauck and Bill Skoglund.

Even in football the proof is in the pudding and no amount of specula­tion can take the place of seeing the Fighting Irish in action. Notre Dame followers will get their first taste of things to come May 6 when Coach Parseghian fields his potential opening lineup at the Old-Timers game. A traditional match between graduated stars and the varsity, the game closes the spring season and opens a new period in the football year—the wait for Sept. 23 and the opening whisde.

En Garde The winningest team on the varsity scoreboard slashed its way to another perfect season and set a new record in the process. The Notre Dame fencers, victorious in 18 matches, tallied their fifth perfect season in history to set a new mark for total matches won during a single season. The last perfect campaign for the team, which gained varsity status, in 1934, was put on the records nine years ago.

The fencers parried their way to a .708 season with victories in 344 bouts.:.' High scorers for the season were dig." sabre men who, led by co-cap^iinj Jack Haynes, amassed a 17-1 recqrdsv' The foil team was close behind comr: piling a matching bout record of 118-44, but dropping two of its matches. Epee men finished 16-2 for the season, winning 108 of their meets.

The blademen are coached by Mike DeCicco, assistant professor of me^ chanical engineering, whose insistence on precision and versatility of form earned him NCAA Coach of the Year honors in 1966. This year, he sent three men to the NCAA Fencing Championships. Co-captain Pat Korth, and juniors John Crikelair and Steve Donlon sought AU-American honors in sabre, foU and epee at the NCAA meet.

In the Big League There are now seven active club sports on campus, but the Hockey Club hopes to make it only six by the end of the year. The team has peti­tioned the University's Athletic Board' to admit hockey to the ranks of var^ : sity sports. Acceptance would guar-' antee the team a full-time eoach^ more ice time and mark it as an 6ir:\ ficial representative of Notre Dame; r'

HARDY and RAY Men in a quandary

Hockey, which has been an or' ganlzed sport at ND for only a very ijnr years, has grown'rapidly. This ,pjkst season the stickmen played 19 •g^aiagaiast varsity teams across the ;cwEg|^; from Erie, Pa. to Colorado ^§pn^^ Colo. More than 30,000 fans fg^djlitp;; see the Irish hockey team 5sMgJ^;,way to a 14-5 season. The ^club monbas initiated the first col-,legi|i^ jockey tourney in the histcvy ^M jShia^go's Stadium, the Notre ^^a^;J[nvitationaI, a coup which the " Big JE^ai'plans to imitate next year. :>:-• T^m!-'members contend, however, :; iMt jthey cannot continue to repre-i seat J^otre Dame in the manner the ^;nadim|5 sports fans have come to ex-\ peftiof all ND teams, if they do not ' ha>^>^e benefits of the solid organiza-itiOTi,'!. which varsity status aJfTords.

S^mngly, the University is not ad-vei^.to die proposaL Plans for the nie~$. Athletic and Convocation Center rionv. imder construction call for a pamanent ice rink in the arena dome.

However, the Athletic Board was not?'quite willing to grant immediate vaSity status to the hockey players. At Its meeting held March 15, it was decided to postpone accepting hockey into varsity ranks until the 1968-69 sea»n.

For ilie Record The; wrap-up of another basketball season found the ND c^ers bettering Coach Johnny Dee's preseason pre­diction of a .500 record. Putting a mark of 14-12 on the boards, the

•-predominately sophom*ore t e a m brought ND back to the ranks of

"respectable teams and gave bright • promise for the future.

The season's scoring tally found soph Bob Amzen at the top in all

• categories but one. His 597 was the highest ever recorded by a first-year player and placed him niunber two in all-time Irish scoring annals. Lead­ing the team with a 21.4 scoring average, he completed 147 free throws ior a .831 average and top ranking

.'in that department. With such record-breaking per­

formances behind him, Bob's team­-mates accorded him dual honors. He :'.\^ chosen the team's most valuable player and elected captain of the i%7-68 squad. Not since die 1936-37" season has a junior lead the Irish cagers. l^/Rounding out the list of three top 'scorers were sophom*ores Bob Whit-more and Dwight Murphy. Tops in reboimding. Bob had a 13.7 averse ^ i l tallied 458 points for the seascm. D ^ g h t took number-three honors, scoring a 10.4 average.


A Proposal to All College Basketball Coaches N OTRE DAME basketball coach, Johnny Dee, has a multimillion-dollar

idea for determining the nation's No. 1 basketball team. And he would like to see the NCAA adopt the system which provides for participation by all of the large and small universities and colleges in the country.

The financial aspect is not the overriding factor in Dee's proposal, although he does admit this can be an important consideration. Those who have heard Dee explain his postseason tournament idea have liked it and all have agreed that, while it is a radical departure from the system currently used by the NCAA in crowning a champion, it could develop an unprecedented interest in college basketball.

The ALUMNUS talked to Dee recently when he discussed in detail his proposed play-off system:

• The NEW YORK TIMES recently ran a story about your pro­posal for a new NCAA basketball tournament. What is your plan? My proposal for the NCAA basketball play-offs isn't really original. Actually, it is already in use by some states in determining state high school cham­pions such as in Indiana. Basically, the system calls for every team to enter in an elimination tournament.

{•-,• How would you apply this formula in determining an NCAA champion?. First of all, I 'd like to see all NCAA teams—^majors, minors, the smallest and the largest—in one tournament. There are over 500 NCAA teams, only


a few more than the number of high schools in Indiana. We would start with this number and match teams up in 64 sectionals around the country involving eight team tournaments.

