Understanding the Average Lifespan of a Car (2024)

When buying a car, there’s always one big variable that affects how much value you will get out of your car. The average lifespan of a car can make or break the return you get on your investment. You want to make sure the money you spend on that new car will be worth the investment. Knowing how long your car will last means you can plan ahead and make better purchases in the future.

As a car owner or someone who is considering purchasing a car, you want to know how long your vehicle’s lifespan is going to be. In terms of your current vehicle, knowing your car’s lifespan can help you plan the timing of your next purchase. If you are looking for a new vehicle, you can get the most out of it by choosing a model known to have a long lifespan for a car. So how long does the average car last?

What’s the Average Life of a Car?

In the past, the average lifespan of a car was significantly lower than it is today. Now, you can expect a standard car to last around 12 years or about 200,000 miles. More advanced vehicles like electric cars can go even longer, up to 300,000 miles.

Not too long ago, you could expect a car’s lifespan to be around eight years and 150,000 miles. In fact, getting to that 100,000-mile mark used to be a pretty big deal. Now, it’s really just a stepping stone or halfway point to what you can expect from today’s vehicles.

Advances in technology have made a big difference on the average lifespan of a car. Think about oil changes as an indication of how things have changed. Experts used to recommend an oil change every 3,000 miles. Now, you can go double, triple, even four or five times that long depending on your vehicle, how you drive it, and the type of oil you choose. Better electronics help your car run more smoothly and precisely, which adds to a car’s life expectancy.

Some estimates for the average lifespan of a car come in lower. According to a report from Consumer Reports, the common lifespan of a car is still estimated to be about eight years or 150,000 miles. Of course, the results of this report should be considered as the average lifespan overall, and not necessarily what you can expect from your car. However, the answer to the question, what is the average life of a car, depends on two important things: the model and make of your car, and how well you take care of your car.

Which Models Have Longer Lifespans?

A lot goes into factoring the average lifespan of a car. Advanced features and top-of-the-line parts can make a real difference in a car’s lifespan. Of course, not all cars are created equal, but who makes your car also plays a role in how long it will last. According to this report, cars manufactured by Japanese companies are at the top of the list for higher lifespans.

Other factors that affect a car’s lifespan include:

  • Standard car engine vs. electric
  • Foreign vs. domestic makes
  • Advanced vehicle monitoring systems

Understanding the Average Lifespan of a Car (1)

What Can You Do to Increase the Average Life of Your Car?

Of course, the statistics here only share part of the picture. When you look at the average lifespan of a car, you should also think about the high end and the low end of the scale. On the low end, you are looking at vehicles that have shortcomings in terms of the model and parts. On top of that, there is likely a general lack of care that goes into those cars with shorter lifespans.

For vehicles that soar past the average lifespan of a car, one of the big factors in their success is maintenance. That is something you can do to keep your vehicle going strong. Sure, we don’t have to change our oil as often as we used to, but we still need to get it done. Other regular maintenance choices include having good tires and the alignment checked.

Proper maintenance and interior detailing are key to the longevity of your vehicle and to enjoying it for years to come. The satisfaction of car ownership often depends on what you put into it. By servicing your vehicle routinely and making sure it gets regular oil changes you can extend the life of your car by years.

However, it might be a good idea to replace your vehicle if it is several years old as there are some great advancements in the automobile industry in the past 12 years that will also prolong the life of your car. Keeping an eye on the market and loving the car you have is a great way to extend your automobile’s life.

For auto body and collision repair services, so you can get the most out of your vehicle, contact Cascade Collision today for a free quote.

Understanding the Average Lifespan of a Car (2024)


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