• How would teams be matched up? According to states, existing conferences?

I t would be far more interesting if state lines or conference lines were not followed in every case. For instance, you wouldn't necessarily want to match up six or eight of the Big Ten teams in one of the sectional play-offs. In this case we could follow state lines in order to get a "different look." The same would hold true for the Southeastern Conference. Many of

the teams would be involved with other nonconference opponents, for instance paired more or less geograph­ically.

• How would your play-off system begin?

We would start with the 64 eight-team sectionals. A four-game session would be played Friday, a two-game session Saturday afternoon with the finals and consolation games on Saturday night

• Wouldn't that be too much basketball in a short space of time for the winners?

Yes, it is a lot of basketball but not too much. It's as fair for one team


as for the other. And, if everyone thought it was too much, you could schedule four games at convenient sites earlier in the week and then bring four teams into the Friday night session for two games.

• What advantage do you see in this play for college basketball fans?

I like the idea because of the great interest it would give college basket­ball. Fans would be talking about the college tournament in every section of the country. With over 500 teams starting off just think of the interest there would be initially. And this interest would carry through until the tournament was over.

• What advantages are there for the players and coaches?

I think every player and every coach would welcome the plan. Right now, if you are a member of a conference team and you lose four or five games, and don't win the conference title, your season it over. There's really no incentive. But if you had a tourna­ment shot at the end of February or early March, the squad wouFd not lose its enthusiasm. If you look over the results of conference play throughout the country for this past year, I'm sure you'd find that in more than a few cases a conference runner-up finished only a game, or half a game behind the winner. In this new proposal the runner-up has another chance at a tournament. The classic example is the Big Ten. Michigan State and Indiana tied for the con­ference championship, but Indiana was the Big Ten representative in the NCAA play-offs because of the con­ference rule which selects the team which has been absent from the post­season tournament the longest. Who is to say that Michigan State would not have been just as fine a repre­sentative as Indiana, or better. The new play should decide this.

• Wouldn't small colleges be at a big disadvantage in this plan?

I don't believe so. Actually, this would help create greater overall interest. Let's say a team like San Diego State would knock out UCLA in die sectional. Fans would be talk­ing about that one for years. And, realistically, it could happen rather frequently because many small col­leges and universities have fine basket­ball teams simply because there are good basketball players for everyone. For them, the expense of a basketball team is small in comparison to a foot­ball program. That's the reason why schools like Marquette, LaSalle, Loy­ola, DePauI, Duquesne always have


An end-of-the-season tournament for all large and small college teams is Coach Johnny Dee's proposal for determining the NCAA basketball champion. Currently before the Basketball Coaches executive committee, the plan must receive NCAA membership-wide approval before being enacted.

representative teams in basketball but no football teanos at alL

Furtherm(x«, look what Southern Illinois did this past season. And remember, this is a team which is listed as a small college. All Southern Illinois did was win the NIT tourna­ment which included such teams as Duke, Marquette, Syracuse, Rutgers, Providence, and New Mexico. And during the r^ular season this team beat Louisville, one of the majtM' powerhouses, which was ranked na­tionally all during the season. Coa-sequently, I think the inclusion of small teams is a plus factor, a bonus which can add a dramatic element to the play-offs.

• What would be the financial arrangements for participating teams? Well, let's say each sectional, played in three sessions, was held in a field-house with a 10,000-seat capacity. That means 30,000 people for each of the 64 sectionals, or a total of 1,920,000 fans for the first week of play. At two dollars per person, that comes to 3.8 million dollars. And that's not counting possible television or radio revenue.

Following the first week you would then have 16 four-team tournaments with two games on Friday and two games on Saturday. Tha^s 20,000 more people for each of the 16 tour­naments, or 320,000 total spectators at $2.00 each. Based on the 10,000-seat capacity, which we mentioned, the total comes close to five million dollars for the entire tournament The $7-8,000 each team would get for that first week in the tourney would be a big help to thdr athletic programs. That's more than some teams take in during the seascHi.

• What do you think would be the reaction to this play from other coaches? Frankly, I think the coaches would like i t Most college coaches came out of high school systems where this type of play is used. And it would decide once and for all the No. 1 team. Every team in the country starts off with a chance.

• Now that you have the detedls worked out, where do you go from here with your proposal? I wrote to the chairman of the Basket­ball Coaches' executive ctxnmittee some weeks ago asking for an op­portunity to present the plan at the Coaches' Convention in mid-March. The committee will have to decide whether or not the plan is wtvth considering and whether or not it should be presented to the member­ship.


Its doors have been open but three years, but already the Memorial Library- has become a haven. The students come here to study, Iea\ing behind them the distractions of the nonacademic world. Laying claim to a familiar chair, each surrounds himself with the tools of his trade. Hunched over a desk or sprawled in a chair, each pursues knowledge in his

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own way, at his own pace. Isolated from his fellows by the powers of concentration, the student counts as his companions only his book and his paper. Bemused or inspired, or even befuddled, the students wholeheartedly go about the business of being students. Concentration, the hallmark of these hours, vies only with exhaustion.

photos bif nichanl Stevens


.Mr. Dennis J . Dugan • Dept . of Economics Bbx U .Notre Dame, Ind . 465o6


































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